
Showing posts from May, 2016

Will High Blood Sugar Keep You From Losing Weight?

Oh, ya If you've been trying and can't lose no matter what. It might be your blood sugar. If you haven't been going to a doctor lately, you might want to have your blood sugar checked. Your overall health is just as important to losing weight as dieting or exercise. It doesn't mean that you can't lose weight even with health problems, but you might have to change what your doing. High blood sugar is dangerous and you want to get that under control before you spend any more time or money on weight loss. No matter what your health condition don't be afraid to walk. Walking is beneficial to anyone at any age. But if you've been trying to lose weight and you can't or you stopped losing, you might think about talking to a doctor about your health and explain your problem. There might be a medical reason and a doctor can help you with that. Read the post below that I found on WebMD. Are you eating healthier and getting more active, but  still not  losin...

We Need to be More Active

Exercise is a big part of losing weight, but I don't mean you have to sweat it off. You can loss weight without any exercise just by maintaining a proper diet. But if you don't do some exercise half the weight you lose will be muscle. It happened to me, so if you want to look like a pear then don't exercise. But if you want to look like you did when you actually weighed 30 pounds less, then you want to do some upper body exercise besides walking. Generally, the oldest fat on your body is the fat thats the hardest to get rid of. But muscle will eat up fat, that's why people go on high-protein diets to lose weight. If you build enough muscle, the muscle will eat up the fat just to maintain it's size and strength. In another post I wrote that a stunt man that had the "perfect body" would cut back in the off-season but when he was getting back in shape for a movie he would eat protein and good fats to bulk-up for his role. If your going to build muscle you n...

Why Do We Have So Much Trouble Losing Weight?

I believe some of the problem may be psychological. If a person is not willing to make the changes to their life that's necessary for weight loss than maybe subconsciously they don't want to lose weight or they don't want to be bothered with going through the necessary changes. I found while talking to clients that they want to lose weight and they are aware of the benefits, but they don't want to be bothered going through the steps. They either don't want to change their lives because they like their life the way it is or they don't want to take the time to make any changes. If your aware of the benefits, why do you want to wait until your doctor says that losing weight is critical to your health. If your still in good health but overweight, it's much easier to become slim and trim now. Your doctor usually doesn't recommend weight loss until your vital signs are in trouble. After your blood pressure is elevated and your cholesterol is elevated, sure i...

Reasons to Love the Mediterranean diet.

It's not a weight-loss plan, it's the way the Mediterranean people have been eating for thousands of years. Back in the 1980's the medical community became very interested in the Mediterranean people. They had less health problems than other Europeans, Americans, and the rest of the Western World.  At first, they thought it might be the wine they drink every day. Like the French, they have far less cases of cancer and heart disease. So if it's not the red wine what is causing the difference. Now we know it's the diet, that makes the difference. Yes, red wine is good for your blood but it's the whole diet that gives them the good health they enjoy. There’s no calories to count or cutting out major food groups. You swap the bad fats for heart-healthy fats like olive oil. You’ll eat fish and poultry instead of red meat. And eat fruit instead of fancy desserts. You’ll eat more veggies and beans. Nuts are a mainstay, but only one handful a day. You can also ...

Can Eating Fatty Food Make You Drowsy?

We think that we are drowsy because we over-ate. What if that food you ate at lunch makes you drowsy.  Men who eat a lot of fatty foods may find themselves needing an afternoon nap, a new study suggests. Researchers found that among almost 800 men aged 35 to 80, those with diets high in fat reported more problems with daytime sleepiness. The connection was not explained by body weight, exercise levels or chronic health issues, such as diabetes or depression. The study, published recently in the journal  Nutrients , does not prove that dietary fat, itself, induces drowsiness. It's unclear why a fatty diet might affect drowsiness, according to lead researcher Yingting Cao, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Adelaide in Australia. But, Cao said, lab studies suggest that certain "gut neuro-hormones" promote sleepiness, so it's plausible that a high-fat diet could somehow affect daytime drowsiness. According to...

