
The Best Exercise For Your Immune System: Rebounding!

You will want to read this. I wrote a post yesterday about exercise and rebounding, today I found this blog while I was surfing for new exercises. Personally, I like rebounding as an exercise because I feel that it jolts your circulation, gets your blood pumping and that feeds all parts of the body especially areas where you might have poor circulation. You see I feel that poor circulation or just a slow-down in circulation over the years will cause or just speed up aging. The author of this article has a completely different reason for rebounding, one I never thought of. Seniors in particular, will loss strength in the Immune System as they age, mainly because they become less mobile. Read this article about how this guy opted to exercise in place of Chemo. Let’s be honest about the immune system, most of us really have no idea what it is, or exactly how it works, we’re just glad we have one. The immune system is incredibly complex because your body has many lines of defense to

Do I Really Need To Exercise?

Not just to lose weight. I exercise to firm up. If you lose several pounds quick, without exercise, you can end up pear shaped. I’m sure you’ve seen people walking on the street and it seems to happen to women more, but the first pounds that they loss always seems to be above the waist. The face, shoulders, arms and chest always lose fat first. Why, you might ask? I think it’s because no matter how much time you spend sitting or standing without moving, your arms and shoulder are still usually moving. When you spend time at a desk you are generally moving from the waist up even though your just sitting. That’s one reason that walking for exercise is the best exercise you can get. Basically, that’s your problem in this country, the reason obesity is at an all time high. We as Americans don’t walk enough. I don’t talk much about exercise, but it’s an important part of getting healthy. Most of us don’t want to take the time, we feel that we’re neglecting something more important. Actua

Succeeding in Weight Loss

Many factors can impact the success or failure of a new diet or exercise program, so we often spend a lot of time researching and choosing the best weight loss program, finding the most effective workout routine or eating the right foods. But there are also a mental attitude that can affect whether or not you lose weight. One of these factors is self-efficacy, and it’s easy to change. What is Self-Efficacy? Self-efficacy is your belief that you can successfully carry out a specific task. Simply said, You have to believe you can do it. If you start your weight loss journal with the words, “I can lose weight!”, your self-efficacy with regards to weight loss is probably high. You noticed I said weight lose journal, I know most of us don’t keep a journal, but today it’s easy. The traditional way would be to buy a book with blank pages and write everyday about the goal you have. Today, you can start a journal on your computer or tablet by using any text writer that comes with your compu

It's All About The Diet

This author has nailed it for me. She says everything I wanted to say. Losing weight is all about changing the way your living and the food your eating. Remember, there’s no quick fix. You didn’t put on the weight in a week and your not going to lose it in a week. Exercise will tone and firm the body, but to lose weight you have to change your diet. I've posted this before but it's an important post and others who write about weight loss feel the same way. Take a minute, if you never remember anything else I post, this you should remember. 5 Great Ways to Change up Your Diet You don't have to overhaul your entire diet to get a big health boost. Here are five simple changes you can put into action today for high-impact results. 1. Load Up on Fruits and Veggies You know fruits and vegetables are good for you, but did you know they should fill half your plate at every meal? That's what the the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends, and for good reason: P

Can You Believe Food Labels?

When it comes to food labels, manufacturers are very good at finding the loopholes in labeling laws and requirements, and subsequently very good at pulling the wool over YOUR eyes. One such loophole is the manufacturer's ability to claim "zero" grams of fat, or zero grams of trans fat, or zero calories on the label, when in fact the product does indeed contain plenty of fat, trans fat, and/or calories. Here's the law, and how food manufacturers get around it: Zero grams of fat or zero grams of trans fat: As long as the food item has less than .5g of fat or trans fat, respectively, the label does not need to claim their existence on the label. In fact, the product can even legally market "Zero grams of fat!" or "0g of trans fat per serving!" More on why this is a HUGE problem, and how food manfacturers deepen this loophole in just a minute. Zero calories per serving: As long as the food item has less than 5 calories per serving, it can be r


I know all of us will usually find something else to do instead of exercise, but if you have a weight problem exercise even in moderation can be the answer to your problem. We don’t always realize that we’re inactive. We think that the work we do around the house or on the job is all the activity we need, but the amount of food you eat has a direct affect on the amount of exercise you need. You must burn all the calories you eat or you will add body fat. Seniors have the same problem. You can’t stop exercising because you have a few aches or pains. Actually, I do moderate exercise to reduce my pain. I have arthritis in my hands and knees and by doing a few stretching exercises, I don’t have to take any pain killers. Read this part of an article I found about exercise. It applies to anyone who’s inactive. Research found exercise increases the odds of healthy aging as much as sevenfold. And apparently it's never too late to start: Even adults who don't begin exercising until

Guy’s After Thanksgiving

This is the time when most of us realize that we have an overeating problem. Last thursday we stuffed ourselves with all our favorite foods and drank all we could possibly hold, then we suffered all friday and now on saturday we’re promising ourselves that we’ll never do that again. Even if you didn’t go that far, you know what I mean, we’ve all been there. But of course it’s several weeks until January, there will be many parties and many dinners out before the season is over. Personally I always gain weight during the Holiday. I use to gain about 10 pounds during each holiday season and spend the next 6 months trying to lose it. No more, I don’t go through that any more. Yes, I gain a pound or two but that’s all. I learned not to make myself uncomfortable eating, I try everything so as to not offend anyone, but now I eat like my skinny little cousin. Guys like me could take a lesson from skinny women. They stay skinny because they practice portion control. Some girls don’t even know