Will High Blood Sugar Keep You From Losing Weight?

Oh, ya If you've been trying and can't lose no matter what. It might be your blood sugar. If you haven't been going to a doctor lately, you might want to have your blood sugar checked. Your overall health is just as important to losing weight as dieting or exercise. It doesn't mean that you can't lose weight even with health problems, but you might have to change what your doing. High blood sugar is dangerous and you want to get that under control before you spend any more time or money on weight loss. No matter what your health condition don't be afraid to walk. Walking is beneficial to anyone at any age. But if you've been trying to lose weight and you can't or you stopped losing, you might think about talking to a doctor about your health and explain your problem. There might be a medical reason and a doctor can help you with that. Read the post below that I found on WebMD. Are you eating healthier and getting more active, but still not losin...