
Is Exercise Working For You?

So many of us give up on losing weight because we just aren't getting anywhere. We diet but we don't stick to it. We exercise but we don't lose any weight. Maybe you need to get serious about weight loss. You can exercise hours a day and still not lose any weight. You can cut your diet to the bone and still not lose a pound. What's your problem? I understand you just want to lose weight and you don’t care about the “How and Why”. But if you have been wondering why your having so much trouble losing weight, then maybe you need to read this.  What Is Your Pulse? And why is the important? Your pulse is your  heart  rate, or the number of times your heart beats in one minute. Heart rates vary from person to person. Your pulse is lower when you are at rest and increases when you  exercise  (because more oxygen-rich blood is needed by the body during exercise).  Knowing how to take your pulse can help you evaluate your exercise program. That's important if y

Okay, I'm Overweight But How Much Do I Have To Lose?

The answer is different for all of us. Maybe you've been working on getting back to the weight you were at in high school or on your wedding day. But do you really need to go that low? Or can you weigh more than your ideal weight and still be healthy? O.K., that's a question everyone wants to know the answer to. Actually people lose weight for dozens of different reasons. Maybe you gained weight because you ate the way your family did, the way you grew up eating and that can be the beginning of your overweight problem. But as you get older you see the other school kids and the clothes they wear and you naturally want to fit in, and so your battle with weight begins. Others gain weight later in life, because of their occupation or maybe they've become overworked and depressed or maybe they've done well in life and food and drink is the reward. My neighbor has a sales job traveling, he's in and out of airports two and three times a week. Eating restaurant food every

Fasting Diets

Fasting is a much talked about quick way to lose pounds and inches but I don't recommend it. Personally I never knew anyone who kept the weight off. And if you read below those who did lose weight temporarily gain it back and more. And yes I think it's dangerous for some people, it depends on your health. Having said that, I think you can use fasting to detox your system and yes after 2 or 3 days you will weight less but don"t thing you can keep it off. By next week the weight will probably be back. Read what I've found and you decide. Most religions use periods of fasting as a means of demonstrating faith or penitence, and an opportunity for spiritual reflection. Fasting has also historically been a means to express political views and a form of protest. Though it may not be the most practical -- or safest -- diet, some people use fasting as a way to lose weight or to cleanse the body of toxins, although some experts say our bodies are perfectly equipped with organs

The No-Diet Approach To Weight Loss

By adopting sensible eating habits and practicing portion control, you can eat nutritious foods so that you take in as many calories as you need to maintain your health and well-being at your ideal weight. Often, weight loss occurs on its own simply when you start making better food choices, such as  avoiding: processed foods, sugar-laden foods, white bread and pasta (substitute whole-grain varieties instead), foods with a high percentage of calories from fat, alcoholic drinks. While nothing is absolutely forbidden, when you do succumb to temptation, keep the portion size small and add a bit more exercise to your daily workout. By replacing some unwise food choices with healthy ones, you'll be cutting back on calories. If you add some moderate physical activity by simply walking more you have the perfect weight-loss plan without the need for special or inconvenient (and often expensive) diet plans. A 45-year-old woman complains that she has gradually put on 12 pou

I Exercise, Why Can't I Lose Weight?

I understand you just want to lose weight and you don’t care about the “How and Why”. But if you have been wondering why your having so much trouble losing weight, then maybe you need to read this. First of all, remember that exercise is only 20% of a weight loss program. Your diet is 80% of a weight loss program. Your diet is so important that some people will simply change their diet and lose weight without exercise. You see if you work on your feet all day like for instance a factory worker, you may get all the exercise you need. You gained weight  because of have a bad diet.  But getting back to exercise, if it's done properly exercising can be a big help in your weight loss journey. Here are a few tips:  Your pulse is your  heart  rate, or the number of times your heart beats in one minute. Heart rates vary from person to person. Your pulse is lower when you are at rest and increases when you  exercise  (because more oxygen-rich blood is needed by the body during exercise).

How The Body Loses Weight

I found this post on WebMD. It's not possible to lose weight unless you understand how the body works. Losing weight is a balancing act between the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you burn. For example, women depending on height should stay in a range of 1500 to 2000 calories a day. A man depending on height can consume say 1800 to 2500 calories. Those estimates will depend on your age and activity levels (how much you work out). Weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you eat. This is important, you can’t exercise away a lot of calories. A normal workout, say a combination of running and walking for an hour, will only burn about 300 calories and that’s based on someone who is experienced at this type of workout. Someone new at this type of routine, you might only burn 100 calories. If your counting your calorie intake and don’t forget the drinks, You can balance the "consumption to burn" ratio by cutting back on sugary beverages,

How Long Will It Take To Lose Weight?

This is a frequently asked question. "How long will it take to see results". The answer is different for everyone. If you are only 20 pounds or so over your goal weight then a 200-pound man can expect to lose about 2 pounds a week. If you're a woman who weighs about 140 and wants to lose 20 pounds then 2 pounds every week might be too much to expect. And it also depends on your age. For instance, a young woman who has had a baby recently will lose 20 pounds faster than a woman in her late 40's who has carried the extra weight for a few years. If you have been overweight for some time, it will take longer to lose it. So several things being considered, 20 pounds may take 2 months for a new mom to lose, or it might take a man 200 pounds age 65, one year to drop the weight. This is what you need to consider; your weight and your age, what kind of physical shape am I in? The better the condition the more exercise you'll be able to do. How motivated am I? You have t