Choosing A Weight Loss Plan

First, I should tell you that I wasted a lot of money trying different programs that didn't work. So after 20 years of not losing much weight, I decided that I had to do this my way. I felt like I knew all the ways that don’t work so I thought I could surely do this on my own. After weeks of reading anything I found on weight loss, I knew that I had been concentrating on the wrong thing. I had to lose fat, forget the weight. When you lose inches you will weigh less. You don’t need a scale, you need a tape measure. At first, I thought this would take hours to measure all the different parts of my body, but I learned quickly that you only have to measure your waist. Measure your waist at the navel. You can’t spot reduce. When your waist gets smaller everything else will get smaller. As you probably gather by now, I’m not in favor of paying to lose fat. Of course, I realize some of us need professional help, you just don’t have a clue where to begin. I get in, and there is professiona...