What's Worse? Spare Tire Or Love Handles
Belly fat -- especially hidden fat deep in the gut -- may indicate increased the risk for heart disease, a new study suggests. How do you know if you have fat deep in your gut? Your body puts fat under the skin and close to the surface first when it's filling fat cells and that's to insulate the body. That's a survival technique that you inherited from your ancient ancestors who had to worry about surviving through the winter. That layer of fat is not that thick, between one and two inches. Then if you're still adding fat, your body has to put the fat inside the layer of muscle, around the organs and that the fat that causes you health problems. The six-year study of more than 1,000 adults found people with a "spare tire" in their midsection had a greater risk for heart disease compared to those with visible flab elsewhere under the skin -- or "love handles." "Adipose tissue [fat in the stomach] along with fat below the skin has been assoc...