Can Probiotics Make You Skinny?

This post will contain some info from an older post, but I received comments that some readers didn't get it and I'm sorry about that and I'll explain thing better this time. First of all I think it's real important you get this. Probiotics is the good bacteria in your stomach and intestinal track. This is the part that digests your food, true, but it also is 80% of your immune system. Think about how often you get sick, how often do you have heart burn, acid reflux, trouble with your bowels, all of these problems can be caused from the lack of good bacteria in your digestive track. Lack of good bacteria can also be the reason you add body fat and then can't lose it. The good bacteria called probiotics should out number bad bacteria 9 to 1. Now you might ask how did I lose the good bacteria? Yes, you are born with the right balance of good and bad bacteria but what you eat for example sugar will destroy good bacteria, but that's not the only food that kills good bacteria. Many already prepared foods contain chemicals and other food substitutes that kill good bacteria. Once you have lose enough of the good bacteria then you start to have all these stomach problems and people will start buying drug store products like antacids or GasX. When it got too bad I went to the doctor and he gave me a prescription. The doctor never told me about the bacteria in my digestive track. A study published on September 5th 2013, suggests that a person’s intestinal flora determines a person’s body shape and metabolism rate. Wow! And all along I thought a pear shape and a slow metabolism was from my mom’s side of the family. In this particular study “…four sets of identical female twins in which one twin was lean and the other obese…” provided stool samples to collect…” bacteria, viruses and protozoans” which were transplanted into a large group of mice. “Almost immediately, the mix of living organisms inside a mouse’s digestive tract began to resemble the one inside its human donor. Soon the mice came to resemble more and more the women whose gut microbiomes they had adopted. Despite eating about the same amount of the same low-fat chow, mice that got transplants from an obese twin began to gain weight and lay down fat deposits. The mice that got transplants from a lean twin remained lean.” This may explain why one of your co-workers can eat and eat and never gain a pound, while you eat half as much as she does and still cannot reduce that belly bulge. She may have the right combination of gut bacteria to keep her lean. Your friend that only washes her hair once a week may be right, some bacteria is good. While the scientists frantically figure out which bacteria holds the golden ticket, you can buy organic low sugar yogurt, kefir, miso, pickles, and/or kombucha tea. Also try the probiotics on the shelves at vitamin and grocery stores. It may or may not get you to flat abs, but it’s worth a try! Probiotics on the shelf in the drug store or grocery can definitely straight out your stomach, and if one brand is not working try another. My wife and I both have had stomach problems over the years and my wife's doctor recommended probiotics last year and my wife lost 16 pounds since then and has no more stomach problems. That sold me and I started taking probiotics a few months ago and I feel better. I'm someone who's had stomach problems since high school in the 1960's and the problem is solved. It's not a quick fix, It will take a few weeks for you to see a difference, but stay with it. If you straighten out your digestive track you'll start losing weight. Your body will start to work the way it should.


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