Over 40 and can't lose weight

This post is from VeryWell.com and points to a problem that women have. When I was young enough to think that the age of 40 was prehistoric, I was convinced that the worst thing about getting old was becoming dull and boring - Having supper at 5:00, clipping toenails to the dusty voices of ancient news anchors on 60 Minutes , nagging people to put chew with their mouths closed and turn off the lights when you leave the room, for Pete's sake! Now, of course, I know what really happens when you get old. Sure you get dull and boring (which probably isn't the case!), but something worse happens: Sudden, instant weight gain. It happens deep in the night, just after your 40th birthday. The Middle-Age Fairy creeps into your room and loads an extra 5 or 10 pounds right around your belly. This mysterious fat not only appears without warning, it's also immune to both diet and exercise. What happens to our bodies after 40 is a trifecta, maybe even a superfect...