
Walking may be the simplest and oldest way to work out. You can do it almost anywhere, and it’s a snap to get started: Just put one foot in front of the other. Especially with the threat of the health crisis we face walking is not only exercise but it's good for the mind. Walking will reduce stress levels that we get from being pend up. There are many great reasons to walk. Your heart will get stronger, you’ll lower your blood pressure, and your bones will get stronger. Walking also eases stress, helps you sleep better, and can boost your outlook on life. If you have any of those problems it may be because you're not walking enough. How much is enough? The answer will probably be different for everyone. What the experts do know is that the average person walks 4000 or 5000 steps a day. And they also know that's not enough to keep you healthy. Remember that is just and average that doesn't take into consideration your size of your age. Person...