
Avoid Empty Calories

Dieting is hard. But avoiding "empty" calories helps you reach a healthy weight without feeling like you're dieting. If your trying to lose weight and you're trying to stick to 1600 or 1800 calories, make those calories count. Your body needs a certain amount of energy each day. Energy comes from food in the form of calories. Calories let you function and keep doing your daily activities. But after your body meets its needs, it stores extra calories as fat. Most of us get plenty of calories in our diet—often too many. Foods with empty calories have lots of calories but very few nutrients like vitamins and minerals. If you're cutting back to lose weight everything you eat has to give you energy. "Convenience foods," like packaged snacks, chips, and sodas, are common sources of empty calories. Nutrient-rich foods, on the other hand, have a lot more nutrients in relation to their calories. A few examples are vegetables, peanuts, fruit, and fish, chicken,

How Technology Can Help You Lose Weight

I really don't write enough about "how technology can help you lose weight". If you're a busy person who lives that rush, rush lifestyle you need to look into fitness trackers. Wouldn't it be nice if you knew exactly what to do to lose weight successfully? What you need is a fitness tracker and a smart goal! S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym to remind you how to set a goal that maps out exactly what you need to do. These goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Don't just stack up data you get from a fitness device. Use the info you track, your calories burned, food eaten, and hours slept to shape S.M.A.R.T. goals for yourself. Here's one example of how to do it. Look at your fitness device to see how many calories you burn a week by exercising. Let's say it's 1,000 calories. Use that data to bump up your calorie burn. For example, a S.M.A.R.T. goal is “I will walk enough to burn at least 1,250 calories through exercise

How Long Will It Take?

This is a frequently asked question. "How long will it take to see results". The answer is different for everyone. If you are only 20 pounds or so over your goal weight then a 200 pound man can expect to loss about 2 pounds a week. If you're a woman who weighs about 140 and wants to lose 20 pounds then 2 pounds every week might be too much to expect. And it also depends on your age. For instance, a young woman who has had a baby recently will loss her 20 pounds faster than a woman in her late 40's who has carried the extra weight for a few years. If you have been over weight for sometime, it will take longer to lose it. So several things being considered, 20 pounds may take 2 months for a new mom to lose, or it might take a man 200 pounds age 65, one years to drop the weight. This is what you need to consider; your weight and your age, what kind of physical shape am I in? The better the condition the more exercise you'll be able to do. How motivated am I? You h

Lose Weight For Good

Want to lose weight, but feel as though you’ve already tried every trick in the book? It’s time to take a different approach to dieting. Try these 12 proven strategies will help you slim down for good. Change the way you describe your goals. “Call it whatever you want, but don't call what you’re doing a ‘diet,’ ” says David Grotto, RD, author of The Best Things You Can Eat. “Diets have a beginning and an end -- and that’s the problem.” You will only succeed, Grotto says, when you make a  lifelong commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Make your goal meaningful. Shift your focus from “I want to fit into those jeans” to “I want to feel good and have more energy.” Internal goals -- like how you feel instead of how you look -- tend to have greater staying power over time. Concentrating on the feel-good benefits you're getting also helps you to stick with something. I know that when your young (under 40) you may not realize that you lost any of your energy, but if you gained

Advice For Seniors

I’ve received email lately from seniors that don’t seem to think they can lose weight anymore. We can all lose weight at any age. We can all exercise at any age. You just need to start moving. Change what your eating and start walking more. Seniors have a couple of problems losing weight. First, as you get older you lose some of the good bacteria in your digestive system which means that more of your food is not being digested. It’s being stored as fat. Cut down portions as you get older. Second and more important, I think, as we age and gain weight over time, we lose the ambition to be active. We have a few more aches and pains and instead of working through them, we tend to pamper them.  Some people take a pill for any minor problem, when all you might need is exercise. I'm not talking about a high intensity aerobics class, I'm talking about more walking around and less sitting. Maybe that means to start the day with a walk after breakfast and another walk after lunch and

What Causes Us To Gain Weight?

Most of us just think it's one of the mysteries of life. Wrong, it's all about your behavior. What you're eating and drinking, and how active you are all day long. Weight gain is all about the way you live your life. The reason it's so hard to lose weight is because weight creeps up on us. For me it started in my 30's. For some of us it starts in College. You might not realize it but most College students are not very active. In Fact, walking from class to class and walking to the cafeteria might be their only exercise. Many of our population work in offices and office workers have about the same activity level as students. Many of us and I'm no exception, are literally tied to our computer a big part of the day. Actually the housewife and mother maybe more active than the office-worker, in fact I'm sure of that. Here is some science for you. After sitting for 20 minutes, your body's metabolism will shut-down and stop burning calories much like when

Okay, I'm Fat Now What Can I Do About It

  The answer is different for all of us. First, I should say that you don't want to wait as long as this guy before you get so help. Maybe you've been working on getting back to the weight you were at in high school or on your wedding day. But do you really need to go that low? Or can you weigh more than your ideal weight and still be healthy? O.K., that's a question everyone wants to know the answer to. Actually, people lose weight for dozens of different reasons. Maybe you gained weight because you ate the way your family did, the way you grew up eating and that can be the beginning of your overweight problem. But as you get older you see the other school kids and the clothes they wear and you naturally want to fit in, and so your battle with weight begins. Others gain weight later in life, because of their occupation or maybe they've become overworked and depressed or maybe they've done well in life, and food and drink are the rewards. My neighbor has a sale