
Have You Heard Of The "Mind Diet"

The MIND Diet May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s It's a good post and this kind of diet will keep your mind sharp, and it's great for your overall health, but will it prevent Alzheimer's, I think the jury is still out on that one. By Camille Noe PagánWebMD Feature Reviewed by Neil Lava, MD Want another great reason to eat healthy? The food choices you make daily might lower your odds of getting Alzheimer’s disease, some scientists say. "That statement is the truth; what you eat every day will determine how many health problems you have in the future." Several years of a bad diet can't be erased by a few years of healthy eating. Don't wait to change your diet until after your health is going south. It's true that making changes at any age or in any condition can help your body, but when you start early, before you have health problems you'll make a big difference in your overall health and you may add a few healthy years to your life. Res

Diet Buddies

Yes, there is such a thing as a "diet buddy". When someone has a hard time sticking to a diet, after quitting your diet several times, you might be tempted to look for someone to give you "moral support". I know it sounds like a good idea but the success ratio is pretty bad. I know that sounds discouraging but it's the truth. A blogger on WordPress that I try to read pretty often wrote about this very subject and at the end of her post it said, "If you're looking for that special someone to give you the encouragement to stick with it, simply look in the mirror." Wow, real words of wisdom. I think by this time you have probably guessed that I'm not in favor of "diet buddies" or "exercise buddies". For some unknown reason we never seem to pick the right person and after a few weeks, they are finding excuses not to show up or not to continue "being there for you". Or worst of all, they are the one that ends up ne

Don't Diet, Improve Your Health

Concentrate on improving your health and the rest will work out. What do I mean? Worrying about the problems in your life will cause you to forget about the big picture, that’s really a backward way to handle the problem. Worrying about money is the main contributor to obesity. Worrying starts a spiral downward that you can’t stop. Worrying starts by causing depression. You have a big problem that you have no solution for; maybe it’s about money or maybe something with your marriage, or maybe a problem with a child. Yes, these may seem like insurmountable problems. And these types of huge problems in your life will cause you to make changes in your routine. You’re not thinking about your health, you’re not making time for exercise or relationships, instead you’re worrying. If you’re worried about money or your job, then your worrying about how you can cut your budget and that usually starts with the food budget. Personally, I think families today spend too much on cell phone, c

Lose Your Belly Fat

Discover 5 reasons why guys should lose weight, from a better sex life to banishing low testosterone and back pain.Vanity might be enough to motivate men to lose a beer belly, but good health is reason to lose extra weight, too. According to David Katz, MD, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University School of Medicine, shedding that extra layer of belly fat can have a profound impact on how you look, feel, and perform in all areas of your life. Here are just a few ways that belly fat can mess with your health, as well as reasons why taking it off can help make your RealAge up to 3 years younger. Losing Belly Fat Can Enhance Your Sex Life That's right: Losing weight will improve your sex life. Researchers found that obese people were 25 times more likely to report sexual problems than normal-weight folks. "Being heavier is going to interfere with self-esteem and the comfort of sexual activity," Katz says. Being overweight can also cause erectile dysf

Are You Really Overweight; Let's Figure It Out

It may sound like a stupid who doesn't need to lose weight?  But we often base our weight loss goals on an old version of ourselves that was once fit and thin.  When you get older, things change and it pays to actually assess your weight with the right tools so you know just how to set your goals. Do You Need to Lose Weight? If you're really not sure, your doctor's office is an excellent place to start. When was the last time you had a physical?  Now would be a great time to schedule one and talk to your doctor about your weight.  He or she can at least give you a ballpark for a healthy weight for you. But you shouldn't get all rapped up in the numbers on the scale.  Those who want to lose weight, really need to lose body fat. So while most of us use the scale to measure results, we should be using a tape measure. Another blogger wrote in one of her blogs, "your pants don't lie". What she was talking about is that dropping two

It's Normal, Everyone Gain A Little During The Holidays

We all have spent the last few weeks on an eating binge. You can’t just give up because you gain some weight and blew your diet. Don’t think your the only one who gained some weight lately.  But you can get your eating back on track. Here’s how. I know the Holidays aren't over yet, but if you start now you may avoid lots of pain later trying to lose the excess fat. First, Relax You need some perspective. You need to eat 3,500 calories to gain one pound of body fat. One unplanned treat — a slice of cake, some fries, or even a rich meal — probably won’t make a major difference on the scale. “We call these ‘taking timeouts,’ and we all take them,” says San Antonio nutrition consultant Rebecca Reeves, RD. “No one is perfect in their eating habits. What we have to learn is that we are giving ourselves permission to do this, and as soon as it’s over, we should go back to the eating plan we normally follow.” The goal is to not make a habit of it. “Most people overeat somewhere

What Is A Weight Plateau

When you begin in the quest to lose weight, it's normal that you don't succeed or regain the weight loss because you don't really understand how the body works and how to lose weight and what to expect. The body is what I call "pre-programmed" to keep you from dying of starvation. This instinct was a necessity millions of years ago because humans were nomads who roamed the earth and were eating off the land, not knowing when they would find food again. Humans didn't become farmers and fisherman for several million years. So adding body fat was not something the body was worried about. It was normal to add body fat before the cold winters. Of course, many of the various civilizations are very thin like the people of North Africa. As we study different civilizations, we can tell that some of them have lived in the same region for thousands of years and their bodies have adapted to the climate which can keep them thin or keep the heavy. Your genes are preprog