
Showing posts from August, 2014


I'm often asked "what a good diet?" The Mediterranean Diet This is the healthy type of diet I believe everyone would be better off to follow. Food grows on Earth for our benefit. Fish, poultry and wild game all for your benefit and that’s where our food should come from. If you have the chance to travel, you’ll see that most foods in other countries are sold fresh. Fruits and vegetables are sold fresh daily. Fish and other meats they buy from meat markets or fish markets. North American was the same way at one time, until the supermarket. We should go back to the earlier way of buying food, fresh every day.Processed foods I believe are the source of our health problems. Just like restaurant food, processed food is made to taste good, which unfortunately has nothing to do with nutrition. A total diet and lifestyle approach continues to be one of the best prescriptions for a long, healthy life. Delicious food that’s stood the test of time and helps kee

Don't Diet, Work on Your Health

Concentrate on improving your health and the rest will work out. What do I mean? Worrying about the problems in your life will cause you to forget about the big picture, that’s really a backward way to handle the problem. Worrying about money is the main contributor to obesity. Worrying starts a spiral downward that you can’t stop. Worrying starts by causing depression. You have a big problem that you have no solution for; maybe it’s about money or maybe something with your marriage, or maybe a problem with a child. Yes, these may seem like insurmountable problems. And these types of huge problems in your life will cause you to make changes in your routine. You’re not thinking about your health, you’re not making time for exercise or relationships, instead you’re worrying. If you’re worried about money or your job, then your worrying about how you can cut your budget and that usually starts with the food budget. Personally, I think families today spend too much on cell phone, cable T

Advice for Seniors

I’ve received email lately from seniors that don’t seem to think they can lose weight anymore. We can all lose weight at any age. We can all exercise at any age. You just need to start moving. Change what your eating and start walking more. Seniors have a couple of problems losing weight.  First, as you get older you lose some of the good bacteria in your digestive system which means that more of your food is not being digested. It’s being stored as fat. Cut down portions as you get older. Second and more important, I think, as we age and gain weight over time, we lose the ambition to be active. We have a few more aches and pains and instead of working through them, we tend to pamper them. Some people take a pill for any minor problem, when all you might need is exercise. I'm not talking about a high intensity aerobics class, I'm talking about more walking around and less sitting. Maybe that means to start the day with a walk after breakfast and another walk after lunch and

Where Do I Start?

You want to lose weight but you've never been successful. Losing weight is a commitment to stop what your doing now and change your plan. I weighed about 180 pounds in high school and that's good for a kid 6 foot tall. After about 10 years in the workforce and at the age of 32, I still weighed 173 to 178. In those days I was working construction jobs, very physical. Now 30  years have gone by and I still weigh 177 pounds. Now though I have to work at it. It's not like I never had a weight problem, at one point I was 220+ pounds. I owned a restaurant for more than 5 years and my weight inched up and I didn't really realize it. I was in my 30's and gaining weight didn't bother me. I could still run, swim and play basketball. I still had energy. After I passed 40, then I noticed myself getting sluggish.  I knew I had to lose weight, the extra weight was affecting my performance. I joined a health club, started to play racket ball and use a rowing machine. I was g

Keeping Weight Off

When you change the way you live, the extra weight will disappear. Being overweight is the result of your lifestyle. It's not just what you eat. It's about how you live your life. What you eat and how active you are. How many hours a day do you spend sitting or lying down? A healthy lifestyle means: Eating healthy foods. This includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. If you eat meat and dairy foods, choose lean meats and low-fat dairy foods. Healthy eating also means not eating too much sugar, fat, or fast foods. You can still have dessert and treats now and then. The goal is moderation. I follow the food pyramid recommended with the Mediterranean Diet. This isn't a diet plan, it's the way Mediterranean people have eaten or centuries. It's easy to find information online. Also make some kind of physical activity part of your daily routine. "Physical activity" doesn't have to mean regular visits to the gym or running marathons. There are lots

How Did My Weight Get Out of Control

How did my weight get out of control? I know we’d like to put the blame on someone else, and in fact it is somewhat your parents fault, and I say that because they train you how to eat and what to eat, but in defense of your parents and/or other relatives, they eat the same way their parents taught them. I’ve outlined five myths about eating habits. 1. No snacking! You'll ruin your appetite! Actually, snacking can be healthy, as long as you choose wisely. A healthy snack serves many purposes. I eat a little smaller breakfast because I know I’ll be eating again in 3 hours. I’m not as hungry at lunch because I ate three hours ago and I’ll be snacking again in about three hours. My dinner will be smaller because I’m not as hungry, I just ate something three hours ago. And if I’m going to be up more than four hours after dinner, I’ll snack again about three hours after dinner. I know that you’re thinking, all those calories, but it’s not that much, snacks can be healthy. My ge

