
Getting To A Healthy Weight

Losing weight safely means balancing protein, fat, and carbohydrate with every meal and snack. You'll feel fuller longer as your body takes its time digesting the food. There is no perfect method for weight loss, but it helps to have a guide. Remember that losing weight permanently means losing body fat, that's the real goal. Limit fat intake to no more than 20% to 35% of your total calorie intake. For a person following a 1,500-calorie diet, this means eating no more than 35 to 60 grams of fat each day. Choose complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. About 45% to 65% of your total calorie intake should come from carbohydrate. For someone following a 1,500-calorie diet, this means eating between 170 to 240 grams of carbohydrate each day. Choose low-fat protein sources, such as fish, poultry, and legumes (for example, pinto beans, lentils, and split peas). About 10% to 35% of your total calorie intake should come from protein. For someone follow

Weight Loss Basics; Incase You Forgot

Losing weight is a balancing act between the amount of calories you eat and the amount of calories you burn. For example, a women depending on height should stay in a range of 1500 to 2000 calories a day. A man depending on height can consume say 1800 to 2500 calories. Those estimates will depend on your age and activity levels ( how much you workout ). Weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you eat. This is important, you can’t exercise away a lot of calories or a bad diet. I bet you didn't remember that, and this is a common mistake, if you just cut back on the foods your eating, like skipping meals, but don't change those foods that cause you to gain weight, than you probably won't lose anything. A normal workout, say a combination of running and walking for an hour, will only burn about 300 calories and that’s based on someone who is experienced at this type of workout. Someone new at this type of routine, you might only burn 100 calories. That's a

How I Lost !00 Pounds

I found this testimonial on line and it should be inspirational for everyone. There’s no magic pill or trick to losing weight, you just do it cold turkey. We all have the power to do it, you just have to make up your mind to start. This girl decided to run and change her diet and that’s the fastest way I know to drop body fat, but not all of us can do that. I like the walking method. It takes longer but if your not young anymore walking is easier on your body. Read her story and be inspired yourself. I’ve been heavy my entire life. Even in my kindergarten photos, I was chubby. In late high school, I gained more weight. In college, I reached 260 pounds — I think because I was on my own. I had a driver’s license, a job. I could go out to dinner, eat when I wanted. Nobody was watching over me. Being heavy didn’t make me feel bad, though. I was pretty confident. I didn’t realize I was as big as I was until I started looking at old photos a few months ago. It was pretty shocking. Abou

The #1 Reason Your Overweight

For years researchers thought that low income and lack of education were the major causes for Americans eating unhealthy foods. Today we know that's not true. In Fact, the average "fast food" consumer is aware of the bad choices they are making. And if you didn't know, the average fast food consumer earns more than twice the poverty level income. So if it's not ignorance or income why do Americans gravitate to fast food? The answer is CONVENIENCE !!!! 92% of people polled said that the #1 reason for eating fast food was due to lack of time. They know they should be eating healthier, but they haven't got the time. O.K., and yes that's a valid excuse. I think we all know if your going to eat healthy you have to make it yourself. There lies the problem. Yes, you can go online and find dozens of recipes for a 10 minute meal, but, I know you never have the right ingredients or the time to shop. Shopping in a grocery store is hectic. The stores are overcrowd

Omega-3 or Fish Oil Maybe The Most Important Thing In Your Diet

I'm not a big fan of supplements and this article is a good example why. I've always felt it's better to eat the food containing the vitamins or minerals rather than trying to use supplements to give you the nutrition your missing. This Doctor worries that we're paying for something we're not getting. I'm shocked, LOL. What new?   Dr. Phil Spiess, a board  certified physician says there's something rather disturbing about fish oil and krill oil supplements that I must share with you today.  You see, while Omega-3 fatty acids is  by far  one of the most important parts of your diet, and I think the best thing you could ever take for your health and longevity -- providing heart health, memory, focus, skin, joint, vision, weight management, mood enhancement, pain relief, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging benefits just to name a few -- what you probably DIDN'T know is that the vast majority of fish oil supplements on the market today are completely ineffect

What's In Your Food?

This is an article I found in HealthDay recently, it's definitely worth a read. Your over-weight problem may be caused by food additives. Fructose -- a kind of sugar found in a wide variety of foods and beverages --may encourage overeating. Fructose may be best known to consumers in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, which has long been added to manufactured foods from sodas to cookies. Distinct from sugar known as glucose (produced by the natural breakdown of complex carbohydrates), fructose is also a "simple" sugar and a natural component of fruit. However, "in a series of studies we have found that when compared to glucose, the simple sugar, fructose, is a weaker suppressor of brain areas that help control appetite and the motivation to eat," said study co-author Dr. Kathleen Page, an assistant professor of clinical medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. In other words, people are more li

Lose The Weight Naturally

I wrote before about making a lifestyle change as a way to lose weight.  There has been much written about the Mediterranean Diet, it's not a real diet with set rules about your everyday meals. It's a lifestyle of eating the way Mediterranean people have been eating for centuries. On the front page of my website, I write about the Mediterranean lifestyle of eating in the diet section. When I gave up on diet plans you buy in packets at the grocery store. And decided I wasn't going to sweat the pounds off. I read a book on the Mediterranean Diet and it all started to make sense to me. Cutting back on the food I was eating, only made me hungry after an hour or so. I needed to change my eating habits totally. I stopped eating traditional meals, no more than 3 meals a day. Now I was going to eat 6 times a day. So you might ask, how do I lose weight that way.? Good question. The idea is to only eat enough to stop the cravings. Of course, you have to eat real food, not snac