
The Most Popular Diet Today

There's a lot of recent buzz about the ketogenic diet, aka the "keto diet," which has received a ton of praise from elite athletes (eh hem, LeBron James) as it is low in carbohydrates and high in good fats, and it provides a lot of energy. The idea is that by eating high-fat, moderate protein, and fewer carbs, the body goes into ketosis or the metabolic state in which ketone bodies (fat-like molecules) become the main fuel source instead of glucose. How does that break down into a daily diet? When meal planning, you're aiming to get 70 to 75 percent of your calories from fat, 20 to 25 percent from protein, and 5 to 10 percent from carbohydrates. You're mostly allowed to eat whole, unprocessed foods—ones that are high in fat and protein, along with a few complex carbs. High-carb foods are completely cut out, though, so say goodbye to grains, potatoes, beans, syrups, pastries, fruit, and even milk. Basically, if it tastes sweet or has an "-ose" on the end,

How Do I Live Healthier and Loss Fat?

  Losing fat is a simple process. Consume fewer calories than your body burns. Sounds simple, right. In theory, it is simple. Some might ask, do I have to starve myself to lose weight?  No, is the short answer, but you do have to make changes. The common theory is that you can exercise your way to a slim, trim body. That's why most people who try to lose weight exercising give up in a few months. They don't get the quick results they hoped for and it's too much work and takes too much time. Actually, diet is 80% of weight loss, exercise is only 20% of the battle. Some of us are actually active enough right now. They can't lose weight because they are eating the wrong foods and drinking too many calories. The human body needs less than 2000 calories a day to support bodily functions. It depends on your activity level. Some of us workout 2 or 3 times a week, others are on their feet all day and are probably active enough to burn their calories. It's not easy to burn c

How Do I Become A Healthier Person?

This is the most frequently asked question in my Inbox. The answer is that it all starts with your diet. You can go to the gym every day but “you can’t exercise away a bad diet”. The problem that most of us have is that we think we have a good diet. If you have added weight to your body over the last 10 years, your diet is the problem. Most of us think that we can fix our diet just by eating less food. Not really. The problem is the food we are eating and not so much the quantity. When you eat fresh food the urge to keep eating will disappear. So what does eating fresh mean?  I found this food pyramid on the internet. This is a good example of eating fresh. This pyramid explains what you can eat every day, What you should only eat weekly and what you should only eat once a month. You should drink water or other drinks that have no calories. The only exception is one glass of wine either before or after dinner. I live by this pyramid every day. You can eat all you want, as long as it’s

The Key To Losing Fat Is Your Diet

We’re finding more and more that our body will do the healing if we eat the proper foods. For instance, on the Today Show this morning Dr. Oz was demonstrating how cancer grows in your body and that we all have these cancer cells but because some people aren’t getting a proper amount of certain foods, the cancer cells will grow and keep growing until we can detect them. Celery, onions, and Leeks will stop cancer cells from growing, but you need to eat them 5 times a week. Remember we all have these cells, we need to stop them before they are large enough to be detected. He also said that medicine has nothing that will do this. In other words, you have to depend on the food your eating to stay healthy. We too often think that our lifestyle doesn't matter, that medicine will keep us healthy, so why worry about it. Yes, medicine is making a lot of break-throughs but medicine if the truth is known is still trying to catch up. Civilization is far ahead of medicine. They are playing the

Focus On Your Health Not Your Weight

 Many of us trying to lose weight look for the fastest way to drop a few pounds, but dropping a few pounds will not fix your problem. You have to ask yourself "how did I get this way". Being honest with yourself is the only way you're going to make any real change.  My story is not any different than most. During my 20"s is was very fit, very athletic, and never thought much about my weight because I was thin and healthy. I didn't have to think about staying that way. In my late 30's as I became more successful my lifestyle changed. I was still active but more indulgent. We ate out more often, we had time for bigger meals, and started to drink more alcohol. I don't want to sound like an alcoholic but my wife and I would enjoy wine with dinner. Sometimes an afternoon cocktail with snacks. We were eating dinner later in the evening.       During my late 30's and 40's and into my 50's I gained about 50 pounds. My doctor started to have those talk

Weight Loss Questions You Can Ask Your Doctor

Many of us fail at weight loss because we are not really serious about getting to proper weight for our size and age. You should always start with a doctor's visit.  This post first appeared on and if you are one of the ones who have tried and failed to keep the weight off, maybe it's because you should always start with your doctor and explain you want to do this without pills. The last thing you want is to get hooked on diet pills. That's no way to restrict calories. The minute you stop taking diet pills you gain the weight back. If you are ready to see a doctor for weight loss, you need to go to your appointment prepared. There are several critical weight loss questions you need to ask. You may want to talk to your doctor about weight loss medication, about the risks of different weight loss programs, and about the benefits of losing weight. Your physician will be able to give you answers that take your personal health history into account. The Best Doctor f

Am I Overweight Or Obese? What's The Difference?

This is a topic I want to write about. There’s a thin line between the two and the doctors are being pushed into putting their patients into categories. Information that used to be between you and your doctor use to be confidential, but today the insurance companies want to know what the doctors know about you. The way insurance companies charge you for insurance is changing. Remember before you dismiss this article, more than half of adult Americans are overweight. Personally, I’m talking to each of my doctors to find out how much of my info they share with the government and insurance companies because I know your insurance company is sharing too. Read below and see if your in one of these categories. Then ask your doctor what your real weight should be, the charts are changing. Doctors usually define "overweight" as a condition in which a person's weight is 10%-20% higher than "normal," as defined by a standard height/weight chart, or as a body mass index (BM