
The Problem With Artificial Sweetener

By  Yasmine Ali, MD  - This is a post from , this doctor tells you the truth about these sweeteners that claim to have no calories. Artificial sweeteners are a good example of what happens to your body when you consume a chemical. Read the whole post and remember this post when you pick-up a diet soda. In Texas, grocery stores have begun to sell bottled and canned drinks made in  Mexico because Mexican companies use all natural products in food and drinks. No chemicals on the label. Coca-Cola is made with real cane sugar, just like it was made in this country many years ago. A number of studies have now shown that the artificial sweeteners used in diet sodas, such as aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, neotame and others, have been linked to weight gain, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Interestingly, according to  The Sugar Association , regulations by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allow manufacturers to label any product

Why You Should Eat Better

Why You Need to Eat a Better By  Shereen Lehman This is a great blog post by Learn why it's so important to eat the right way.  A Healthy Balanced Diet Hinterhaus Productions / Getty Images Eating a  healthy balanced diet  isn't all that complicated. Just choose a variety of foods from all the major food groups including fruits and vegetables, meats or protein sources, dairy or calcium, grains and cereals, and healthy oils and fats. It also helps if you also want to consume the right amount of calories to maintain a healthy weight and cut back on all the unhealthy junk foods. Sometimes the question isn't about what makes up a healthy diet; it's about why should a person eat a healthy diet. So, in case you're wondering, here are my top ten reasons why you should eat a healthy diet. Makes Losing Weight Easier Sawayasu Tsuji / Getty Images Oh sure, you can lose weight by eating low-calorie  junk food  or by following

Your Diet Can Add Years To Your Life

We all have the ability to live healthier, stronger, and longer lives simply by eating the most nutritious foods for our bodies.The importance of good nutrition cannot be overstated. I have personally seen how an optimal diet can prevent and reverse disease. I have written books about the therapeutic power the right foods can have on such problems as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, allergies, asthma, autoimmune illnesses (including lupus) and headaches. I firmly believe that few people can expect to have good health without paying attention to the consumption of high micronutrient foods. The latest scientific advances in nutritional research continue to provide evidence in support of these facts. The latest to shine a spotlight on the necessity of a superior diet is a new group of data released by The Global Burden of Disease study. It is a huge, ongoing project collecting data in 188 countries. An international research team evaluates studies on each of 79 modifiabl

Cut Calories and Lengthen Your Life.

Cut Calories, Lengthen Life Span? Study found middle-aged adults who reduced their intake showed slower biological aging By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter - Limiting calorie intake may slow aging, a new study suggests. Previous research has shown that calorie restrictions slow aging in worms, flies, and mice, so Duke University researchers wanted to see if it could slow biological aging in people. "Biological aging is the gradual and progressive deterioration of systems in the body that occurs with advancing chronological age," said study author Daniel Belsky, an assistant professor of medicine at Duke, in Durham, N.C. "If we can intervene to slow the rate of biological aging, it may be possible to prevent or at least delay onset for many age-related diseases and disabilities," he explained in a university news release. The researchers looked at 145 people who achieved a 12 percent reduction in calorie intake over two years and a

Get Off Junk Food

I'm just going to come out and say it: The truth is, many of us get too many calories and not enough nutrients from fast food, candy, prepackaged foods, and drinks. Even if you’re not overweight, don’t be too quick to write off your junk-food habit as acceptable. Outwardly thin people aren’t necessarily healthy, as it’s possible to be skinny and in poor metabolic health, thanks to bad nutrition and lack of exercise. Many of us feel compelled to eat junk food (after all, it can taste so good), but is a diet high in fat, sugar, and salt worth the trade-off of the elevated risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancers? Kicking the junk-food habit -- coupled with regular, heart-pumping exercise -- will tip the scales of healthy living in your favor. Don’t know where to start? These simple guidelines will help you get over the hump in no time: Knowledge is power -- and in the case of junk food, it can also be downright scary. While grocery aisles may seem fa

A Fat-Burning Walking Workout

Lose Fat and Lose Weight with this Walking Workout By  Wendy Bumgardner-   This blog post from give us information about a perfect workout for burning fat and the best part is all you need is a good pair of walking shoes. MorePixels/E+/Getty Images Imagine, you can lose your fat without a gym membership or diet pills or even surgery. You don't have to sign up for a meal plan or go on one of those starvation diets.  Brisk walking is a good fat-burning cardio exercise. This fat burning walking workout can be used most days of the week if you want to lose weight. There are two keys to burning fat when walking. The first key is that you need to walk vigorously enough to raise your heart rate into the best zone for burning fat for energy. The second is that you walk long enough that you are burning stored fat rather than just burning off the sugars your body stores for quick bursts of exercise. Time Needed for the Fat-Burning Walk You need to set aside a mi

Staying Fit Over 40

This blog post spells it out. This doctor tells us what he does to live a healthy, fit lifestyle. Most professionals today are well schooled and not kids anymore. It takes a lot of education and a lot of money to rise up in your profession. Anyone who has 4 years of college and then 4 more years getting a post-grad degree knows he'll be working for a long time. My brother has a law degree and after many years in his own practice was asked to be a judge in the county where he lives.  He now hears mostly criminal cases and will probably work into his 70's. This isn't unusual, I know doctors and dentists that will do the same. Professionals have a lot of time and money invested in their career and simply working to 65 doesn't always work out. Today a professional or executive doesn't reach their earnings peak until later in life and then just to quit because you're 65 is pretty stupid. This blog is about a doctor who is staying fit to be able to continue with th