
Workout Smarter, Not Longer

I found this post in one of the newsletters I subscribe to. It's worth a read. By Steve Steinberg Why do most of us give up trying to lose weight? What we don’t realize is that your workout may help you lose weight at first and then you stop losing weight. This is normal, a beginner at first will lose weight on various diets as long as they increase their activity. But in a few weeks, your progress usually stops. Why? Your body will become accustomed to the diet and your body will adjust to the activity level, so you need to change things up regularly. The most common complaint that I hear from prospective clients is this: “I work out three times a week, but my body never changes.” When I ask them what they do in the gym, I almost always know what I’m going to hear. They generally do two or three circuits of machine-based strength training and then 30 minutes on a treadmill or elliptical machine. And they’ve been doing this same workout three times a week… since the Dawn of Man. “Y...

Protein and Protein Shakes

Americans seem to be very interested in protein these days. According to market research by Statista, more than 2 in 5 Americans drink protein shakes daily. But are protein shakes as beneficial as they're made out to be? Can they help you achieve your weight-loss goals? While protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a critical role in muscle growth, bone health, immune support, and blood sugar control, it's also crucial for maintaining a healthy weight. In this article, we'll explore protein's role in weight management, discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of drinking protein shakes, and give pointers for incorporating protein shakes into a healthy weight-loss plan. The Role of Protein in Weight Management Protein offers several benefits that can help support your weight-loss goals. High-protein foods are highly satiating, meaning they help keep you full and satisfied for longer time periods, reducing the likelihood of overeating or excess snacking. Addi...

Mistakes We Make When Trying To Lose Weight

  By   Malia Frey  A blog post from VeryWell. It’s about the things we all do without thinking about it. Things we do automatically without thinking about it, like putting condiments on your sandwich. When you have been eating the same thing, the same way all your life, and then someone tells you to change the way you eat, what’s that supposed to mean? It’s not always about the food you’re eating, It’s more about the way the food is prepared. You can turn the healthiest of foods into a calorie nightmare just by adding a sauce or gravy. You can fry your food instead of broiling it. Read on and you’ll find some commonly done things to food that most of us do and then we scratch our heads wondering why we can’t lose weight. “I want to lose weight but no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to slim down.” Does that complaint sound familiar? If you’re like many frustrated dieters, you’re beginning to think that you’ll never get the body you desire. But there is hope. If you wan...

Glutes Exercises

 The hips and waist are the biggest problem areas for adults and I think the hardest to reduce. The muscles I'm Talking about are often referred to as the "Gluts". Gluteus medius exercises can help you treat hip, lower back, or knee pain related to weakness in this area. The gluteus medius is a muscle located in the outer hip, and it is important during the stance phase of walking or running and in stabilizing the pelvis. Research shows that the best gluteus medius exercises involve hip abduction (when the hip is moved away from the body's center line) and single-limb support (when standing on one leg and the other is moving). The following are common exercises given by Therapists. Examples of gluteus medius exercises include: Hip hitch (pelvic drop) Isometric standing hip abduction Single-leg bridge Side-lying hip abduction Lateral step-up Resisted side-step Standing resisted-hip abduction Clamshells Single-leg squat Single-leg deadlift In this article, learn gluteus...

Are You Drinking Too Much Water?

 Maybe you didn't think that was possible. Read on, this is important for those who carry around that water bottle all day. This can also affect weight loss. If your body isn't functioning properly it will affect calorie burn. When you become overly hydrated, your kidneys cannot filter all the water out of your system, thus diluting your electrolytes and causing your sodium levels to become too low. This is why it's important not to overhydrate and to replace lost electrolytes when hydrating. — JAMIE JOHNSON, RDN, MEDICAL EXPERT BOARD Jamie Johnson, RDN How to Drink Water Intentionally for Weight Loss Symptoms of Too Much Water Drinking too much water can disrupt your electrolyte balance, causing a condition called hyponatremia. In hyponatremia, the amount of sodium in your blood becomes dangerously low, which can result in adverse symptoms. Below are some common symptoms of water intoxication based on how it might affect the different organ systems.16 Gastrointestinal (GI)...

What's Wrong With Burning Sugar?

 Your body should be burning Carbohydrates and Fats to provide the nutrition your body needs. The problem is that your body is made to conserve energy. The body has to use some energy to create the energy you need to perform the body functions, like eating, thinking and moving. Everything your body does uses up energy, even creating energy. Your body will try to create energyby using the least amount of energy possible. The body doesn't care what it has to burn to create energy, but it does want to use the least amount of energy to do that. It part of the Conservation process.  The one thing that takes the least amount of energy for your body to create more energy is"Sugar". So your body has accomplished it's job, creating the most energy with the least amount effort. The problem is that Sugar has no nutritional value and thesugar substitutes that are widely used have even less. These new diet pills can be the answer for some seriously overweight people, but we can...

Stop Burning Sugar, Start Burning Fat

  A great article that explains why we work out but don’t lose any inches. The article explains why you could be working out just to burn sugar and other sources of energy but not real fat. by Shaun Hadsall Did you know that the years of eating processed foods, lack of exercise, and normal eating patterns have literally PROGRAMMED your body to burn NOTHING but calories and sugars from the foods you consume every day… …INSTEAD of burning off your ugly body fat? In fact, today’s exercise programs take way too much time and use old-school methods that cause you to crave more food and calories – especially calories from sugar – FORCING your body to burn sugars and waste away nothing but stored energy. This means that EVERY time you eat and exercise your body is busy fighting a losing battle. But – what if there was a way to RESET your body’s fat-burning switch so that your body burns fat FIRST every time you move and exercise? Well, there IS. It’s a super simple 3-step metabolic primer...