Breaking Unhealthy Habits
Quit smoking. Lay off the junk food. Stop being a couch potato. Don’t stay up too late. Are you drinking too much? think about cutting back. Sounds simple enough: If you have a bad habit, break it. But “simple” doesn’t necessarily mean “easy.” You’ll need a good strategy. It’s almost that time to make a New Years Resolution, have you thought about it? Swap Bad for Good It’s important to add good habits to replace your bad ones. the stuff you want to stop doing will probably come back. For example, people who quit smoking can replace it with chewing gum, or packing healthy snacks can be a good replacement. It might be great that you turn off the computer in time to wind down and fall asleep, but if you replace that with looking at your phone or watching TV, that’s probably not going to help. Instead, try meditating, writing in a journal, or reading something on paper. (Light from a screen can keep you awake.) It’s called the “blue screen effect”. If you wonder why your school...