
Do Diets Work?

The word “diet” has a bad reputation in the weight loss community. But the bottom line is that we are all on a diet of some sort. Your diet is simply your eating plan. Even if you eat whatever you want, that's your diet, your diet. But in order to lose weight, your eating plan – your diet –  must change . Most Americans today, have no plan, unless your doctor put you on a diet plan. We just eat what ever we feel like and that’s why most American’s are overweight. Two-thirds of Americans are overweight and half of those are extremely overweight.  The double meaning for the word "diet" was invented to sell weight loss products. The way to a slim, trim body is to forget the weight loss products and simply concentrate on eating the foods that help you lose weight. These foods aren't in your frozen food section or in the cans or boxes. The foods you want are in the produce section and seafood market and meat market. They're fresh foods that will help burn more fat i

Diet Mistakes

We all make mistakes when we first attempt to lose weight. I think the biggest mistake we make is not realizing we need to lose body fat not weight. We obsess over the numbers on the scale and lose site of what should be the real goal,"to lose belly fat". I could have saved myself a boat load of money if I analyzed my weight problem before I dove in and just start to cut calories. I didn't know what I was doing and I'd skip meals and starve myself,  thinking I would lose weight and all I accomplished was losing muscle tissue and some pounds that came back in a few weeks. When you  rely on crash diets, you are training your body to burn calories more slowly.  Skipping breakfast makes you hungry the rest of the day, so you snack more and eat more for lunch. You also never started to burn any calories until later in the day. It makes a difference because your body will only burn so many calories per hours and by not eating breakfast you could be losing 3 or 4 hou

Can't Lose Weight, Think About A New Meal Plan

We’re finding more and more that our body will do the healing if we eat the proper foods. For instance, on the Today Show Dr. Oz was demonstrating how cancer grows in your body and that we all have these cancer cells but because some people aren’t getting a proper amount of certain foods, the cancer cells will grow and keep growing until we can detect them. Celery, onions and Leeks will stop cancer cells from growing, but you need to eat them 5 times a week. Remember we all have these cells, we need to stop them before they are large enough to be detected. And He also said that medicine has nothing that will do this. Similar remedies can solve most of our bodies problems. Some problems we know how to solve, but we still have to rely on medicine for most of the remedies. Today we’ve gotten away from eating the way our grandparents ate. In countries where people still eat fresh foods everyday, you don’t have the large amount of illness that we see in our urban cities. Maybe medicine

Advice For Seniors

I’ve received email lately from seniors that don’t seem to think they can lose weight anymore. We can all lose weight at any age. We can all exercise at any age. You just need to start moving. Change what your eating and start walking more. Seniors have a couple of problems losing weight. First, as you get older you lose some of the good bacteria in your digestive system which means that more of your food is not being digested. It’s being stored as fat. Cut down portions as you get older. Second and more important, I think, as we age and gain weight over time, we lose the ambition to be active. We have a few more aches and pains and instead of working through them, we tend to pamper them. Some people take a pill for any minor problem, when all you might need is exercise. I'm not talking about a high intensity aerobics class, I'm talking about more walking around and less sitting. Maybe that means to start the day with a walk after breakfast and another walk after lunch and ano

Losing Weight Is Hard But Not Complicated

I re-blogged this post from a post on Wordpress. The author John Savill, writes about himself and how he won his battle with fat. I think this time of year we all could use an inspirational story. I’ve been guilty in the past of telling people that it’s not hard to lose weight but that’s actually incorrect. The reality is that it’s not COMPLICATED to lose weight but it absolutely is hard but lets take a step back. Before I start I’m not a doctor, I’m not a nutritionist, I’m not a personal trainer. In fact I’m completely unqualified   I don’t have a coach or a trainer. I have no one setting me a training plan or what to eat. I’ve always done what I think is logical. What I’m sharing here are my thoughts and what has worked for me. Nothing more, nothing less. Over the past 4 years there have been two occasions where I’ve lost weight. The first was 3 years ago after I completed my second IRONMAN and was starting to train for my third and decided I should shed some body fat so I had

Don't Diet, Work On Your Health

Concentrate on improving your health and the rest will work out. What do I mean? Worrying about the problems in your life will cause you to forget about the big picture, but that’s really a backward way to handle the problem. Worrying about money is the main contributor to obesity. Worrying starts a spiral downward that you can’t stop. Worrying starts by causing depression. You have a big problem that you have no solution for. Maybe it’s about money or maybe something with your marriage, or maybe a problem with a child. Yes, these may seem like insurmountable problems. And these types of huge problems in your life will cause you to make changes in your routine. You’re not thinking about your health, you’re not making time for exercise or relationships, instead you’re worrying. If you’re worried about money or your job, then your worrying about how you can cut your budget and that usually starts with the food budget. Personally, I think families today spend too much on cell phones, ca

Jump-Start Your New Years Day Resolution

This short article from Health Day News Has good ideas about changing your eating habits. Healthier eating, losing weight and getting more exercise are among the most common New Year’s resolutions, and it’s important to make a plan and be patient to achieve these goals, an expert says. If you decide to start eating healthier, it can be difficult to decide where to start. It’s best to focus on specific changes to make your goal more attainable, said Kelly Hogan, a clinical dietitian at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Here are some examples: Replace fried chicken or fish with baked or broiled versions two or three times a week; eat four or five servings of vegetables every weekday; and cook dinner at home three nights a week instead of ordering carry-out food. Instead of cutting out all your nightly desserts, plan to have one small dessert one or two nights per week. This will satisfy your sweet tooth and prevent intense cravings, Hogan said. If you pledge to get more exercise