Change Your Life and Losing Weight Will Be Your Bonus

I wrote before about making a lifestyle change as a way to lose weight.  There has been much written about the Mediterranean Diet, it's not a real diet with set rules about your everyday meals. It's a lifestyle of eating the way Mediterranean people have been eating for centuries. On the front page of my website, I write about the Mediterranean lifestyle of eating in the diet section. When I gave up on diet plans that you buy in packets at the grocery store and decided I wasn't going to sweat the pounds off. I read a book on the Mediterranean Diet and it all started to make sense to me. The suggested foods are in the diagram above. Cutting back on the food I was eating, only made me hungry after an hour or so. I needed to change my eating habits totally. I stopped eating traditional meals, no more 3 meals a day. Now I was going to eat 6 times a day. So you might ask, how do I lose weight that way.? Good question. The Idea is to only eat enough to stop the cravings....

Compulsive Eating and How to Stop

You want to read this if your one of those who have trouble keeping weight off.  By Jennifer Rainey MarquezWebMD Feature Reviewed by  Joseph Goldberg, MD Think back to the last time you ate so much you felt absolutely stuffed. Were you tearing into a huge cake to celebrate a friend’s birthday? Loading up on turkey and sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving? Or were you at home alone, maybe at the end of a tough day? How did you feel afterward -- simply annoyed that you gave yourself a stomach ache? Or were you tormented by guilt or shame? Eating too much every once in a while is normal. So is eating for emotional reasons. “From the moment we’re born, we’re nurtured with food, rewarded with food, and so emotional connections to food are normal,” says Michelle May, MD, author of  Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat . People who compulsively overeat, though, may use food as their only way of coping with negative emotions. As a result, they often feel that their e...

Yo-Yo Dieting

Is Weight Cycling or Yo-Yo Dieting Harmful? Weight cycling is the repeated loss and regain of body weight. When weight cycling is the result of dieting, it's called "yo-yo" dieting. Weight cycle can range from small weight losses and weight gains (5-10 lbs. per cycle) to large changes in weight (50 lbs. or more per cycle). Some experts believe that weight cycling may be harmful to your health and that staying at one weight is better than weight cycling, even for those people who are obese. However, there is no convincing evidence to support these claims, and most obesity researchers believe that obese individuals should continue trying to control their body weight despite some weight cycling. So far studies have not definitively shown that weight cycling and yo-yo dieting are harmful. However, further research on the effects of weight cycling is needed. In the meantime, a fear of weight cycling should not stop an obese person from achieving a modest weight loss. ...

More on the Mediterranean Diet

Yet another study finds that eating a Mediterranean-style diet rich in fish, nuts, vegetables and fruits is good for your heart, your weight and your overall health. Researchers followed nearly 800 U.S. firefighters, asking how closely they followed a Mediterranean-style diet. They gathered information about weight changes over the previous five years, and collected data on cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. They compared the firefighters who followed a Mediterranean-style diet the closest with those who followed it the least closely, separating the men into four groups. The more closely the men stuck to the diet, the lower their risk of developing some key markers for potential heart trouble, said Dr. Stefanos Kales, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health. Those who adhered most strongly to the diet had a 35 percent lower risk of being diagnosed with metabolic syndrome compared to the group th...

What is the Mediterranean diet?

I know you’ve heard of the Mediterranean diet, anyone who’s been dieting knows about this one. Except, must of us who decide to go on a diet look for quick results. This isn’t that kind of diet, this is more of a lifestyle of correct eating. By following the guide they outline over time excess fat will disappear and you will become a healthier person. Read the following and then do your own research. If it’s not on the chart, don’t eat it. USE YOUR BROWSER AND SEARCH FOR "MEDITERRANEAN FOOD PYRAMID DIET". You'll find a picture of a pyramid of different foods. The Mediterranean diet has been under research for over 50 years, and its benefits continue to become apparent. The health benefits of the Mediterranean diet range from a lower risk of heart disease, certain cancers,diabetes, Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, and stroke; lower blood pressure and LDL levels; improved brain function, eye health, and fertility; healthy body weight; and increased life span. The good news...

