Eat Smart And You Will Lose Weight

At parties we need to eat smart. Anytime we eat-out, parties or just dinner with friends, we can easily load up on calories without realizing it. Forget the chips and go for the vegetable tray. Try not to drink calories or at least keep it to a minimum. I avoid big meals and I don't eat late. I try to eat something small every 3 hours to prevent getting hungry. There are plenty of famous-name diets for weight loss, but none stands out from the pack when it comes to lasting results, a new review suggests. Looking at a dozen clinical trials, researchers found that three big-name diets -- Atkins, Weight Watchers and the Zone -- were all "modestly" effective over the course of a year. In studies that compared the plans head-to-head, people lost anywhere from 4 to 10 pounds, on average. Meanwhile, a fourth commercial diet -- South Beach -- was no better than traditional advice to eat a low-fat diet, the study authors said. And in the few trials that lasted two years -- a...