
Getting Your Body In "Fit" Condition

Getting fit doesn't have to be complicated. Simple bodyweight exercises are often the best choice for those without a lot of time, money and motivation to learn or employ the latest fitness fads. Bodyweight training can also be a great choice for building strength, gaining muscle, boosting cardiovascular fitness, and burning calories. Here are ten reasons to get on board with bodyweight training.  Before you read any further, you should know that you won't become fit if you don't fix your diet first. A poor diet won't create enough energy that you need to exercise. Your exercise program can't compensate for a bad diet.  Fast Fitness Gains Bodyweight exercises lead to fitness gains in a hurry. Most bodyweight exercises require you to perform multi-joint movements (compound exercises) that work against gravity. These types of movements (squats, lunges, push-ups) all make up the cornerstone of any strength training routine and are extremely effective for buildin

What Is Body Composition?

You might think this is too complicated for me, but you want to understand the principles behind weight loss if you're going to succeed in your weight loss journey. Body composition  refers to the proportion of fat and fat-free mass in the body. A healthy body composition is one that includes a lower proportion of body fat and a higher proportion of fat-free mass. Body composition is one measurement that is used to assess your health and fitness level. What Is Body Composition? Your body is composed of two types of mass:  body fat  and  fat-free mass .   Body fat   is fat that is located within the body. Body fat can be in muscle tissue, under the skin or around organs. Some fat is necessary for overall health. It helps protect internal organs, provides energy and regulates important body hormones.  Fat-free mass  includes bone, water, muscle, and tissues. Fat-free mass is also important for the body to function properly.   Body composition is a comparison of your bod

Get The Slim. Fit Body You Want

The best time in your life to get the body you want is when you're in your 20's. When your younger it's easier and your skin will contract easier. Are you ready to get serious about your body?  This might be the first time you’ve had to really think about losing weight or getting in shape. If your out of school now and you started to work this may be the perfect time to get in shape. But there's no need to panic. You can take off the pounds and set up healthy habits to get skinny and keep the weight from coming back. Post this list on your bathroom mirror to serve as a daily reminder of the things you need to do to get in shape so that you not only get fit, but you stay lean and healthy for life. If you can get this right now, your life can be so much better going forward. 10 Ways to Get Lean and Healthy in Your 20s Redefine “skinny.” We often use the word, “skinny,” but let’s face it, ladies, skin and bones are not sexy. What you really want is a sleek, tigh

Quick Sunrise Breakfasts

Breakfast may be known as the most important meal of the day, but it’s also one that millions of Americans do without. The biggest culprit? Time -- or the lack thereof. Our lives get more hectic by the day, and it’s just so easy to bolt out the door without eating. But when you do that, you risk worse cravings, sagging energy levels, and trouble thinking clearly. You might even up your chances of getting heart disease. Plus, you’ll miss a chance to load up on more of the nutrients you need for good health. Clearly, convenience and the need for speed is the key for many people when it comes to eating their morning meal. So here’s a workweek's worth of portable food pairings that make it easy to rise and dine, at home or away. Dynamic Duo: Whole-grain Frozen Waffle + Peanut Butter Waffles aren’t just for maple syrup. You can slather nut butter on toaster-ready frozen waffles to help fuel your commute. “Whole grains provide fiber, which slows down digestion and pre

Planning Meals Will Help You Lose Weight

We talk about cutting back on food consumption but we haven’t said how. So today I have some ideas. I plan my meals the day before. Actually I started planning to save money. I was planning a week at a time so I knew what to buy. Then I found that planning not only saved me money, but I had less food in the house and I ate less. Not really by design, kinda by accident. It might sound like a crazy idea. If you try it you’ll get it. I wasn’t going out as much. I ate at home more because I knew what was for dinner. Before I started planning I’d stop and eat on the way home. It was easier and I didn’t have to clean up. But I’d just get home and turn on the TV and pull out the snacks. Now I go home, make dinner, I stick to the plan. Eat dinner and clean up. Take care of any phone calls I need to return, do my email and finish up any paper work I need to do. By that time it's usually after 8 and I find a movie I want to watch. I know many of you work-out at night, but I’m a morning p

Having trouble keeping the weight off?

I write about this very thing every week because I get so much mail on this very subject. Most people, who aren't real fanatics on weight loss, don't always take the problem seriously. They cut back a little on the food they eat by using a type of portion control but then cheat on calories by eating one of their favorite high calorie foods. That's one type of dieter and then there's another type that exercises and never changes their diet. He might workout, and this is typical of men, burns 200 calories but then goes home and drinks a couple beers. Women are almost as bad drinking wine. Cutting back on portions and then drinking your calories won't help you lose weight. Losing weight is about losing body fat and you can't lose fat if you continue to drink calories. Most dieters think they can cut calories on their plate but never think about all the calories their drinking. "But I use artifical sweetner and I drink diet drinks". Ok, except that art

Can Dieting Part-Time Help You Lose Weight

Among the many strategies for losing weight and aging well - following a low-carb diet, eliminating gluten, getting more exercise - there's one that's consistently recommended by researchers: calorie restriction. When you take in fewer calories than you require to maintain your current body weight, you'll lose weight. The big challenge is how to  sustain  the calorie deficit long enough to see significant results. A relatively new strategy called intermittent fasting may offer a manageable way of eating less because you're only required to diet  some  of the time. Fans say it's a plan that you can stick with over months, even years. Read more: How obesity can affect your liver What is intermittent fasting?   Intermittent fasting means severely restricting your food intake on one, two or more days of the week and eating normally the rest of the time. The so-called "fast days" aren't total fasts; rather, you take in about a quarter of your norm