About Me

It's your body's job to burn body fat. When you eat the right foods your body will burn your body fat for fuel and over time you lose fat and lose weight. I spent too much time worrying about what the scale said, when I should have been using a tape measure to see if I was losing inches. Muscle per square inch weighes more than fat per square inch, so if your not feeding your muscle and your muscle tissue gets flabby your body will burn that flabby muscle rather than body fat. The body will always pick the easiest way to fuel the body and if you're not using all your muscles the body will use the unused muscle as fuel because it's easier. By easier I mean in order for the body to burn calories it has to use up calories. The body wants to burn the most calories for fuel with the lest amount of effort. In other words, the effort the body uses to create energy for the body to function will take energy and it gets energy by burning calories. So lets say the body has to supp...