Reasons To Love The Mediterranean Diet
It's not a weight-loss plan, it's the way the Mediterranean people have been eating for thousands of years. Back in the 1980's the medical community became very interested in the Mediterranean people. They had less health problems than other Europeans, Americans, and the rest of the Western World.
At first, they thought it might be the wine they drink every day. Like the French, they have far less cases of cancer and heart disease. So if it's not the red wine what is causing the difference. Now we know it's the diet, that makes the difference. Yes, red wine is good for your blood but it's the whole diet that gives them the good health they enjoy.
There’s no calories to count or cutting out major food groups. You swap the bad fats for heart-healthy fats like olive oil. You’ll eat fish and poultry instead of red meat. And eat fruit instead of fancy desserts. You’ll eat more veggies and beans. Nuts are a mainstay, but only one handful a day. You can also have whole-grain bread and wine in moderation.

All the food is fresh, seasonal foods prepared in simple, easy ways.
You can have bread and pasta made from whole-grain. Whole grain gives you more protein and minerals.Try whole-grain pita bread dipped in olive oil and hummus.
You will eat fats but good fats from olive oil, avocados, and nuts.
The menu will be huge. The Mediterranean region takes in Spain, France, Greece, Turkey, Morocco and many others. You can use a lot more spices to flavor your food.
Most Mediterranean meals are small plates of cheese, olives, tomatoes, beans, and peppers. And of course pita bread.
And like all Mediterranean people you can drink wine at dinner in moderation. except for a glass of wine, you just drink coffee, tea, and water.
You will never be hungry and Mediterranean food like Feta cheese is low-fat compared to American cheeses.
I know you think that you're not going to lose weight eating like this, but you will. I will take a few weeks for your body to get used to eating this way. But after that you will start to lose fat. Extra walking is a big part of this lifestyle and you have to walk more every day.
I found that the real secret is that Mediterranean people don’t eat large meals, except on Sunday. They snack on fresh foods, very seldom eat red meat and they eat more often.
Your heart will thank you, your doctor will be very happy and you’ll live longer.
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