
Can Breakfast Help You Lose Weight?

  “Can Breakfast Help You Lose Weight” first appeared on the WebMD website. To eat breakfast or not to eat breakfast? That’s the big question if you’re trying to slim down. For years, diet and nutrition experts have said a morning meal is a wise idea. But after a University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) study showed that overweight breakfast eaters weren’t any more likely to slim down than those who skipped it, many were left wondering if they should bother, after all. “Yes, you should eat breakfast,” says Suzy Weems, PhD, a registered dietitian and professor of family and consumer sciences at Baylor University in Waco, TX. But that doesn’t mean you should dig into a stack of pancakes and a plate of bacon. The UAB study didn’t look at  what  people were eating. It didn’t look at how many calories they were getting, either. “You can’t have Twinkies and coffee and expect to slim down, or even maintain weight loss,” Weems says. “The food you choose matters.” That may be why other studies

28 Days To Shrinking Your Stomach

  This is not the time of the year you want to gain weight. The weight you gain during the winter is the hardest pounds to shake off.  Have you strayed from your weight loss goals this year but still want to get in shape? Give the 28-Day Shrink Your Stomach Challenge a try! This weight loss program is designed to decrease your bloat, burn fat, and shrink your stomach in just one month. Plus, the diet is flexible — you can start it whenever you want to! Print out the chart to put on your refrigerator so you can start weight loss the right way, with healthy balanced meals and an exercise routine. If the Plank Challenge is too difficult for you, there are other exercise routines you can do. Just go to the “” website and look for this “Shrink Your Stomach” plan. The facts are that you have to shrink your stomach if you want to lose weight. To lose weight you cut the calories by eating better, fresh food that has fewer calories and increase your activity to burn more than you ea

Are You Eating The Right Way To Lose Weight?

  All the exercise in the world won’t make up for a bad diet. Ranking in terms of importance, exercise is only about 20% of weight loss. Foods and drinks make up 80% of your weight loss. Yes, we have to cut calories to lose weight, but that doesn’t mean cutting back on food. A proper diet for losing body fat is listed below. You have to cut out animal fats that are in red meat and stop drinking calories. The exception to drinking calories are Protein Shakes. Even if you make your own shakes, protein powders will contain calories but you want to buy protein powder that contains “plant protein” and avoid “dairy protein”. Nutrition and weight loss go hand-in-hand, and it pretty much comes down to chemistry and math. Intake too much energy (calories), weight is gained while creating a caloric deficit stimulates weight loss. Everyone seems to be on the search for something quick and easy. Very Low-Calorie Diets (VLCDs) are popular but disregard possible health risks. Seems like a risky high

Starting A Low-Carb Diet

  So you’ve decided to reduce the carbohydrate in your diet. Now what? It’s time to think ahead a bit so you can have your best chance of success. Here are some steps to give you a strong start. First, I should explain that depending what type of carbs you eat now, cutting carbs doesn’t always result in weight loss. Vegetables are carbs and if you eat fresh green vegetables you can’t cut those out.  If you’re eating a lot of bakery goods like bread and cakes and processed foods like pizza, fries, etc., you can definitely cut back on those carbs. So what I’m saying is to cut back on the right stuff and you can lose weight. 1. Become Informed Read about various low-carb diets, or zero in on one. Ideally, read one of the books and become familiar with the principles. Above all, don’t fall for the common myths about eating low carb – such as that there are no vegetables or fruit, that it can’t be healthy, that it has to be boring, etc. Like other ways of eating, low-carb eating can be heal

Why Do We Regain Weight Loss?

There’s a few ways that are a common cause of weight gain. I’ll go over a few because this is the time of year that we all try to lose a few pounds after the holidays. And most of us do lose a few pounds but 9 out of 10 will regain the weight by the end of the year. 1. Unrealistic Diets This may be the number one reason we regain weight. An unrealistic diet is one that you can only do for a short time like a “cleanse”. You drop 10 pounds,  you think that’s great and go back to eating the same diet you had before. Except now you picked up some new eating habits over the holidays like roll and coffee at a coffee shop near work, or stopping at a drive-thru on the way to work to pick up some pastries for the break room. Before the holidays you would have never done this, but everyone is rushed during the holidays. You have to cram in all that Christmas shopping. We normally do some of that during our lunch break, so we are eating more snack food to compensate for the lunch we had to skip.

Ways You Can Change What You Eat And Lose Weight

When it comes to ways to lose weight, most of us tend to think in terms of “what” not “how,” meaning we frame weight loss in terms of what we should eat and shouldn’t eat instead of how we eat. While what we eat is extremely important to our general health and maintenance of a healthy weight, how we eat can be an incredibly influential factor in our ability to lose weight as well. By making simple changes in the way you eat, you can avoid hundreds of mindless calories a day. These ten weight loss tips may feel a bit strange at first, but keep doing them until they become a habit and you will start to see the benefits. 1 It is very typical in our culture of fast food and hurried weekday lunches to eat too fast. Though it may be a time-saver, it won’t save your waistline. It takes up to 20 minutes before the stomach can tell the brain that it is full, yet the average meal lasts only about 10 minutes. The unfortunate result is that we eat far more than we need, which puts us at risk of be