
Should I Count Calories?

  You’ve seen the statistics. Americans are more overweight than ever and the trend is expected to continue. The lifespan of our children will likely be shorter than ours for the first time in the history of mankind, due to chronic diseases related to obesity. In this day and age, weight loss doesn’t happen by accident, but weight gain does. Why? Consider the following: The majority of Americans do not get the minimum physical activity needed to maintain good health and a proper weight. The average American consumes approximately 3,000-5,000 steps per day, which means they’re sitting most of the day. Portion sizes are significantly larger than a generation ago. Food is available in endless quantities, anytime of day, and high-calorie foods are often cheaper. The bottom line is our environment encourages sitting and eating 24/7. Sitting while commuting to work, sitting at a desk to make a living, sitting for entertainment (phones, movies, video games, TV), and of course sitting while ea

Reverse The Aging Process

  Do you know that things you do every day can cause you to look older than you really are. Pills and beauty creams are not the real answer. It’s all about what you eat and drink that ages you. You probably see people on the street that look really good and have all gray hair. You probably think, “Boy they look good for their age.” Those people might be older than you think. I saw a senior on TV being interviewed about his service in the Army during the second World War. He was the oldest survivor of the D-Day invasion. I was listening to the interview and thought “this guy looks awful young to be in a war 70 years ago”. He looks and talks like he’s maybe 75 or 80. He looked good physically, he stood up during the entire interview and talked like a younger man. At the end of the interview the Host congratulated the man on his One Hundredth Birthday last week. That blew my mind. I only hope I can be in that kind of shape when I’m one hundred. I did a little research and found that the l

Choosing A Weight Loss Program

  When you’re looking for a weight loss program, it’s wise to look for one that will meet your needs and set you up for long-term success. In general, look for programs that focus on steady weight loss — about 1-2 pounds a week. While you’re choosing a program, ask these questions: Does the staff include qualified counselors and health professionals such as registered dietitians, doctors, and exercise physiologists? How limited are the food choices? Who sets your weight loss goal: you, or someone else? What percentage of people complete the program? What is the average weight loss among people who finish the program and at one year? What percentage of people have problems or side effects? What are those problems? Is there a maintenance program to help keep the weight off once you lose it? What is the total cost, including any foods or supplements that are required? If you plan to lose more than 15 to 20 pounds, have any health problems, or take medication on a regular basis, talk to yo

Eating Clean

Reasons To Eat Real Food A beginning dieter will usually make the mistake of thinking that they can just cut calories and they’ll lose weight. That’s the “starvation method” and it only works if you want to lose a couple of pounds. No one can starve themselves for a long time. and normally you can only lose 1 or 2 pounds a week. So don’t think that dying is the way to lose 20+ pounds. The secret to losing body fat is eating whole foods that help burn fat. The fat on your body is caused by the food your eating, not necessarily the amount. But eating the wrong food can cause food cravings that force you to overeat. Learn to eat the right way and your body will burn off your body fat. Don’t worry about your weight, worry about the inches around your waist. This is a great post that I’m re-blogging from the ‘MyFitnessPal website. The post is about the advantages of Clean Eating. This is only a portion of a larger post that I hope to reblog at a later date. For people who want to have a bet

How Many Calories Do We really Need?

We are all guilty of eating too much, that's the big reason half our population is overweight. So how much is too much? Too much is when you eat and drink more calories that your body burns in one day. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, about half your daily calories should come from carbohydrates. So that’s quite a lot. But there’s more to it than how many carbs you need — some sources of carbohydrates are better for you than others. What they mean by “carbs” is vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, dairy, eggs, and whole grains. First, what are carbs? Carbohydrates are mostly found in plants where they provide energy and structure. Sugars, starches, and fibers fall into this category. And although animals need and consume carbohydrates, you won’t find any carbs in meat, fish or poultry. But you will find carbs in milk and dairy products because they contain lactose, which is also a type of sugar. How Many Carbs Do You Need? Your carbohydrate need can be based on your c

Lose Weight Without Dieting?

  The top on my list would be to eat less. You can accomplish this by first eating slower and second eat for only 20 minutes then stop. Eating for only 20 minutes is a good practice, often we are in the habit of grazing and that packs on the pounds. Sleeping more can keep you from grazing and will reduce your total calorie intake for the day. And you do burn calories when you sleep. You can lose from 12 to 20 pounds extra a year by sleeping one hour extra a day. Cook more. By cooking 3 vegetables for dinner instead of one, you’ll eat more veggies a day without trying. You don’t have to eat everything you cook. Veggies reheat better than other foods, so make 3 vegetables one day and they’ll last for 2 or 3 days. Eating more fruits and veggies is a great way to lose weight. Remember to cook without fat and season with lemon and herbs rather than creams or sauces. Soup is another way to lose weight. Make a meal with a vegetable soup, minestrone, tortilla soup or Chinese won ton. Start wit

A Few Words About Eating Out And Your Diet

Eating out is something we all do, we can’t avoid it. I found some good tips in a newsletter I subscribe to. If you’re a health-conscious individual, you likely cringe at even the mention of fast food. McDonald’s. Burger King. Wendy’s. AHHHH! We all know that fast food, for the most part, is REALLY bad news, so if you’re going to go “out to eat”, whatever you do, don’t eat fast food. Instead, try a nice sit-down restaurant in which an independent study recently determined that when compared to the golden arches and King of Burgers, those who choose sit-down restaurants wind up eating TWICE as many calories as those that choose fast food. What? Eye-opener: What appears to be healthy at a restaurant, is very likely not healthy. The reality is that sit-down restaurant meals, due to their exceptionally large portions and often irresponsible preparation methods (with respect to calorie content) give very little regard to health and weight management. Restaurants want you to LOVE the food, b