
  Most fitness fanatics are going for lean, slim bodies. It’s trending now and the most popular meal plan today is “fasting”. So what does that mean? Fasting is really about the sporadic eating of healthy foods. In other words, most of us have the same meal plan we grew up with and our parents have the same plan they grew up with. Doesn’t sound like that’s a bad thing, but humans today are not the same type of people are parents or grandparents were. Our ancestors basically ate on the run. They ate when they had food and when they had time. We eat on a schedule that was handed down through the last several generations. You eat when you get up, and again at mid-day, and again in the evening. Why is that so important? Well, today we realize it’s not important. When a child is born, they eat several times a day because they are not attached to their mother anymore and they are used to that continuous feeding. But as they get older you notice that their appetite changes. They want to skip

I Believe Anyone Can Lose Weight

Losing weight is a lot like deciding to stop smoking. If you think about it, Someone trying to lose weight has the same problem as someone trying to quit smoking. Both are an addiction and both people are trying to make a change. Change their lives and kick the habit. With food the addiction is not eating, it’s really the addiction to sugar, sodium, and other chemicals in processed foods.  The addiction will create hunger, but you’re not really hungry you’re going through a withdrawal from your addiction. You think you're hungry, so you eat and you feel better, but really you just feed your addiction to sugar or whatever chemical caused the cravings and eating supply that need and now you feel better. Of course, you probably consumed a few hundred calories. Losing weight has to start by changing your diet and counting calories. If you change to a fresh diet, eating only fresh foods and changing the times you eat, you can lose weight, it’s not rocket science. When everything I tried

Aging And Exercise

  Today with the health crisis we face it might be more important than ever to exercise. If you need to lose weight and you’re just staying home this is the perfect time to work on some life changes. I was listening to interviews on TV and reading about this crisis we’re in now. Many health care people says that it might get better this summer, but they expect a reoccurrence in fall. Being overweight or smoking has about the same effects on your breathing. It’s easier to get out of breath. People who have trouble climbing two flights of stairs are at greater risk because they can easily catch pneumonia. That’s why more seniors are at risk than young adults. Get active. It’s one of the best things you can do for yourself. Even long walk will help you increase your lungs capacity. The more capacity to breath deeper the more oxygen you’re putting into you blood. “Exercise is an antidote to aging,” says Barry A. Franklin, PhD, director of the cardiac rehabilitation and exercise labs at Bea

Watch What Foods You're Buying

I think you should read this, I read this a few days ago. I knew deception in food labels was going on but I didn’t think it was this bad. I quit buying packaged foods, canned foods, and almost all frozen food. If you’re trying to “eat clean”, you should be buying food fresh, preferably from a farmers market, or a small grocery that specializes in organic foods, bulk foods, and fresh poultry and fish. I’m giving up on any foods with a label. When it comes to food labels, manufacturers are very good at finding the loopholes in labeling laws and requirements, and subsequently very good at pulling the wool over YOUR eyes. One such loophole is the manufacturer’s ability to claim “zero” grams of fat, or zero grams of trans fat, or zero calories on the label when the product indeed contains plenty of fat, trans fat, and/or calories. Here’s the law, and how food manufacturers get around it: Zero grams of fat or zero grams of trans fat: As long as the food item has less than .5g of fat or tran

Your Pants Don't Lie

  I read several posts every day and the one I thought was the best one today was on The author Banded Girl writes about her battle with weight and her last post is worth a read. “Your pants Don’t lie” and I copied a small part: “so, after all these things happened, i gave up; i started eating more, drinking more, not exercising, eating more than i know is right, and stopped believing in myself. what is the end result.. my pants not buttoning does NOT lie, it speaks the truth. it is UP to me to get back on track. i can say and write what i want to but until i do..actually do something about it.. my pants will continue to tell the truth..” Just that small part of her post gives you an insight into her battle with weight loss. Many of the celebrates that advertise those weight loss products on TV looked good for a while but most of them have gained the weight back. It’s easy to start to cheat after you started to lose weight. You can liken losing weight to stop smoking. Th

How I Plan Meals

  Before I go to work, while I’m having coffee, I plan dinner. If there’s something in the freezer I need I’ll take it out and put it in the refrigerator. Normally, so I remember I always write down the menu and take it with me. If you’re organized enough to do this a day or two ahead then if you’re missing anything from the menu you’ll have time to pick it up. If you learn to stick to the planned menus then you can actually save money on food. It means a few more trips to the store, but the inventory of groceries around the house will start to shrink. This is a good thing and yes the kids need snacks, but this will give you the opportunity to make some healthy choices. When you wait until the last minute to shop, you don’t have time to make the proper choices, you end up buying anything just to get out quick. I wish I could count the times I nearly got run over going to the checkout line. Fruit is a great snack food, it has sugar but its good sugar, its natural sugar. It’s all the pro

Seniors, Don't Give Up< It's Not Too Late

  I’ve received emails lately from seniors that don’t seem to think they can't lose weight anymore. We can all lose weight at any age. We can all exercise at any age. You just need to start moving. Change what you're eating and start walking more. Seniors have a couple of problems losing weight. First, as you get older you lose some of the good bacteria in your digestive system which means that more of your food is not being digested. It’s being stored as fat. Cut down portions as you get older. Second and more important, I think, as we age and gain weight over time, we lose the ambition to be active. If you are gaining weight as you age, your feet, knees and hips are starting to ware down causing pain. Also, arthritis is setting into joints making them stiff. Once these effects start to change your body most people loss the willingness to maintain their body and that’s when you will truly become a senior. This doesn’t have to happen to you. Actually, as you age you should be l