Eating the Right Way, It Worked For Me

I found a great article I want to share with you. I added a few comments along the way. These are the same beliefs I have and I write about in all my blogs. The chef who wrote this is a typical full-time worker who squeezes in family-time and a busy work schedule. The whole idea of 5 or 6 small meals a day is not a new concept. In some parts of the world this is the way they eat everyday. But because this country began as a country of mostly Europeans, we adopted their ways and in part we still do. The three heavy meals per day really became popular as the population became more industrialized. As more and more of the population worked in factories and other types of production jobs. People got use to eating before and at mid-day and in the evening, after work and around the work schedule.
In the day when man was a nomad and traveled with the herds or like some spent their days fishing, man would eat while on the move, eating more fruits, berries, root type vegetables, nuts and things they could find along the way. Man didn’t farm in those nomad times, but people did fish and most of the population lived around the shore of the seas and oceans.
I believe man started to do damage to himself or damage to his or her health when we fled to the cities for work. The industrial revolution that started in the late 1800 in England would change our lifestyle forever. Today, I believe we realize what our lifestyle is doing to our health and we are looking for a better way.
Published on Health and Fitness website:
I'm a chef (and a mom). You might think that eating frequent meals wouldn’t be an issue.
I understand the concept: Five or six small meals a day takes the edge off your appetite, evens out blood sugar levels, and keeps your energy steady. But I confess: I don’t always eat this way.
Although my fitness trainer encourages me to eat healthy food every few hours, my meals usually look like this: coffee, a bit more coffee, lunch at 3 p.m., dinner at 9 p.m. I start over again the next morning.
When I decided to change this habit, I found that doing these five things helped:
Plan ahead. Five meals a day equals breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks. To do this right, you need to plan what you’ll eat every day for each “meal.” And you need to schedule eating every 2 to 3 hours.
Stock up. Face it: You’re going to grab whatever food is closest. So stock up on veggies, fruit, healthy carbs, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese.
Go for taste. Choose snack foods that will sustain you and taste good. Remember, healthy food can be satisfying.
Whip up a smoothie. Blend fruit, milk, yogurt, and a little honey for a sweet, filling snack packed with vitamins, fiber, protein, and calcium.
Combine carbs and protein to stay full longer. Try whole wheat toast with peanut butter or a hard-boiled egg; whole-grain pasta with olive oil and cheese; or oatmeal with fruit, milk, and honey. Or make yourself a big pot of soup (like my Tuscan chicken soup) to heat up for lunches or snacks.
Eat foods rich in antioxidants to help fight free radicals -- unstable oxygen molecules that contribute to the aging process. Antioxidants can be found in colorful vegetables and fruits like berries, beets, and tomatoes. For a balanced diet and to help you reduce your risk of developing cancer and heart disease, add at least five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables to your diet each day.
Olive oil is a tasty monounsaturated fat that may positively affect memory. A compound in extra-virgin olive oil called oleocanthol is a natural anti-inflammatory and produces effects similar to ibuprofen and other NSAIDs. One study of men showed that olive oil, especially extra-virgin, increased HDL, the good cholesterol that clears fat from blood vessel walls -- a condition known as atherosclerosis.
Berries are a great source of antioxidants. Strawberries, blueberries, and acai berries are just some examples of polyphenol-rich berries. These powerful compounds may help combat cancers and degenerative diseases of the brain. Frozen berries contain polyphenols, too. Check out the grocery store's freezer case and include berries in your diet year-round.
Top your salad with tuna or salmon instead of chicken. Fish has been called "brain food" because its fatty acids, DHA and EPA, are important to brain and nervous system development. Eating fish one to two times a week may also lower the risk of dementia. Omega-3 fats found in fatty fish can lower cholesterol and triglycerides. It can also help ease the inflammation that leads to atherosclerosis.
Add fiber-rich beans to your diet three to four times a week. Fiber may help lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol, prevent constipation, and help digestion. And because you feel full longer, eating a diet high in fiber can help you lose weight. Top a salad with chickpeas or use beans in place of meat in soups. Beans contain complex carbohydrates to help regulate glucose levels, which is important for people with diabetes.
Veggies contain fiber, phytonutrients, and loads of vitamins and minerals that may protect you from chronic diseases. Dark, leafy greens contain vitamin K for strong bones. Sweet potatoes and carrots contain vitamin A, which helps keep eyes and skin healthy and protects against infection. Studies suggest having a serving of tomatoes or tomato products every day may prevent the DNA damage associated with the development of prostate cancer.
People living near the Mediterranean regularly incorporate olive oil, fish, vegetables, whole grains, and an occasional glass of red wine into their meals. Instead of salt, they rely on spices and herbs to flavor their foods. This "Mediterranean diet" can be beneficial to heart health, can reduce the risks of mild memory impairment, and may ward off certain cancers.
Whether eaten whole or ground into paste, nuts are packed with cholesterol-free protein and other nutrients. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects the body from cell damage and helps boosts the immune system. Pecans contain antioxidants. The unsaturated fats in walnuts can help reduce LDL and raise HDL cholesterol. But nuts aren't fat-free. One ounce of almonds -- about 24 nuts -- contains 160 calories. So eat nuts in moderation.
Drinking vitamin D-fortified beverages like milk helps increase calcium absorption. That's especially important for bone health. Vitamin D may also help reduce the risk of colon, breast, and prostate cancers. Eat yogurt with live cultures to aid digestion.
Eating whole grains can reduce your risk of certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Choose whole-grain breads and pastas and brown or wild rice instead of white. Drop barley into soups or add plain oatmeal to meatloaf. Whole grains are minimally processed, so they retain more nutritional value. The fiber in whole grains helps prevent digestive problems such as constipation and diverticular disease.

Keeping off extra weight puts less pressure on your joints, less strain on your heart, and can reduce your risk of certain cancers. It gets tougher to do as metabolism slows and as you lose muscle with age. Select proteins like lean meats, tuna, or beans. Include vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. It takes more energy for your body to break down complex carbs, and the added fiber will help you feel fuller.

Sometimes as people age, it's difficult for them to keep weight on. You may have a harder time recovering from illness or injury if you're underweight. Eat three small meals a day, with healthy snacks in between. Try whole milk instead of skim but limit your overall saturated fat to avoid high cholesterol. Eat the most calorie-heavy item in your meal first. If needed, add a meal supplement until you reach your desired weight.

The concept of small meals throughout the day made my weight loss easy and with almost no exercise, now I wish I had done more but with a hectic work schedule exercise for me was off and on as time promoted. 
I found the trick to several small meals is planning. You have to stay less than 300 calories per meal, so at first it took a lot of research and making notes until I found 6 small meals that gave me enough nutrition for the energy I need and still stay under 1800 calories a day. The first meal was at 7 a.m., then 10, then   1 p.m., then 4 and finally 7p.m. I try never to eat the last two hours before bed. Now that schedule worked good for me, but some people are active till late in the evening and they might get hungry again, so hours have to be adjusted to your schedule.
I still follow the small meal plan even today and I'm not trying to lose weight, I just want to maintain and after your body is use to a different schedule you'll like it. I never have any of those problems caused by over-eating. I do pack my own food more then before so I'm not eating from the snack machine. But I can go to lunch with friends and have something small, but still healthy and not feel left out. At first you will be eating the same things over and over, but you can vary your diet by doing more research and trying new foods for the first time.


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