
Straight Talk About Bread

If you've been following the news the past few months, a fast food chain admitted that their breads contained ingredients like plastics and other additives that only added to the appearance. They said they would stop using all artificial ingredients by the end of this year. Now a restaurant chain this week has admitted to the same thing and said they would stop using artificial ingredients next year. So, how wide spread is this practice? We all know that we can buy a loaf of white bread in the grocery store and it will last for months. But when you buy a loaf of bread at a bakery, where they use no additives, the bread goes stale over night. So what are manufactures adding? What are these additives doing to our health. I wrote a post a couple of days ago about bread and in that post I talked about whole grain breads. I only eat rye bread. The only way you can make rye bread is with whole grains. If I buy a good brand I know I'm getting whole grain. Be careful of packaging and

The Misconception Of Losing Weight

Losing weight isn't that hard, if you really want to. You stop eating the things you're eating and start walking faster and more often. You have to change your diet and start eating fresh, healthy food; stop eating big meals and eat more often. Sounds simple, right. Then why is it so hard to lose weight? What most of us don't know is that  you can't cut back on your food  and lose weight.  Most of us thing that losing weight is easy. I'll just cut back on food. I'll just have coffee for breakfast or I'll just grab a snack from the snack machine and skip lunch. You can't lose weight like that. When you cut back on food your body will go into a defensive mode, it thinks you are starving and starts to hoard calories. What I mean, is your body will slow down the amount of calories it normally burns and storages more than normal. The result is that you might gain a little until your body decides it's not starving. The defensive mode is built in to us be

Losing Body Fat Is A Life Changing Experience

Once you make the decision to lose the excess weight and change your life the trick is to never go back. Losing weight is a combination of your diet and an exercise program. Exercise is the part of losing weight that turns off most people. They’re all motivated at the beginning and then the exercise part is the part that causes them to quit. Remember that exercise is only about 30% of the weight loss process. Diet is 70% of the process. Portion control and only eating the proper foods is key. Yes, exercising is a part of the losing weight process but you don’t have to kill yourself exercising. Some people think that’s the only way to lose weight. "You have to sweat it off". That’s just not true. It is true that you need exercise to jump start your metabolism and start burning calories, but you can start slow. Walking is a good way to get your body going. You want to try to do your walking as early as you can. Try and do this exercise for 30 minutes. Your metabolism goes

Losing Weight On A Low-Carb Diet

People are attracted to a low-carb way of eating for a variety of reasons: blood sugar control, to lower blood pressure, and to improve many other health indicators. But there's no doubt about it: most people try cutting carbs in order to lose weight. So, is losing weight different on a low-carb diet? And what can you realistically expect when it comes to weight loss? How Is the Low-Carb Weight Loss Experience Different? Before you read further, I want you to know low-carb is my favorite way to lose body fat but I did combine low-carb with low-fat because adults don't need the fats from dairy products. We can get fats into our diet by eating nuts and seafoods. If you don't have enough fats in your diet your body will burn stored body fat. Your body isn't fussywhere the fats come from but it will use the fats that are the easiest to burn and the easiest to burn are the fats that you just ate. You may be surprised to hear that on a low-carb diet, weight loss main

The Best Way To Eat

I’ve wrote about The Mediterranean Diet several times and I still think it’s the best way to eat. I wrote about saturated fats and that minds are changing and that in moderation saturated fats aren’t harmful. Of course, everyone doesn’t go along with that, but most all research shows that the diet or the way people eat in the Mediterranean region of the world could be the healthiest diet. Inspite of body fat, these people have managed to avoid heart disease and any other types of coronary diseases. When your eating a Mediterranean style diet you won’t be counting calories. You’ll be swapping bad fats for good ones like olive oil instead of butter. Fish and poultry instead of red meat. Fresh fruit instead sweet desserts. You’ll be filling up on veggies and beans. You can snack on nuts instead of candy or chips.  The idea is to eat thinks that are nutritious, thinks that add value to your diet.  Stay away from processed foods. Eat real food and not manufactured food. It’s easy

Can Diet Soda Help Me Lose Weight

When you’re trying to lose weight or keep off extra pounds, can diet soda help? While it has fewer calories than regular soda, some studies show it fuels your sweet tooth. Which means it makes you crave sweet foods or drinks. It's one more way the food industry has to try and keep you wanting more. But it is true that if you start drinking calories you can lose weight. But I'm not sure that drinking diet soda is the way to lose weight. I'm not a fan of artifical sweeteners. I'm in the camp that thinks that diet drinks can do more harm than good.  Also, are artificially sweetened sodas good for your health? Several studies this year continue the debate. My personal feelings is that the chemicals used to make artificial sweeteners can't be good for you. The Food And Drug Administration has the same old reasoning for allowing it, "It's such a small amount, it won't hurt you."  Of course, if you drink six a day, then it's not a small amount an

How I Lost 100 Pounds

I found this testimonial on line and it should be inspirational for everyone. There’s no magic pill or trick to losing weight, you just do it cold turkey. We all have the power to do it, you just have to make up your mind to start. This girl decided to run and change her diet and that’s the fastest way I know to drop body fat, but not all of us can do that. I like the walking method. It takes longer but if your not young anymore walking is easier on your body. Read her story and be inspired yourself. I’ve been heavy my entire life. Even in my kindergarten photos, I was chubby. In late high school, I gained more weight. In college, I reached 260 pounds — I think because I was on my own. I had a driver’s license, a job. I could go out to dinner, eat when I wanted. Nobody was watching over me. Being heavy didn’t make me feel bad, though. I was pretty confident. I didn’t realize I was as big as I was until I started looking at old photos a few months ago. It was pretty shocking. Abou