Foods that burn fat

I hope your past all the parties by now, and made your New Year’s Resolution. And if your watching your weight, the resolution probably has something to do with losing some excess fat. No one wants to go to the gym looking like they need to go to the gym, if you know what I mean. Yes, I can say it, I gained a couple pounds over the holidays, but I know that I can lose that extra fat just by changing what I eat. Most people don’t realize it but you don’t have to exercise to lose weight. If you limit your calorie intake and eat the right foods you will drop the weight. Now I want to be honest, if you had the extra weight for a long time it will take longer to lose it, but if you just added on a few pounds this winter and want to lose it before the warm weather, then just change your diet and the extra pounds will disappear. I found an article about foods that can burn fat, read below and try it, but remember you have to cut the calories besides just eating these vegetables. Did yo...

#1 Reason Your Overweight

For years researchers thought that low income and lack of education were the major causes for Americans eating unhealthy foods. Today we know that's not true. In Fact, the average "fast food" consumer is aware of the bad choices they are making. And if you didn't know, the average fast food consumer earns more than twice the poverty level income. So if it's not ignorance or income why do Americans gravitate to fast food? The answer is CONVENIENCE !!!! 92% of people polled said that the #1 reason for eating fast food was due to lack of time. They know they should be eating healthier, but they haven't got the time. O.K., and yes that's a valid excuse. I think we all know if your going to eat healthy you have to make it yourself. There lies the problem. Yes, you can go online and find dozens of recipes for a 10 minute meal, but, I know you never have the right ingredients or the time to shop. Shopping in a grocery store is hectic. The stores are ove...

Weight Loss Basics

Losing weight is a balancing act between the amount of calories you eat and the amount of calories you burn. For example, a women depending on height should stay in a range of 1500 to 2000 calories a day. A man depending on height can consume say 1800 to 2500 calories. Those estimates will depend on your age and activity levels ( how much you workout ). Weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you eat. This is important, you can’t exercise away a lot of calories. A normal workout, say a combination of running and walking for an hour, will only burn about 300 calories and that’s based on someone who is experienced at this type of workout. Someone new at this type of routine, you might only burn 100 calories. If your counting your calorie intake and don’t forget the drinks, You can balance the "consumption to burn" ratio by cutting back on sugary beverages or maybe snacks. Once you understand the equation, you’re ready to set your goals. Remember you don’t ha...

About My Ebook

I have to explain and correct something I wrote a couple of days ago. I sell my e-book for $3.99 on all the internet bookstores. I wanted to put the book on sale for two weeks to try to reach another buyer who only buys in that price range. If you don't sell ebooks you might not know but the $1.99 price is the most popular price in the e-book market, by far. So I wanted to get those people interested and last weekend I changed the price for this two-week sale. A few days later, I got an email from the publisher saying the price change had been approved and the bookstores would be making the change over the next 7 to 10 days. So I want you to know that depending on which bookstore you use, you might have to wait a week or so before you see the price change. So if you're interested in the savings, watch the price at your online bookstore and be patient it will appear this month. I'm sorry for the confusion. I write about losing weight, how to lose weight, what foo...

Okay, I'm Fat, But How Much Do I Have To Lose?

The answer is different for all of us. Maybe you've been working on getting back to the weight you were at in high school or on your wedding day. But do you really need to go that low? Or can you weigh more than your ideal weight and still be healthy? O.K., that's a question everyone wants to know the answer to. Actually people lose weight for dozens of different reasons. Maybe you gained weight because you ate the way your family did, the way you grew up eating and that can be the beginning of your overweight problem. But as you get older you see the other school kids and the clothes they wear and you naturally want to fit in, and so your battle with weight begins. Others gain weight later in life, because of their occupation or maybe they've become overworked and depressed or maybe they've done well in life and food and drink is the reward. My neighbor has a sales job traveling, he's in and out of airports two and three times a week. Eating restaurant food eve...