
What's A Healthy Weight?

Many Americans struggle to control their weight. The country’s obesity problem is well known: 1 in 3 of us is obese, and the rate is rising. But you still might wonder what a healthy weight is, and how to get there (and stay there) the right way.  Remember as you read what the experts say, cutting calories is not about eating less food, it's about eating food with fewer calories. When you eat high-calorie food and drinks you add body fat. Body Mass Index (BMI) It’s pretty easy to figure out the estimated healthy weight. You can use two simple tools. The first is called body mass index (BMI). To figure out your BMI, just use this math formula: Multiply your weight in pounds by 703 and divide it by your height (in inches) squared. So, for example, if you weigh 185 pounds and are 5-foot-5 (65 inches), then your BMI works out this way: 185 x 703 = 130,055 65 x 65 = 4,225 130,005 ÷ 4,225 = 30.78 (round up to 30.8) Obesity in adults is defined as having a BMI of 30.0 or above. The other

How The Body Loses Weight

I found this post on WebMD. It's not possible to lose weight unless you understand how the body works. Losing weight is a balancing act between the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you burn. For example, women depending on height should stay in a range of 1500 to 2000 calories a day. A man depending on height can consume say 1800 to 2500 calories. Those estimates will depend on your age and activity levels (how much you work out). Weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you eat. This is important, you can’t exercise away a lot of calories. A normal workout, say a combination of running and walking for an hour, will only burn about 300 calories and that’s based on someone who is experienced at this type of workout. Someone new at this type of routine, you might only burn 100 calories. If your counting your calorie intake and don’t forget the drinks, You can balance the "consumption to burn" ratio by cutting back on sugary beverages, snacks

The Right Way To Weight Yourself

Which Is the Best Day of the Week to Weigh Yourself? This is a great post. Beginners often get discouraged because they think they aren't getting anywhere. If you're not weighing yourself the right way you might not really understand that your weight fluctuates from day to day and that's normal. You can be losing weight every day but its ounces per day, not pounds. This blog post is from and will tell you the truth about weighing yourself. First I should explain that there are several "schools of thought" about weighing yourself. Some trainers will tell you to weigh yourself every day, they say it keeps you focused on your diet. Others say to only weigh-in once a week, otherwise, you can get discouraged. I'm in the camp that thinks you should weigh-in once a week. There's no point in weighing in too often. Your weight fluctuates from day to day and that's normal and even if you're losing weight every day it's only ounces and you ca

Improve Your Diet Now

I know changing old, bad dietary habits is tough, and it takes a long time for new eating habits to become permanent. But don't make it too complicated. No matter how bad your diet is right now - here are five easy things you can do right now to improve the way you eat. Your diet is the only reason for your extra body fat. By eating all-natural foods your body will burn that extra fat. 1 Add an Extra Vegetable to Your Next Meal I don't care if your next meal is breakfast, lunch, or dinner, you can improve your diet instantly by eating an extra vegetable. Pick one that's green or brightly colored for maximum nutritional benefit. Steam some broccoli to go with your sandwich at lunch, and make two vegetable sides for dinner instead of one. Or eat a bigger salad. This even works for breakfast -- add spinach to your scrambled eggs or make a green smoothie. 2 Eat Fresh Fruit Next time you're in line at the lunch counter, grab an apple or pear instead of a cookie or piece of c

Can Humans Reverse Aging

If you have been reading my blog over the years I have written several posts about how we are aging our bodies. You age your body by neglecting to do the maintenance. And what does that mean? We don't try and keep your muscles strong and we don't try to feed your body the nutrition it needs. So what happens? We die at an early age. Medical science doesn't know how long humans can live. A private company is doing research now to see if humans can live to 150. Some researchers think humans can live to 200, but no studies have been done. So there's much controversy and the only thing they all agree on is that we are killing ourselves by not taking care of our bodies. We only get one body and a doctor can do simple things like setting a bone but when it comes to illnesses and diseases, doctors can basically just treat the symptoms.  High-intensity exercise may help older adults reverse certain aspects of the "cellular" aging process, a new study suggests. It's

Is Exercise "Key" To Losing Weight?

Exercise is a big part of losing weight, but I don't mean you have to sweat it off. You can lose weight without any exercise just by maintaining a proper diet. But if you don't do some exercise half the weight you lose will be muscle. It happened to me, so if you want to look like a pear then don't exercise. But if you want to look like you did when you actually weighed 30 pounds less, then you want to do some upper body exercise besides walking. Generally, the oldest fat on your body is the fat that's the hardest to get rid of. But muscle will eat up fat, that's why people go on high-protein diets to lose weight. If you build enough muscle, the muscle will eat up the fat just to maintain. In another post I wrote that a stunt man that had the "perfect body" would cut back in the off-season but when he was getting back in shape for a movie he would eat protein and good fats to bulk-up for his role. If you're going to build muscle you need to eat or have

About The Food We Eat

This is an article I found in HealthDay recently, it's definitely worth a read. Your over-weight problem may be caused by food additives. Fructose -- a kind of sugar found in a wide variety of foods and beverages --may encourage overeating. Fructose may be best known to consumers in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, which has long been added to manufactured foods from sodas to cookies. Distinct from sugar known as glucose (produced by the natural breakdown of complex carbohydrates), fructose is also a "simple" sugar and a natural component of fruit. However, "in a series of studies we have found that when compared to glucose, the simple sugar, fructose, is a weaker suppressor of brain areas that help control appetite and the motivation to eat," said study co-author Dr. Kathleen Page, an assistant professor of clinical medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. In other words, people are more likely to rem