
Losing Weight And Keeping It Off

Losing weight in theory is pretty simple, be mindful of what you’re eating and increase your activity. Why do most of us have trouble doing just that? First, I think that most of us were raised to eat the way we eat and that makes it difficult to change. Second, in spite of the fact that 2/3 of adults in this country are overweight, most of us don’t think they have a weight problem.  Being overweight will catch up with you and over 45 you will realize what being overweight has done to your body. Like most of us in middle age we try to play catch-up and get on the “live healthy” bandwagon. Some of us can successfully change and we do. Others how might have been in denial for years find it too difficult and end up quitting. I knew I had a weight problem when my waist grew to big. Your waist size is the gauge you should go by. The average height for adult males is 5′ 10″ or 70 inches and your waist should measure 35 inches at the naval and if it’s larger than that you have a problem. ...

The Reasons You need To Eat Better

I reblogged this article from By Shereen Lehman, MS A Healthy Balanced Diet A Healthy Balanced Diet Eating right is good for your health. This is so critical that you can just about blame all your health problems including a weight problem all on your diet.  Yes, if you’re more active it’s better for your heart and your joints, and even your brain because your circulation will improve the active you are. Eating a healthy balanced diet isn’t all that complicated. Just choose a variety of foods from all the major food groups including fruits and vegetables, meats or protein sources, dairy or calcium, grains and cereals, and healthy oils and fats. It also helps if you also want to consume the right amount of calories to maintain a healthy weight and cut back on all the unhealthy junk foods. Sometimes the question isn’t about what makes up a healthy diet; it’s about why should a person eat a healthy diet. So, in case you’re wondering, here are my top ten re...

How to Read Nutrition Labels to Lose Weight

How to Read Nutrition Labels to Lose Weight You might know how to read nutrition labels, but do you know how to read food labels to lose weight? If you’re trying to slim down, there are a few important numbers that matter more and a few numbers that matter less. If you can learn to scan the Nutrition Facts label quickly for essential information, you’ll be able to shop faster, eat better, and lose weight with greater ease. Learn to Read Food Labels for Weight Loss As you read through this guide, keep in mind that the Nutrition Facts label changes from time to time. The label you see in the store today will be changing in the coming years to reflect the newest health guidelines established by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). By 2018, most food labels will need to use the new design. The new design includes larger text for “Calories,” “Serving size,” and “Servings per container.” These changes will help you to find the most important weight loss information. Portion control ...

A New Way Of Eating, What Does That Mean?

I’m continuing from the last post. Most fitness fanatics are going for lean, slim bodies. It’s trending now and the most popular meal plan today is “fasting”. So what does that mean? Fasting is really about the sporadic eating of healthy foods. In other words, most of us have the same meal plan we grew up with and our parents have the same plan they grew up with. Doesn’t sound like that’s a bad thing, but humans today are not the same type of people are parents or grandparents were. Our ancestors basically ate on the run. They ate when they had food and when they had time. We eat on a schedule that was handed down through the last several generations. You eat when you get up, and again at mid-day, and again in the evening. Why is that so important? Well, today we realize it’s not important. When a child is born they eat several times a day because they are not attached to their mother anymore and they are used to that continuous feeding. But as they get older you notice that their appe...

Get Rid Of Bloat

There are medical reasons that you can bloat on a regular basis. Because bloating doesn’t last very long 3 to 5 days usually, most people just ignore bloat. But that’s a mistake, it might be a sign that you have a medical problem or that you’re doing something wrong. It could be your diet? You might not be active enough or your body might be in a hoarding mode. You're probably eating the wrong foods. Before you spend money on some over-the-counter anti-acids or other medication look at the foods you’re eating. All our stomach problems start with the food we’re eating. In some cases, we can diminish bloating by walking. Physical activity is important to banishing bloat. Walking after a big meal will help reduce the effects of that big meal. Make an effort to get more physical activity, with a goal of 30 minutes, 5 days per week. Another recommended lifestyle change is to stop smoking. Smoking can contribute to bloating – so quitting can help — not to mention the other health benefit...

A New Way Of Eating

Most fitness fanatics are going for lean, slim bodies. It’s trending now and the most popular meal plan today is “fasting”. So what does that mean? Fasting is really about the sporadic eating of healthy foods. In other words, most of us have the same meal plan we grew up with and our parents have the same plan they grew up with. Doesn’t sound like that’s a bad thing, but humans today are not the same type of people are parents or grandparents were. Our ancestors basically ate on the run. They ate when they had food and when they had time. We eat on a schedule that was handed down through the last several generations. You eat when you get up, and again at mid-day, and again in the evening. Why is that so important? Well, today we realize it’s not important. When a child is born they eat several times a day because they are not attached to their mother anymore and they are used to that continuous feeding. But as they get older you notice that their appetite changes. They want to skip mea...

Should Humans Really Be Eating Red Meat?

Someone is always bringing up this question, and now the WHO has said that processed meats are causing cancer. So, what’s new, didn’t we know that several years ago. I’ll go one step farther and say that all processed foods are harmful to the human body. This article is interesting because it tells both sides of this story. The important point the author brings out is that no one is going to change anyone’s mind about meat. Humans have been eating meat for millions of years, but if you look at this realistically, it’s only been 100 years or so that humans have lived long enough to actually see diseases like cancer in large numbers and realize that cancer is caused by the foods we eat. Finish reading this post and judge for yourself if meat is good or bad for your health. Before You read any further, I want to point out a few studies a couple decades ago that are still relevant. In the 1960s when people living in the Mediterranean region never had the health problems that we had in ...