
Bigger Waistline Might Mean A Shorter Lifespan

Having a big belly means big trouble when it comes to your health, researchers warn. They analyzed data from 11 studies that included more than 600,000 people worldwide and found that people with large waist circumferences were at increased risk of dying younger and dying from conditions such as  heart disease , lung problems and  cancer . Men with waists of 43 inches or more had a 50 percent higher risk of death than those with waists less than 35 inches. This equated to a three-year lower life expectancy after age 40, according to the study. Women with waists of 37 inches or more had an 80 percent higher risk of death than those with waists of 27 inches or less, which equated to a five-year lower life expectancy after age 40. The larger the waist, the greater the risk, the researchers said. For every 2 inches of increased waist circumference, the risk of death increased 7 percent in men and 9 percent in women, according to the study, which was published in the March issue of th

Which Foods are Processed?

Good question; There's always been confusion about what foods are processed. We are creatures of habit and will almost always buy our food in the grocery stores. Of course, it doesn't have to be that way. You can buy produce from a "produce stand" and buy your meat fro m a butcher, but we all don't have a way to do that so we go to a supermarket.  Most of us live in the city and only have supermarkets to buy from, and there is fresh food like fresh cut meat and fresh produce at a supermarket and you can still get all your dry goods like paper products. And today we can get bulk foods at the grocery stores. Dried beans and nuts, etc. All those foods are healthy and should be consumed every week, but supermarkets also sell a lot of a lot of   processed or manufactured foods like snack foods, pastries, frozen ready to heat and eat foods that are loaded with chemicals, salts, sugars.  So how can you tell the processed from the natural foods? Easy, the simple rule

Five Small Meals A Day

If you're someone who deals with stress fairly often (who doesn't?), here's something you may not know: your body produces a hormone called cortisol in response to chronic stress which is associated with causing excess belly flab. The more cortisol you have, the more belly fat you typically gain. Now get this: The New England Journal of Medicine published a study showing that individuals who consumed mini-meals spaced three hours apart each day actually decreased their cortisol levels by 17 percent compared to those who ate the same amount of food in only three meals per day. And here’s some even better news… This cortisol-blunting, fat-burning effect occurred in just 14 days. So if you want to take control of your body’s cortisol levels, one thing you can do is to simply start eating a small mini-meal every three hours to reduce cortisol up to 17 percent on your own. That's just one of quite a few benefits to eating five mini-meals a day, spaced three hours apa

The Fasting Diet

The Promise “Fast,” in this case, is not about speed. It’s about  fasting . This is a diet I heard about on WebMD and I think It’s worth reading. Check out their website “”. They sell books but you can get enough free info at a bookstore to do this diet. This diet, which started in the U.K., slashes your calories so drastically 2 days a week that you’re basically fasting. That’s not safe for everyone, so you should check with your doctor if you’re considering trying it. The Fast Diet  says that you shouldn’t fast if you’re  pregnant  or underweight, or if you have a history of  eating disorders  or  diabetes , and that you should check with your doctor first if you take medication. The diet also isn’t recommended for kids, teens, frail seniors, or anyone who isn’t feeling well or has a fever. The basic concept behind  The Fast Diet  by Michael Mosley, MD, and Mimi Spencer is to eat normally for 5 days per week and eat very restricted calories on the

What's in Your Food?

This is an article I found in HealthDay recently, it's definitely worth a read. Your over-weight problem maybe caused from food additives, like salt and sugar. Today they are harder to find on the labels. Manufacturers use chemical substitutes so the words salt and sugar aren't on the labels. Some labeled foods will actually say salt or sugar because they don't want you to think they put chemicals in your food, but added salt or sugar in any form isn't good for your diet.  Fructose -- a kind of sugar found in a wide variety of foods and beverages --may encourage overeating. Fructose may be best known to consumers in the form of "high-fructose corn syrup", which has long been added to manufactured foods from sodas to cookies. Distinct from sugar known as glucose (produced by the natural breakdown of complex carbohydrates), fructose is also a "simple" sugar and a natural component of fruit. However, "in a series of studies we have found t

Keeping The Weight Off

Good for you: You’ve achieved your desired weight. Next up? Keeping it off. Yes, you can! Have a positive attitude. The changes you made can stick. Most people who have lost weight put the weight back on, and that’s why they lose the will to diet again. Even those who diet again and again always seem to put the weight back. You can keep the weight off. People who gain the weight back are those who return to their old way of eating. They seem to thing this time they can beat the odds. This time they can keep the weight off. You can but there’s some simple rules to follow. Use these five tips to help you stay on track: Don’t skip meals. Skipping meals can slow your metabolism down; that means you'll burn less calories.  Skipping meals can also cause overeating later in the day. Weigh yourself daily. A daily weight-in may seem like overkill but research shows the method is more effective than getting on the scales less frequently. If  your keeping a record of your weigh-ins

Reasons Your Not Losing Weight

This post might be a little technical but, and I have written about this several times, you have to be serious about your weight loss and you have to know why your overweight. And most of all remember that you can't exercise away a bad diet. So having said that, read on. The one thing that's so hard about exercise and weight loss is this: It's  hard  to burn enough calories with exercise to make a serious dent in your weight. In fact, the workouts that are most effective for weight loss are the hardest ones:  High intensity interval training, tabata training or metabolic conditioning.  If you're a veteran exerciser, you might enjoy torturous workouts on a regular basis. If you're not?  You may find any amount of exercise hard to accomplish. Unfortunately, that may end up hurting your weight loss efforts. So, how much exercise do you need and how can you fit it in? Use these tips below to make the most out of your exercise time. Cardio For weight loss,