
I Can't Believe It, Someone Might Have Read One Of My Books.

  This is the most frequently asked question in my Inbox. The answer is that it all starts with your diet. You can go to the gym every day but “you can’t exercise away a bad diet”.  Speaking of bad diets, Did you see the video on Youtube from Cory Booker. I saw it yesterday. He's a Washington politician. He is a runner and runs thru the park on a regular basis. He was saying that he picked up some weight lately and thought he would lose it by running, but after a few months, he admitted that he couldn't lose the fat by running because you can't exercise away a bad diet.  He wants to challenge everyone to stop eating and drinking sugar for 2 months. He says he can't avoid all sugar because it's in everything almost everything, but he's going to stop adding sugar and will try to avoid sugary foods and drinks. I tried it once, it's not easy. The problem that most of us have is that we think we have a good diet. If you have added weight to your body over the las

More About the New Diet Pill

 Yesterday I wrote about the new diet pills that we hear about and read about almost every day now. I will not be able to get a prescription for the pills to try it out. My body fat index is too low, and a doctor won't prescribe to people in my condition. I know that the FDA has tested the product, but their testing is only to see how many people have a reaction to the drug and how many people will benefit from the drug. I still would be skeptical until I see real results. Is the drug safe for people with high blood pressure? Or people with heart problems. Only your doctor that is prescribing other drugs for you, can tell you if it's safe for you. I know it's popular for some people to go to a doctor who is out of their network to prescribe drugs that their doctor won't prescribe. This is never a good idea. The doctor who has all your drug history and your medical history should be the only one to prescribe any new drug. Just because your friend is overweight and has lo

New Weight Loss Pills

 It's all over the news, a drug manufacturer has a weight loss pill that works and they have approval to market the tablets. It's prescription only now and the company is trying to get insurance companies to cover the cost to consumers. All of this has just happened recently, but already two other companies are making a similar pill that might be even better.  Can you imagine in the future if you gain some extra fat, you simply see your doctor who gives you a prescription, and in a couple weeks, the fat is gone. This can be life-changing for 100s of millions of people around the world. Does this mean I can eat anything I like? Not really.  People will still have a responsibility to care for their own bodies. Something we do a poor job of now. The good thing is that what we eat is changing, There is a demand today for better quality foods and more of it. We are seeing prices in the grocery going up almost every day. It's not just inflation doing it. You see more expensive fo

Weight Loss Plans

An article by the Mayo Clinic Staff When it comes to weight loss, there's no shortage of diet plans. Check any magazine rack, and you're bound to see the latest and greatest diet plans. But how do you know if a diet plan fits your needs and lifestyle? Ask yourself these questions about any diet plan you're considering: Do they expect me to buy anything? Does it include various foods from the major food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products, lean protein sources, and nuts? Does it include foods you like and that you would enjoy eating for a lifetime — not just for several weeks or months? Can you easily find these foods in your local grocery store? Will you be able to eat your favorite foods or, better yet, all foods (even if some are in small quantities)? Does it fit your lifestyle and budget? Does it include proper amounts of nutrients and calories to help you lose weight safely and effectively? Is regular physical activity part of the plan? If the ans

Getting to a Healthy Weight

  This is an article I found on a medical website that explains what I believe is the right way to lose weight. Changing your lifestyle is the right way to get to a healthy weight. A healthy lifestyle means: Eating healthy foods. This includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. If you eat meat and dairy foods, choose lean meats and low-fat dairy foods most of the time, that also means not eating too much sugar, fat, or fast foods. You can still have dessert and treats now and then. The goal is moderation. “Physical activity” doesn’t have to mean regular visits to the gym or running marathons. There are lots of other ways to fit activity into your life. Weight gain is a big concern for many people who want to quit smoking. And it’s more of a health risk to keep smoking than it is to gain a few extra pounds when you quit. Drink only moderate amounts of alcohol. That’s up to two alcoholic drinks a day for men, and one drink a day for women. Many people find that eating is their way of

Can Breakfast Help You Lose Weight?

  “Can Breakfast Help You Lose Weight” first appeared on the WebMD website. To eat breakfast or not to eat breakfast? That’s the big question if you’re trying to slim down. For years, diet and nutrition experts have said a morning meal is a wise idea. But after a University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) study showed that overweight breakfast eaters weren’t any more likely to slim down than those who skipped it, many were left wondering if they should bother, after all.  Personally, I was never a breakfast eater, but when I wanted to lose weight I started making protein shakes in the morning. My protein shake gave me about 30 grams of protein. I found out I wasn't eating enough protein to keep me satisfied. A person should be consuming 60 grams a day minimum. I wasn't eating enough protein and I was adding fat to my body. I would eat my main meal in the early afternoon. A 4oz. chicken breast in a salad or served with vegetables has 26 grams of protein. peas for one of the veget

About Diet Plans

 An article by the Mayo Clinic Staff When it comes to weight loss, there's no shortage of diet plans. Check any magazine rack, and you're bound to see the latest and greatest diet plans. But how do you know if a diet plan fits your needs and lifestyle? Ask yourself these questions about any diet plan you're considering: Does it include various foods from the major food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products, lean protein sources, and nuts? Does it include foods you like and that you would enjoy eating for a lifetime — not just for several weeks or months? Can you easily find these foods in your local grocery store? Will you be able to eat your favorite foods or, better yet, all foods (even if some are in small quantities)? Does it fit your lifestyle and budget? Does it include proper amounts of nutrients and calories to help you lose weight safely and effectively? Is regular physical activity part of the plan? If the answer to any of these questions is &