Health Benefits of Losing Weight

Healthy weight loss at any time in adulthood is good for your heart. “So, what is healthy weight loss, isn’t losing weight all the same?” No, losing weight too fast is hard on your body. Usually your depriving your body of nutrition ( starving your body) in order to cut the calories enough to lose pounds. Losing one or two pounds a week is safe and slow weight loss will usually stay off. Fast weight loss will only come back later, and when it comes back you end up gaining more weight and have more fat. You will totally waste your time and money. Slow weight loss will give your body time to adjust, you will actually feel yourself becoming healthier. "Our findings suggest that losing weight at any age can result in long-term cardiovascular health benefits, and support public health strategies and lifestyle modifications that help individuals who are overweight or obese to lose weight at all ages," according to lead study author John Deanfield, of University College London.

Dangers of Rapid Weight Loss

This is a good article to read for those looking for quick weight loss. The effects of quick weight loss can cause serious damage. It takes time if you want to lose weight in certain areas. Quick weight loss can leave you pear shaped. It can leave you looking older beyond your years. Looking like you don't want to look. When your ready to lose weight do it right, take your time and you'll be very happy you did. This was published in WebMd, you need to read it. Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days! Eat as Much as You Want -- and Still Lose Weight! Drop One Dress Size a Day! Rapid weight loss can be quick and easy -- if you believe the advertising claims. Fad diets and weight loss supplements promise a slimmer body in no time. And Americans want to believe those claims, spending $33 billion every year on weight loss products. Do any of these products really produce rapid weight loss? Are they safe? And what are the risks of such fast weight loss? WebMD took a look at some rapi

12 Reasons To Love The Mediterranean Diet

Your only eating fresh food. The focus is on fresh, seasonal food prepared in simple ways. For instance make a salad with fresh spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, then add black olives, feta cheese and Garbanzo Beans, olive oil and lemon juice or wine vinegar. That’s a salad, of course there are several little things you can add to make it the way you like, peppers come to mind, but you can see my point, everything healthy and fresh. And surprise, when you eat the way Mediterranean people eat, no calorie counting. You can eat from all the food groups. You’ll be swapping out bad fats for heart healthy ones like using olive oil instead of butter; eating poultry and fish instead of red meat. You’ll meat fresh fruits instead of sugary desserts. You’ll eat more veggies and beans. Nuts will become the snack of choice. No candy, except for chocolate, but only real chocolate and pure chocolate not a box of chocolates. You’ll also be eating whole grain bread and drinking wine in moderation. You’l

It Doesn't Cost Money to Lose Weight

Exercise alone doesn’t make you lose weight, in fact exercise can cause you to gain weight. You have to diet. Exercise help you to retain muscle mass. The object in losing weight is to lose the fat and lose inches. Checking the scale everyday won’t help you lose weight. If your plan is working then you’ll lose inches and your clothes will begin to fit better and even become baggy. You’ll start to have more energy and you’ll actually become a happier person. Exercise does play an important part of a weight lose plan. Once you change the way you eat, start eating healthy foods and stop eating those foods and drinks with empty calories. Food and drinks that do nothing to help you lose weight are empty calories. Some people think they will lose weight by eating low-fat foods or diet foods in the grocery store that are low in calories, but this won’t help you. Prepared foods like TV dinners or ready-made sandwiches, frozen pizzas, and other already prepared foods even bread, or rolls are

Can excess body fat cause cancer?

Yes, it's proven in several different studies done by many different health organizations all over the world that excess body fat can cause Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer, but that's only the Cancers that have been positively proven. Many other Cancers are attributed to a poor diet. I wrote in a previous post about Ideal body weight; "How can I find my Ideal Body Weight?" In order to avoid Cancers caused by being overweight most Doctors will tell you to reduce your weight to the lowest end of the scale that is recommended for you. I can give you an easier way to find that perfect weight. Remember when you were 20 years old, do you remember how much you weighed? When a person is fully grown, which usually happens between the ages of 18 and 22, that's your ideal weight. Your should maintain that weight throughout your adult life. Now, I know that sounds impossible. It might be more like 18 for women and 22 for men and your organs might take a year or so longer