
The Cost Of Being Overweight

Why is this important to anybody? I want to use myself as an example for a minute. I’m over 65 an on Medicare so if you’re on Medicare you understand what I mean. I go to my primary physician twice a year. He checks me over and decides if there’s any change in my condition that he has to be concerned about. If there is than he might send me to a specialist or simply make some suggestions. One time I was in his office and he asked me how long I wanted to live. So I answered that I hoped to live to 90. He asked me if I knew any 90 year old males that were obese. I immediately said “why do you think I’m obese”? And he replied quickly that my BMI was over 30 and yes I’m considered obese. But I feel great and yes I know I gained a few pounds but I always do in the winter. He replied that there will come a day when insurance companies and employers will judge you not by your health condition today, but by what your condition might be in the future. After our little discussion I lost we

About Obesity

The meaning of the word has changed some since The Affordable Care Act passed. Now we adopted the British scale or the way they calculate Obesity. They use the BMI Method. By calculating your Body Mass Index, that tells doctors your percentage of body fat. So if your BMI is 30 or more you are now Obese. If your number is between 25 and 30 your considered to be overweight and if your less than that your normal. You should know your number. You can find out by using the BMI Calculators that are free on fitness websites like Is it our fault, or not. I think it’s a little of both. Some of this we can’t help, but some of the fault is ours because we haven’t been keeping pace with the times. The world has been changing right before our eyes. The food industry has made the biggest change next to medicine. Most of our food today is processed. What does that mean? Manufactures are in the food industry today and they’re making big money. Back in the 1950’s and 60’s we bought foo

An Inspirational Weight Loss Story

Have you seen the story of this 50 year old woman who was brutally fat shamed in a department store by some rude skinny lady? For years this woman struggled to lose weight yet NOTHING worked. P90X, Atkins, Zumba, Beach Body, Gluten Free, Cross Fit… NOTHING worked. And the last straw was when she was brutally fat shamed in the shopping mall while hoping to find a pair of pants she could fit into. It was in that moment she began her quest to not just LOSE the weight - but to get HOT. And one year later… She dropped an incredible 141 pounds!  And she didn’t just lose weight… instead she got a tight, toned body with that sleek sexy muscular looking stomach. Get this… She did this ALL without EVER stepping foot in a gym or without some crazy diet, or using pills or surgery. So how did she do it? She cleaned out all the high-carb food in the house and started to eat healthy. Fruits and vegetables, whole grains (not whole wheat) no dairy, mixed nuts are okay bu

The No-Diet Approach To Losing Weight

By adopting sensible eating habits and practicing portion control, you can eat nutritious foods so that you take in as many calories as you need to maintain your health and well-being at your ideal weight. Often, weight loss occurs on its own simply when you start making better food choices, such as avoiding: processed foods, sugar-laden foods, white bread and pasta (substitute whole-grain varieties instead), foods with a high percentage of calories from fat, alcoholic drinks. While nothing is absolutely forbidden, when you do succumb to temptation, keep the portion size small and add more exercise to your daily workout. By replacing some unwise food choices with healthy ones, you'll be cutting back on calories. If you add some moderate physical activity by simply walking more you have the perfect weight-loss plan without the need for special or inconvenient (and often expensive) diet plans. A 45-year-old woman complains that she has gradually put on 12 pounds over the p

The "Key" is Changing Your Diet

We’re finding more and more that our body will do the healing if we eat the proper foods. For instance, on the Today Show this morning Dr. Oz was demonstrating how cancer grows in your body and that we all have these cancer cells but because some people aren’t getting a proper amount of certain foods, the cancer cells will grow and keep growing until we can detect them. Celery, onions and Leeks will stop cancer cells from growing, but you need to eat them 5 times a week. Remember we all have these cells, we need to stop them before they are large enough to be detected. He also said that medicine has nothing that will do this. In other words, you have to depend on the food your eating to stay healthy. We too often think that our lifestyle doesn't matter, that medicine will keep us healthy, so why worry about it. Yes, medicine is making a lot of break-throughs but medicine if the truth be known is still trying to catch up. Civilization is far ahead of medicine. They are playing the

How much weight do I really have to lose?

The answer is different for all of us. Maybe you've been working on getting back to the weight you were at in high school or on your wedding day. But do you really need to go that low? Or can you weigh more than your ideal weight and still be healthy? O.K., that's a question everyone wants to know the answer to. Actually people lose weight for dozens of different reasons. Maybe you gained weight because you ate the way your family did, the way you grew up eating and that can be the beginning of your overweight problem. But as you get older you see the other school kids and the clothes they wear and you naturally want to fit in, and so your battle with weight begins. Others gain weight later in life, because of their occupation or maybe they've become overworked and depressed or maybe they've done well in life and food and drink is the reward. My neighbor has a sales job traveling, he's in and out of airports two and three times a week. Eating restaurant food eve

Is Exercise Key to Losing Weight?

Exercise is a big part of losing weight, but I don't mean you have to sweat it off. You can loss weight without any exercise just by maintaining a proper diet. But if you don't do some exercise half the weight you lose will be muscle. It happened to me, so if you want to look like a pear then don't exercise. But if you want to look like you did when you actually weighed 30 pounds less, then you want to do some upper body exercise besides walking. Generally, the oldest fat on your body is the fat thats the hardest to get rid of. But muscle will eat up fat, thats why people go on high-protein diets to lose weight. If you build enough muscle, the muscle will eat up the fat just to maintain. In another post I wrote that a stunt man that had the "perfect body" would cut back in the off-season but when he was getting back in shape for a movie he would eat protein and good fats to bulk-up for his role. If your going to build muscle you need to eat or have some fat so t