
Can Tea Help Me Lose Weight?

  Many hopeful dieters drink tea, especially green tea, to lose weight. So can this beverage help you slim down? Possibly. But there is no strong evidence to support many of the weight loss claims that are made on packages. And yet, you’ve probably heard of friends and family members who have lost weight by drinking green tea or taking green tea supplements. It is possible that the products have worked for some. Green tea provides caffeine that may help you to stay alert and active. As a result, you may burn more calories during the day. But it also might keep you up at night. Many weight loss experts promote the positive effects of a good night’s rest on healthy eating and exercise. Large studies that have investigated the weight loss benefits of green tea have not been able to confirm that drinking it will improve weight loss. However, if you replace a high-calorie coffee drink with plain tea, you may also be able to reduce your calorie intake and slim down. Health Benefits of Herbal

Can't Lose Weight, Don't Beat Yourself up

  An earlier post was about heredity and how some weight conditions can be caused from your family genes, but I believe it’s more about your family history. The food you ate the first few years of life. We don’t really know how much a child is affected by his informative years. What if the foods or maybe the sugar or fats that you consumed during those informative years created a pattern and gave you the cravings you have today? The good news is that we can correct those cravings, change them and even ignore them. I don’t think food gets boring. If I think I could lose weight eating 1600 calories a day, then I would surf the INTERNET for foods I liked and foods that would work for me. I don’t eat out much. I use a crock pot to make a meal for that evening but before I eat dinner, I divide the meal, so I have enough for lunch the next day. And you might think you don’t have time in the morning, but you can prepare the dinner at night, put it in the fridge and then fill the crock pot in

It Doesn't cost Money To Lose Weight

  If you have never tried to lose weight and your friends tell you about the gym memberships and the cost of those diet pills or you should see a weight lose councilor, and all you can think of is the cost. Well, it’s true, you don’t have to spend money to lose weight. In fact, you might save some money losing weight. We don’t realize it, but as you go through your workday, you can spend a lot of time snacking. You can consume a lot of junk food and it all costs money. Maybe you start your day at a coffee shop, and you don’t just buy coffee. You get to work and there’s pastries in the break room, so why not. I used to do it. I’d look for something to snack on every time I took a break. The average person adds 2 or 3 pounds a year, even if their careful and don’t overeat. Between the ages of 30 and 40, I personally gain 40 pounds. I had a construction job, outside all day and very active and left that for an office job, sitting all day and eating and drinking too much. I didn’t overeat

Don't Stress Your Genetics

 Don't Stress Over Genetics Your apple-shaped if you tend to carry more weight around your middle than your hips and thighs. That genetic predisposition means ridding yourself of belly fat will be harder, said Dr. Kashyap, but not impossible. Again, you can't lose fat only on a specific body part. So, if your genetics have you carrying it around your middle, focus on losing weight all over, said Dr. Cheskin. This usually happens to women rather than men. There is a simple explanation. If your mother is pear-shaped that usually means that if you add excess fat you will probably add fat in the same areas.  It doesn't mean you will be fat like your mother. It only means if you add excess body fat from consuming too many calories then you will probably add that extra fat in the same places as your mother. You may not add any additional fat. It all depends on your activity level and your meal plan.  A woman is not condemned to a fat body. My daughter fought with excess fat for m

A New Way Of Eating and What That Means

Most fitness fanatics are going for lean, slim bodies. It’s trending now and the most popular meal plan today is “fasting”. So what does that mean? Fasting is really about the sporadic eating of healthy foods. In other words, most of us have the same meal plan we grew up with and our parents have the same plan they grew up with. Doesn’t sound like that’s a bad thing, but humans today are not the same type of people are parents or grandparents were. Our ancestors basically ate on the run. They ate when they had food and when they had time. We eat on a schedule that was handed down through the last several generations. You eat when you get up, again at midday, and again in the evening. Why is that so important? Well, today we realize it’s not important. When a child is born they eat several times a day because they are not attached to their mother anymore and they are used to that continuous feeding. But as they get older you notice that their appetite changes. They want to skip meals, a

Ok, Maybe You took The Kids On Spring Break

  I hesitated to write this post because I broke one of my rules, I gained weight on vacation. I went from 155 to 160. Okay, I know that some of you are laughing, thinking to yourself that “is that all”. What bothers me is that isn’t just fat that I put on around my waist. That the worst place to add fat and I know it. It came from eating in restaurants for two weeks straight. Eating street food, eating in airports between flights, and snacking because I didn’t have time to eat a proper meal. So, I fell into the “fat trap” I often write about. I hate myself for being so stupid. But on the bright side I did learn some new Yoga poses and I will start running again so that fat will come off. I know most of you that have a weight problem are wishing your problem was as small as mine, and I do realize that your problems are a lot more serious. But there are the lucky few that only need a small fix like mine to make a big change in their body. The people who have gained their excess weight r

You Exercise Away A Bad Diet

  When it comes to losing weight, the evidence is pretty clear – “you can’t outrun a bad diet,” according to a recent editorial in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. If your goal is weight loss, that gym membership is going to do little to drop the pounds when your diet is out of shape. If you hit the gym five days a week for 30 minutes a day and you’re not losing weight, you now know why. It’s not your metabolism. It’s not your hormones. It’s what and how much you eat. We would be surprised if we knew how little calories we really need. Foods like fish or seafood, grains, fruits and vegetables don’t have that many calories. The average American will consume more than 3000 calories a day when actually 1500 is plenty. Unless you run 5 miles a day you don’t need a lot of calories. We consume half our daily calories in the drinks we consume. If we only drank water, coffee, and tea we could cut more than 1000 calories a day. We’re talking about more than just your expanding belly and