Overweight, Your Not Alone

The overweight problem is almost world-way, at least in all the developing countries. North American and some of the European countries have the highest percentage of overweight people and we are the ones who are said to have the best educational programs. 

So what’s wrong? Why do we have more people in the worst physical condition. There’s a simple answer, public education doesn’t teach the “importance of fitness”. We don’t know how to care for our body and what happens if we don’t. 

Public schools have cut back on many programs that I remember were taught a few decades ago. Gym class was mandatory back in the day and you had to swim before you could graduate.

More about the importance of fitness. I know I belong to a different generation than most of my readers, and I realize that the world is more fast-paced than ever before, but there is a movement now in many age groups to lose weight and become healthier. 

Just like people realize that smoking will cause illness and diseases that will shorten your life, we also realize that body fat is just as bad as smoking for your health.

Being overweight effects your whole life. The kind of clothes you can wear, the kind of job you get. The cost of your health insurance. The number of time your in the doctors office and the “out of the pocket” money you have to spend on deductibles. 

We should be taught early on, maybe in grammar school, how to exercise and how to eat in order to stay healthy. 

Somehow we all get caught up in the rat-race of making money and we end up taking our health for granted. We think that doctors will fix all the health problems we have. 

After years of going to a doctor for my aches and pains, I now know that doctors can fix broken bones and they can replace parts that don’t work, but can they fix your liver or stomach, no, not really. They can prescribe drugs to help you deal with pain or indigestion. Doctors can’t fix the parts of your body that don’t work properly. 

That last sentence is the one part of this post you should remember. We can live so much better if we can stay health. Our bodies were designed to do physical work, from sunrise to sunset and not to sit half the day. Who ever invented the desk that is table height along with the stool or chair to set at that desk may have caused the whole obesity problem. 

Sitting for a long period of time actually is bad for your organs. By not being active and moving around you slow down blood flow and the body goes into a state of hibernation. It’s okay to do this before going to sleep, but not in the middle of the day. 

I changed my desk and now use a tall desk that I can stand and work or use a tall stool. I can stay on my feet more hours of the day. This isn’t a new idea. People would work at these tall desks during the Middle Ages. Many people still work at tall desks in factories, and in stores. The short desks are popular in offices where workers are required to be at their desks constantly for hours answering phones and staring at computer screens. 

For some jobs the employer doesn’t want the worker to be walking around and using short desks solves the problem. 
Today companies are faced with the high cost of health care and now realize that workers that sit all day are less productive. My are sick more often. My take more time off and spend more time at the doctors. Many companies try to solve the problem by having exercise classes, cut the work hours, and serve healthier food in the cafeteria. 

Other companies are going farther to help employees. The treadmill desk is becoming popular in California and more tall desks are being used all over. You can find them in furniture stores and at the office supply websites. 

Being on your feet more was proven in California by an insurance company more than ten years ago tom be beneficial in losing weight. This company tried the treadmill desk in a voluntary program to see if office workers could adapt and still be productive. 

The treadmill desk was a huge success. Those who tried the desk lost several inches in the first three months. Participants had to use the treadmill desk three hours a day at any speed they want. The idea is to get they to move more. Everyone in the trial lost weight and improved their health. 

The whole secret to better health is to move more. Keep busy during the day and only do your sitting before you sleep. Sitting for long periods of time like more than one hour will put your body in hibernation mode which you only want to do when you lay down.

If you really want to lose your body fat than look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $1.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans or meal plans. Look for my book. at Amazon.com, B&N.com, iBooks, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on Smashwords.com, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page. 


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