Workout Smarter, Not Longer

I found this post in one of the newsletters I subscribe to. It's worth a read. By Steve Steinberg Why do most of us give up trying to lose weight? What we don’t realize is that your workout may help you lose weight at first and then you stop losing weight. This is normal, a beginner at first will lose weight on various diets as long as they increase their activity. But in a few weeks, your progress usually stops. Why? Your body will become accustomed to the diet and your body will adjust to the activity level, so you need to change things up regularly. The most common complaint that I hear from prospective clients is this: “I work out three times a week, but my body never changes.” When I ask them what they do in the gym, I almost always know what I’m going to hear. They generally do two or three circuits of machine-based strength training and then 30 minutes on a treadmill or elliptical machine. And they’ve been doing this same workout three times a week… since the Dawn of Man. “Y...