How To Stop Over-Eating

Did you know that most people fail to stick to their diet plans because of what I call “automatic eating”? That’s eating that seems to be outside your control, because it’s generated by the unconscious part of your mind. And what’s the main thing that stimulates this unconscious eating? STRESS. Here’s what happens in your body when you’re stressed: Your body makes WAY too much cortisol, the main stress hormone. Cortisol is helpful when you’re in a real fight- or-flight situation–but most of us make too much Cortisol ALL THE TIME. And guess what? Cortisol causes weight-gain (especially around the middle)–and it leads to many other SERIOUS health problems. To solve this problem, we need something that reduces stress and Cortisol levels. And, I’ve found it. I walk briskly or sometimes I use a stationary bike. You can use a treadmill. I do about 20 minutes and I can feel the difference in my body. Stress brought on by anger is different and don’t confuse them, the solutions are different. Stress brought on by anger can also be remedied by exercise but it usually takes more pumping iron for me to work through my anger. What I call normal stress is generally from work or your kids or your husband or life partner. Just the normal problems that we all work through everyday. Why, you may ask would normal problems or a normal work load cause stress? Well, there’s no such thing as a normal work load anymore. We cause our own problems, usually by thinking we can do more in less time. This causes us to always rush. And it’s that rushing thru life that causes stress. Feel for yourself what exercise does for your stress level. (You won’t believe how it will change the way you feel.) It can help you: ++ Dramatically lower your stress level… ++ Reduce cortisol levels… ++ Stop cortsol-induced weight-gain… ++ End habitual eating… ++ BOOST your energy level… ++ And much, much more… Lite-exercise for those who don’t exercise will help boost metabolism, help curve your appetite and allow you to loss weight. Most of the causes of over weight are stress and habit. So yes, it’s a fact that stress will affect a change in the chemistry of your body and that will have different effects on different people and for some it can cause you to eat more. Others may eat less so it doesn’t affect everyone the same. The other major cause of weight gain is habit. We eat-out too much. We are usually eating too much of the wrong things. We don’t eat a mid-morning snack to hold us until lunch, so at lunch we over eat. If your eating lunch out with a friend, you generally order about the same amount of food. Don’t be afraid to order smaller portions. Your diet should be foods that gives you the strength to keep going. That’s it. Food that gets you to the next meal or snack. Normally people think they need to eat until they’re full. Or eat when your hungry. Not so, if you start in the morning by eating breakfast, then you have a start, a place were you can continue from. To put this in context, I wake up one hour before I leave the house. I have coffee and hot cereal with fruit or honey. If i want a change, I eat yogurt with fruit or honey. That’s me, everyone’s different ham and eggs is a good breakfast, just not every day. The object is to eat something nutritious, protein and whole grain that will keep you from getting hungry for about three or four hours. The hard part is making time to eat. I always hear the same excuse, “I don’t have time”. Wake up earlier, start to do something for you. All the bad habits you’ve picked up over the years has lead you to this place your at today. If you want to really lose weight and keep it off you have to change what your doing now. If you listen to “The today Show” or watch the weather channel in the morning you probably have heard Al Roker. Al has and interesting story about his battle with weight lose. Al was much heavier than he is today, almost double the size. On a Today Show a few months ago, he told about how he decided to change his life. All the diets he ever did only gave him temporary weight lose and then he’d return to his normal pattern of eating and the weight came back. After several years of this he knew if he didn’t change his life he’d never keep the weight off. Now he has protein shakes for breakfast and small meals during the day, only eating foods that give him the nutrition he needs to keep going. Pick up one of Al’s books and read the whole story. I have to be a fan of anyone who can make that big a change in his life and never turned back.


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