Can Leucine Help Me Lose Weight?

Another good article I found that’s definitely worth reading. Most of the work to writing a blog is the research you need to do to stay current. So gathering the material and sorting through to find the good stuff is what I do, This will hopefully save you time and make your life a little easier. I don’t advocate supplements and I wrote about this before. I like to find those foods that actually contain the vitamins or minerals I want, that way I know my body is absorbing what i need. My thoughts have always been that diet is the most important part of losing weight and lost fat is the most important part of losing weight. You have to find ways to maintain muscle mass while the pounds are coming off.

What is leucine and why does it matter in your weight loss plan?

Leucine is an essential amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Protein helps your body to build and maintain muscle.

Your body makes some, but not all, amino acids. Your body does not make leucine. So, if you want to consume the amino acid, it needs to come from a supplement or it needs to be present in the protein rich foods that you eat.

Wll Leucine Help Me Lose Weight?
For several years now, researchers have been studying the impact of leucine on weight loss. Some scientists believe that leucine can help your body hold on to muscle mass when you are dieting. Maintaining muscle mass is important for both initial weight loss and for weight maintenance because those muscles help your body burn more calories every day.

So why isn’t every dieter running to the store for leucine supplements? Because many of the studies about leucine have been done on rats and mice. So if your rat needs to lose weight, then a leucine supplement may be in order. But to date, no research study has been able to deliver conclusive results that leucine will necessarily aid in weight loss or weight maintenance in humans.

Should I Take a Leucine Supplement?
Even though conclusive evidence has evaded researchers, you may still be tempted to take a leucine supplement just in case it might help. There are plenty of supplements available. But, many of them are targeted to weight lifters who want to gain weight, not lose weight. As a result, those products may contain significant calories.

A better option is to eat foods rich in leucine. Chicken, eggs, salmon and beef are all good sources of leucine. You should also make sure that you consume enough protein in your daily diet. Even though researchers have not found a direct link between leucine and weight loss, many studies now support the use of a higher protein diet to lose weight.

And lastly, you can incorporate strength training into your weight loss workouts. Build muscle withsimple exercises that you do at home. The muscles you build will help you maintain a healthy metabolism and help to shape a lean, tight body.


American Chemical Society. ” Research from Everest: Can leucine help burn fat


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