
We Need To Exercise

You probably wonder why exercise is so important to our body after all my father never exercised or his father either. Well, they came from a different generation. They lived a more physical life. I remember my grandparents; they worked sun up to sun down on a small farm raising chickens, and taking care of their garden and orchard. And my parents didn't have it that hard but without all the conveniences we have today they stayed busy all day between their jobs and shopping and keeping up the house. Today the average adult spends about 16 hours a day either sitting or lying down. When the body is sitting for more than 20 minutes it can go into hibernation mode just like when you're lying down. Several hours in hibernation mode will slow down body functions and will actually cause health problems. Exercise comes in many types. Playing sports like soccer or swimming or walking, jogging, using hand weights are just a few way to exercise. More people than ever are starting to

How Do People Stay Thin?

It's not the mystery of the Century. I wondered the same think before I lost my body fat. Losing your body is key to the mystery. In order to lose fat you must learn how to eat and what to eat so your body burns that excess fat. The mistake I made for many years was thinking that I could burn the fat by exercising. Exercise is part of losing body fat but exercise itself won't burn fat, it helps your body to function better. You increase the oxygen in your blood stream and increase your strength and balance. You also strengthen your heart which is key to good circulation. It's better circulation and a strong heart that give you energy along with eating the right foods. So how do people stay thin? Once I lost most of my fat, my BMI was 21 at that time, I was already in the habit of eating fresh food. I follow the suggestions on the food pyramid. At first it might look like a lot of carbs, but they're good carbs, no processed foods here, they're all fresh foods.

Do You Need Help Losing Weight?

It’s up to you to take charge of your health. You should know if you weigh too much, if you out of shape, or have too much body fat. That’s something children don’t learn, how to take care of themselves, how to take care of their health. Why is it that we don’t know that we’re not in good health or that we weigh too much? First of all, I think we do know but too often we ignore the signs. If a person has colds frequently or feels exhausted and has no energy, that’s a good sign that something is missing in their diet. Most of us reach for vitamin supplements for the answer, but what most people need is to examine their diet. Be truthful with yourself and start to keep a log of what you eat. After one week, I think you’ll know what’s wrong with your diet. Some people already know their diet is their problem but just don’t know where to start or don’t want to take the time to change. For example, I think we all know that fast food isn’t really a healthy choice. But every day we line up

What's In Your Food

This is an article I found in HealthDay recently, it's definitely worth a read. Your over-weight problem maybe caused from food additives. We can't get away from the chemicals in food but we can cut back on the cancer causing chemicals by eating natural whole foods. Restaurant food is never good for anyone's diet. Fructose -- a kind of sugar found in a wide variety of foods and beverages --may encourage overeating. Fructose may be best known to consumers in the form of "high-fructose corn syrup", which has long been added to manufactured foods from sodas to cookies. Distinct from sugar known as glucose (produced by the natural breakdown of complex carbohydrates), fructose is also a "simple" sugar and a natural component of fruit. However, "in a series of studies we have found that when compared to glucose, the simple sugar, fructose, is a weaker suppressor of brain areas that help control appetite and the motivation to eat," said stu

How You Digest Carbs Might Effect Your Weight

If you read my last post, I don't real agree with the doctors study on heavy air. I do agree with this article I found about carbs. This makes a lot of sense to me. Read below and see if you agree. We don’t all digest carbs or for that matter any food the same way the next person does. There are differences between the way people digest food, which might be the reason brothers or sisters eating the same food while growing up can have different size bodies. Overweight is a world wide problem and scientists from dozens of countries are trying to come up with a solution. So if you have trouble keeping the weight off, it's a good idea to read about the problems and the solutions that are being worked on. Science has caulked this off to different genes. But some doctors think it's not that simple. What if those genes that get all the blame, actually cause your body to digest carbs differently than other people. Read the following article I found in HealthDay News. Obesity or

How I Lost 100 Pounds

I found this testimonial on line and it should be inspirational for everyone. There’s no magic pill or trick to losing weight, you just do it cold turkey. We all have the power to do it, you just have to make up your mind to start. This girl decided to run and change her diet and that’s the fastest way I know to drop body fat, but not all of us can do that. I like the walking method. It takes longer but if your not young anymore walking is easier on your body. Read her story and be inspired yourself. I’ve been heavy my entire life. Even in my kindergarten photos, I was chubby. In late high school, I gained more weight. In college, I reached 260 pounds — I think because I was on my own. I had a driver’s license, a job. I could go out to dinner, eat when I wanted. Nobody was watching over me. Being heavy didn’t make me feel bad, though. I was pretty confident. I didn’t realize I was as big as I was until I started looking at old photos a few months ago. It was pretty shocking. Ab

This Is The Best Way To Lose Weight

I’ve wrote about The Mediterranean Diet several times and I still think it’s the best way to eat. Yesterday I wrote about saturated fats and that minds are changing and that in moderation saturated fats aren’t harmful. Of course, everyone doesn’t go along with that, but most all research shows that the diet or the way people eat in the Mediterranean region of the world could be the healthiest diet. Inspite of body fat, these people have managed to avoid heart disease and any other types of coronary diseases. When your eating a Mediterranean style diet you won’t be counting calories. You’ll be swapping bad fats for good ones like olive oil instead of butter. Fish and poultry instead of red meat. Fresh fruit instead sweet desserts. You’ll be filling up on veggies and beans. You can snack on nuts instead of candy or chips.  The idea is to eat thinks that are nutritious, thinks that add value to your diet.  Stay away from processed foods. Eat real food and not manufactured food.