
When you begin in the quest to lose weight, it’s normal that you don’t succeed or regain the weight loss because you don’t really understand how the body works and how to lose weight and what to expect. The body is what I call “pre-programmed” to keep you from dying of starvation. This instinct was a necessity millions of years ago because humans were nomads who roamed the earth and ate off the land, not knowing when they would find food again. Humans didn’t become farmers and fishermen for several million years. So adding body fat was not something the body was worried about. It was normal to add body fat before the cold winters. Of course, many of the various civilizations are very thin like The people of North Africa. As we study different civilizations, we can tell that some of them have lived in the same region for thousands of years and their bodies have adapted to the climate. Now how does all this history apply to today and weight loss? Your body will adapt to change but you ha

Secrets To A Longer, Healthier Life

Science and medicine have learned many things from our ancestors. But all they seem to be good at is managing to keep anyone alive no matter how poor their physical condition.   What humans should learn from today’s form of medicine is that we are the ones responsible for keeping ourselves healthy. Yes, medicine can treat the symptoms but isn’t this just like the Monday Morning Quarterback. Wait until the damage is done and then try and fix it or help you deal with your condition. All I ever learned from my doctors is how to control my condition. I had acid reflux a few years ago and my doctor gave me a prescription. He said there wasn’t anything he could do to fix the condition but if I take the one pill in the morning I wouldn’t have acid reflux. He was right but when I asked how long do I have to take the pills, he simply replied ” as long as you have acid reflux, probably forever. What the human race has learned from our ancestors is that smaller, thinner people who stay active liv

This Coming Year Think About Getting Healthy

Some of us get wrapped up in the wrong things in life and we don’t take care of ourselves. How does this happen you might ask. We think that we are multi-taskers but in reality, we aren’t very good at it. We try and do more than we can do and become overloaded. This can happen to anyone, but a lot of us don’t realize it’s happening to them. You can easily analyze your own situation by stepping back for a minute and looking at your life from an outsider's point of view. Are you skipping meals? Do you make time for exercise? How much did you weigh when you got out of High School? How much do you weigh now? Are you eating healthy foods? Are you sleeping 7 hours a night? Often we can find out for ourselves if we have a health problem if we can be objective. Americans often rush through their day so fast just to get it over with and never slow down to see what they’re doing wrong. We cause our own health problems by not paying attention to our body's needs. We constantly ignore our

Breaking Unhealthy Habits

Quit smoking. Lay off the junk food. Stop being a couch potato. Don’t stay up too late. Are you drinking too much? think about cutting back. Sounds simple enough: If you have a bad habit, break it. But “simple” doesn’t necessarily mean “easy.” You’ll need a good strategy. It’s almost that time to make a New Years Resolution, have you thought about it?  Swap Bad for Good It’s important to add good habits to replace your bad ones.  the stuff you want to stop doing will probably come back. For example, people who quit smoking can replace it with chewing gum, or packing healthy snacks can be a good replacement. It might be great that you turn off the computer in time to wind down and fall asleep, but if you replace that with looking at your phone or watching TV, that’s probably not going to help. Instead, try meditating, writing in a journal, or reading something on paper. (Light from a screen can keep you awake.) It’s called the “blue screen effect”. If you wonder why your school-age kids

Why Do I Regain My Weight Loss?

  There’s a few ways that are a common cause of weight gain. I’ll go over a few because this is the time of year that we all try to lose a few pounds after the holidays. And most of us do lose a few pounds but 9 out of 10 will regain the weight by the end of the year. 1. Unrealistic Diets This may be the number one reason we regain weight. An unrealistic diet is one that you can only do for a short time like a “cleanse”. You drop 10 pounds,  you think that’s great and go back to eating the same diet you had before. Except now you picked up some new eating habits over the holidays like roll and coffee at a coffee shop near work, or stopping at a drive-thru on the way to work to pick up some pastries for the break room. Before the holidays you would have never done this, but everyone is rushed during the holidays. You have to cram in all that Christmas shopping. We normally do some of that during our lunch break, so we are eating more snack food to compensate for the lunch we had to skip

What You Weigh Has Everything To Do With Your Health

I know it’s a little early to think about New Year’s resolutions but if you can avoid some of those holiday pounds it won’t be so hard losing weight next year. The reason exercise resolutions rarely last is that they’re often unrealistic and unenjoyable. If you resolve to hit the gym every day, but you have a full-time job and hate working out in public, it’s probably not going to happen. So the answer is “to do the things you can do”. 10,000 Steps a Day Walking a certain number of steps each day is more realistic and easy to fit in! You don’t need to take all the steps at the same time, you don’t need special equipment, and you don’t even need to leave your house! Get yourself a fitness tracker or download a tracking app on your smartphone and make a game out of hitting those 10,000 steps per day. If you need to work up to it, start with 5,000 steps per day and add an extra 500 each week. Walking is an easy exercise program for anyone who doesn’t have time for the gym and doesn’t want

Post Thanksgiving

I know all about eating too much at those family gathering. In this case we are talking about Thanksgiving. Around my house or at anyone’s house that I know there is two parts to the big feast. First we eat a huge dinner, sometimes three kinds of meat, two different types of dressing, two types of cranberries, several types of potatoes, and several different vegetables. The idea is that no one, no matter how fuzzy, will go way hungry. There is always something for everyone in unlimited quantities. Than comes the second part, which usually is about one hour later, “dessert”. This is what everyone has been waiting for. If it’s a big gathering like 10 or 12 or more the whole table will be filled with pies, cakes, chocolate candies, brownies, lemon squares, and other ethnic tricks that we only see once or twice a year. These are times that no one should miss, even if your on a diet. The really bad part of the Holidays is that you might have to eat this meal more than once. We all have larg