Six Meals A Day To Lose Weight

The Upside of More Than 3 Meals a Day
While eating many meals may not rev up your metabolism or make you burn fat, experts say it could help you in other ways.
The longer you wait between meals, the hungrier you get, and then you’re more likely to overeat.
“After about 3 hours without food, blood sugar begins to fall. And after 4 hours, your body has already digested whatever you sent down earlier,” says Cleveland dietitian Amy Jamieson-Petonic, RD. “Once you’ve crossed the 5-hour mark, your blood sugar begins to plummet, and you grab whatever you can to refuel.”
That’s why breakfast is so important. After 7-8 hours of sleep without food, you need energy to get moving, Jamieson-Petonic says.
People who regularly eat breakfast tend to weigh less than those who skip their morning meal. They also get more nutrients like vitamins D, B12, and A. They may even be more likely to resist food cravings and make better food choices, especially when protein is part of the meal.
If you start off your day with breakfast and then continue eating every 3 to 4 hours, you’ll provide your body and brain with a steady stream of nutrients so you don’t go overboard at mealtime.

How to Snack the Right Way

If you’re going to go the mini-meals route, your biggest danger is eating too much.
“As long as you choose good foods and keep portion sizes in check, frequent grazing can help you lose weight and keep cravings at bay,” Jamieson-Petonic saysThe simplest strategy is mixing portion control with protein and fiber to fill you up. Plan nutrient-dense snacks like these:
  • Fresh fruit with low-fat cheese
  • Raw veggies with 1/4 cup hummus
  • Whole-grain crackers with 1 ounce of low-fat cheese or one tablespoon of nut butter
  • 1/4 cup trail mix with nuts, dried fruits, and whole-grain cereal
  • 1 cup nonfat Greek yogurt with fresh berries
Whether you’re grazing throughout the day or having the standard three meals, getting the most nutrient bang for your calorie buck is key. So avoid “junk” foods that are easy to overeat (processed foods, refined carbs, sugary drinks).
Instead, fuel up on protein and high-fiber carbohydrates. Both fill you up without weighing you down, Kirkpatrick says.
If you have trouble controlling portion sizes, or you don’t have time to prep healthy snacks, you may be better off with the old three-meal-a-day plan.
I like the 6 meal a day plan but you have to eat healthy and avoid high-calorie foods. I found that eating fresh worked for me.

What Matters More

The number of meals you eat doesn’t matter as much as what you eat, Kirkpatrick says.
Fill your plate with plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean sources of protein.
Quality, calories, and portion sizes ultimately make the difference.

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