
Reasons To Take The Stairs

“In order for man to succeed in life, God provided two means, education and physical activity. Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise can save it and preserve it.”  --Plato, 400 B.C. Need a good reason to take the stairs? Here are six of them. This post was first published on HealthDay. 1. Stair Climbing Burns More Calories Than Jogging Yes, it’s true: studies have shown that stair climbing, which is considered vigorous-intensity physical activity, burns more calories per minute than jogging. One company, StepJockey, which is funded by the United Kingdom Department of Health and has as its sole mission the goal of getting everyone to take the stairs whenever and wherever possible, notes that stair climbing uses 8 to 9 times more energy than sitting and about 7 times more energy than taking the elevator. As an added bonus, you burn calories not only on the way up but also while going down the stairs! It is estim

The Fasting Diet

The Promise “Fast,” in this case, is not about speed. It’s about  fasting . This is a diet I heard about on WebMD and I think It’s worth reading. Check out their website “”. They sell books but you can get enough free info at a bookstore to do this diet. This diet, which started in the U.K., slashes your calories so drastically 2 days a week that you’re basically fasting. That’s not safe for everyone, so you should check with your doctor if you’re considering trying it. The Fast Diet  says that you shouldn’t fast if you’re  pregnant  or underweight, or if you have a history of  eating disorders  or  diabetes , and that you should check with your doctor first if you take medication. The diet also isn’t recommended for kids, teens, frail seniors, or anyone who isn’t feeling well or has a fever. The basic concept behind  The Fast Diet  by Michael Mosley, MD, and Mimi Spencer is to eat normally for 5 days per week and eat very restricted calories on the other 2 days. Mosle

The Key To Losing Body Fat Is Your Diet

We’re finding more and more that our body will do the healing if we eat the proper foods. For instance, on the Today Show this morning Dr. Oz was demonstrating how cancer grows in your body and that we all have these cancer cells but because some people aren’t getting a proper amount of certain foods, the cancer cells will grow and keep growing until we can detect them. Celery, onions, and Leeks will stop cancer cells from growing, but you need to eat them 5 times a week. Remember we all have these cells, we need to stop them before they are large enough to be detected. He also said that medicine has nothing that will do this. In other words, you have to depend on the food your eating to stay healthy. We too often think that our lifestyle doesn't matter, that medicine will keep us healthy, so why worry about it. Yes, medicine is making a lot of break-throughs but medicine if the truth is known is still trying to catch up. Civilization is far ahead of medicine. They are playing the

Losing Weight Is Hard But Not Complicated

I re-blogged this post from a post on Wordpress. The author John Savill, writes about himself and how he won his battle with fat. I think this time of year we all could use an inspirational story. I’ve been guilty in the past of telling people that it’s not hard to lose weight but that’s actually incorrect. The reality is that it’s not COMPLICATED to lose weight but it absolutely is hard but lets take a step back. Before I start I’m not a doctor, I’m not a nutritionist, I’m not a personal trainer. In fact I’m completely unqualified   I don’t have a coach or a trainer. I have no one setting me a training plan or what to eat. I’ve always done what I think is logical. What I’m sharing here are my thoughts and what has worked for me. Nothing more, nothing less. Over the past 4 years there have been two occasions where I’ve lost weight. The first was 3 years ago after I completed my second IRONMAN and was starting to train for my third and decided I should shed some body fat so I had less w

Getting Your Body In "Fit" Condition

Getting fit doesn't have to be complicated. Simple bodyweight exercises are often the best choice for those without a lot of time, money and motivation to learn or employ the latest fitness fads. Bodyweight training can also be a great choice for building strength, gaining muscle, boosting cardiovascular fitness, and burning calories. Here are ten reasons to get on board with bodyweight training.  Before you read any further, you should know that you won't become fit if you don't fix your diet first. A poor diet won't create enough energy that you need to exercise. Your exercise program can't compensate for a bad diet.  Fast Fitness Gains Bodyweight exercises lead to fitness gains in a hurry. Most bodyweight exercises require you to perform multi-joint movements (compound exercises) that work against gravity. These types of movements (squats, lunges, push-ups) all make up the cornerstone of any strength training routine and are extremely effective for building stren

What's A Healthy Weight?

All of us have their own unique healthy weight. But reaching your healthy weight isn't going to change your body into a fashion model's body or the body of a star athlete.  Many Americans struggle to control their weight. The country’s obesity problem is well known: 1 in 3 of us is obese, and the rate is rising. But you still might wonder what a healthy weight is, and how to get there (and stay there) the right way.  Remember as you read what the experts say, cutting calories is not about eating less food, it's about eating food with fewer calories. When you eat high-calorie food and drinks you add body fat. Body Mass Index (BMI) It’s pretty easy to figure out the estimated healthy weight. You can use two simple tools. The first is called body mass index (BMI). To figure out your BMI, just use this math formula: Multiply your weight in pounds by 703 and divide it by your height (in inches) squared. So, for example, if you weigh 185 pounds and are 5-foot-5 (65 inches), then

It's Called The Holiday 10

I know the Holidays aren't over yet, but if you start now you may avoid lots of pain later trying to lose the excess fat. The Holiday 10 is that 10 pounds we all gain over the Holidays. We all have spent the last few weeks on an eating binge.  Some of this is due to the weather getting colder and some because of Thanksgiving.  You can’t just give up because you gain some weight and blew your diet. Don’t think your the only one who gained some weight lately.  But you can get your eating back on track. Here’s how.  First, Relax You need some perspective. You need to eat 3,500 calories to gain one pound of body fat. One unplanned treat — a slice of cake, some fries, or even a rich meal — probably won’t make a major difference on the scale. “We call these ‘taking timeouts,’ and we all take them,” says San Antonio nutrition consultant Rebecca Reeves, RD. “No one is perfect in their eating habits. What we have to learn is that we are giving ourselves permission to do this, and as soon as