The Hidden Cost Of Being Overweight

                                               What Does Being Overweight really Cost?

More than 69 percent of Americans are overweight. This problem is a serious health threat to Americans. Obesity is now classified as a chronic disease by the American Medical Association. Most people are aware of the health problems being overweight can cause. Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and the list goes on, but most people don't realize overweight people will get cancer at a higher rate than someone at a normal weight. If your in-danger of having cancer because other relatives in your family have or had cancer, then pay attention to the next paragraph.

Yes, losing weight will lower your risk for cancer, but you can also start an exercise program and get into shape. Yes, exercise will help you lose weight, but in-spite of your weight, if your in good physical condition and exercise regularly, have a good diet that includes lots of vegetables and fruits, protein from diary and lean meats, then being overweight won't increase your risk for cancer and other diseases. Actually, your risk will be lower than someone of normal weight who doesn't exercise or eat right.

A healthy diet, basically, means you want to avoid processed foods and any food that will trigger weight gain for you. In most cases you know already what those foods are. Alcohol is something else to avoid. And you have to cut portions of food. You need to shrink your stomach. You will be surprised, how little food you really need. You may have to eat more often; only eat enough to get by for about 3 hours. No more food then that. You might be eating 6 times a day, but it will be more like snacking. Remember only eat real food, nothing processed. Even the rotisserie chicken in the grocery store is a no, no. You want to prepare your own food.

After a few weeks of these snack size meals, you'll see a difference and feel a difference. You'll get use to eating fresh, it's much healthier and you will lose weight, just don't be in a hurry, losing body fat is different than just losing weight. The body fat you lose will stay off as long as you follow a healthy diet.

If you see your weight start to increase, increase your exercise and cut the calories, don't give up. Fresh food has fewer calories, so avoid the condiments that add calories, avoid drinks that add calories, avoid sauces and gravies on your food. Use spices to add flavor.

I have read studies that claim overweight people make less money than their counterpart. They are less productive, take off more time from work and are sick more often. Over a lifetime an overweight person will earn more than $100,000 less than a health fit person. Than you can add in all the doctor bills and medication the an overweight person will need in their lifetime compared to a health, fit person.

I write about losing weight, how to lose weight, what foods to eat when you're trying to lose weight and exercise that will help you lose weight. I wrote an ebook that will give you all the info in one read. It's a how-to book that also tells you about the mistakes I made and how to avoid them.

My ebook is available at, www.B&, iBooks (download the app),, and many more. Price $3.99


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