
The no-diet approach to weight control

Yes you can loss weight without dieting. Most of us gain weight because we over-indulge on the wrong foods. By simply changing the foods you eat and stop drinking anything with calories you can lose weight. By adopting sensible eating habits and practicing portion control, you can eat nutritious foods so that you take in as many calories as you need to maintain your health and well-being at your ideal weight. Often, weight loss occurs on its own simply when you start making better food choices, such as  avoiding: processed foods, sugar-laden foods, white bread and pasta (substitute whole-grain varieties instead), foods with a high percentage of calories from fat, alcoholic drinks. While nothing is absolutely forbidden, when you do succumb to temptation, keep the portion size small and add a bit more exercise to your daily workout. By replacing some unwise food choices with healthy ones, you'll be cutting back on calories. If you add some moderate physical activi

There's No Magic Pill

Everyone looks for the easy way to do everything. We look for the App to change the stations on the TV, you look for the App to open the garage door, the App to do your Taxes, but for losing weight, there’s no easy way. Did You ever do a search: "lose weight” and see all the different websites that have the answer for quick or fast weight loss; just buy this or eat this and the weight will melt away. It won’t happen and if you lose weight it usually comes right back. I lost weight by changing my diet and I never went back. And if I’m on vacation or go to a family gathering and I do slip up and eat something that will add fat, if you go right back to your meal plan the next day, any extra fat you added will disappear fast. When I changed my diet and started to eat fresh, mostly vegetables and fruit for dessert or for a snack, eating more nuts and not eating that food I use to eat. Not eating that food that put the weight on in the first place. I’m not a vegetarian, I do eat me

Planning Meals Will Help You Lose Weight

We talk about cutting back on food consumption but we haven’t said how. So today I have some ideas. I plan my meals the day before. Actually I started planning to save money. I was planning a week at a time so I knew what to buy. Then I found that planning not only saved me money, but I had less food in the house and I ate less. Not really by design, kinda by accident. It might sound like a crazy idea. If you try it you’ll get it. I wasn’t going out as much. I ate at home more because I knew what was for dinner. Before I started planning I’d stop and eat on the way home. It was easier and I didn’t have to clean up. But I’d just get home and turn on the TV and pull out the snacks. Now I go home, make dinner, I stick to the plan. Eat dinner and clean up. Take care of any phone calls I need to return, do my email and finish up any paper work I need to do. By that time it usually after 8 and I find a movie I want to watch. I know many of you work-out at night, but I’m a morning person

Just Work On Improving Your Health

Concentrate on improving your health and the rest will work out. What do I mean? Worrying about the problems in your life will cause you to forget about you. Worrying about money is the main contributor to obesity. Worrying starts a spiral downward that you can’t stop. Worrying starts by causing depression. You have a big problem that you have no solution for. Maybe it’s about money or maybe something with your marriage, or maybe a problem with a child. Yes, these may seem like insurmountable problems. And these types of huge problems in your life will cause you to change your routine. You’re not thinking about your health, you’re not making time for exercise or relationships, instead you’re worrying. If you’re worried about money or your job, then your worrying about how you can cut your budget and that usually starts with the food budget. Now, I probably don’t need to tell you that eating low cost food, is simply eating food with bulk and very little nourishment.  Foods that a

Can You Think Your Way Thin?

It's true that your attitude is 90% of the battle to reach your goal. That's true for any goal your trying to reach. A student would never finish College unless they had the right attitude. You have to want to reach the goal and you're willing to do what it takes and you're not going to give up. Those are the people that win and that's the attitude you need if you want to lose weight. So, losing weight is a mind game per say, but you have to be willing to do the work. Read this post from MedicineNet; they have some good ideas. Can you really think your way thin? It’s obviously not that simple, but there are little mind tricks you can use to bolster your efforts to  lose weight . Try these smart ways to put your brain to work for you: 1. Imagine Yourself Fitter.  You’ve undoubtedly heard about the power of visualization. And when it comes to exercise, an important part of any weight loss program, your imagination can be an effective motivational tool. One sm

Avoid Empty Calories

Dieting is hard. But avoiding "empty" calories helps you reach a healthy weight without feeling like you're dieting. Empty calories are the ones that make us gain weight. Calories are suppose to give our body the energy it needs for your bodily functions. It should give us the energy we need to work, play and stay healthy. But instead we eat mostly empty calories that give us nothing in return. So how do we know if the food is just empty calories? This is were you have to do some homework. I'll save you some time, If you eat fresh foods: lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and some whole grain and only drink water, coffee, and tea. only buy these foods fresh and organic when possible, than the calories you eat will sustain your body. So where do you find a list of such foods? It's called the Mediterranean Diet plan and you can find it on the internet. Just do a search and you'll find several websites with info. Look for the "food pyramid&qu

Some Exercise Can Make You Gain Weight

Are you exercising and not really seeing the results you hoped for? Maybe you're actually GAINING WEIGHT (very common, actually). Fact is, numerous research studies have shown that individuals who start on exercise programs actually subconsciously eat MORE calories due to the fact that exercise also stimulates your appetite. This is why folks who begin exercising--without consciously getting their diet under control at the same time--often actually GAIN body fat. By eating the right foods your body will eat up the body fat  with just a minimal amount of extra activity, like an extra one hour of walking every day. Do you want to put in the time and the effort in the gym to GAIN weight? Some people do but not me. Actually that's what happens to more people then you might think. I had the same problem. I was getting too heavy and the first think I thought of was joining a gym. So I spent $40 a month for many years and got nowhere. I’d lose a little and then gain it back