
Six Meals A Day Diet To Lose Weight

The Upside of More Than 3 Meals a Day While eating many meals may not rev up your metabolism or make you burn fat, experts say it could help you in other ways. The longer you wait between meals, the hungrier you get, and then you’re more likely to overeat. “After about 3 hours without food, blood sugar begins to fall. And after 4 hours, your body has already digested whatever you sent down earlier,” says Cleveland dietitian Amy Jamieson-Petonic, RD. “Once you’ve crossed the 5-hour mark, your blood sugar begins to plummet, and you grab whatever you can to refuel.” That’s why breakfast is so important. After 7-8 hours of sleep without food, you need energy to get moving, Jamieson-Petonic says. People who regularly eat breakfast tend to weigh less than those who skip their morning meal. They also get more nutrients like vitamins D, B12, and A. They may even be more likely to resist food cravings and make better food choices, especially when protein is part of the meal. If you

Reasons To Love The Mediterranean Diet

Your only eating fresh food. The focus is on fresh, seasonal food prepared in simple ways. For instance make a salad with fresh spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, then add black olives, feta cheese and Garbanzo Beans, olive oil and lemon juice or wine vinegar. That’s a salad, of course there are several little things you can add to make it the way you like, peppers come to mind, but you can see my point, everything healthy and fresh. And surprise, when you eat the way Mediterranean people eat, no calorie counting. You can eat from all the food groups. You’ll be swapping out bad fats for heart healthy ones like using olive oil instead of butter; eating poultry and fish instead of red meat. You’ll meat fresh fruits instead of sugary desserts. You’ll eat more veggies and beans. Nuts will become the snack of choice. No candy, except for chocolate, but only real chocolate and pure chocolate not a box of chocolates. You’ll also be eating whole grain bread and drinking wine in moderation. You’

It's Called The Holiday 10

I know the Holidays aren't over yet, but if you start now you may avoid lots of pain later trying to lose the excess fat. The Holiday 10 is that 10 pounds we all gain over the Holidays. We all have spent the last few weeks on an eating binge.  Some of this is due to the weather getting colder and some because of Thanksgiving.  You can’t just give up because you gain some weight and blew your diet. Don’t think your the only one who gained some weight lately.  But you can get your eating back on track. Here’s how.  First, Relax You need some perspective. You need to eat 3,500 calories to gain one pound of body fat. One unplanned treat — a slice of cake, some fries, or even a rich meal — probably won’t make a major difference on the scale. “We call these ‘taking timeouts,’ and we all take them,” says San Antonio nutrition consultant Rebecca Reeves, RD. “No one is perfect in their eating habits. What we have to learn is that we are giving ourselves permission to do this, and

The Eating-Clean Diet Review

The Eating Clean Diet is relatively new and it's in book form if you're like to buy it. Basically, "Clean-Eating" is eating food as close as possible to its original form. You want the food to look like it came straight off the bush or tree. Straight from the butcher that cut that piece of meat right in front of your eyes. Now I know that's not easy to do today, especially if you live in the city. No frozen food, no canned food, no processed foods, or manufactured foods. You eat fresh, foods as close as possible to their natural state. This is very similar to the Caveman Diet or some call it the Stone Age Diet.  This author means eating foods -- like lean protein, good-for-you carbs and fats, fresh fruits, and vegetables -- six times a day in the right amounts. Do that, drink lots of water, and exercise regularly, and Reno says you’ll turn your sluggish metabolism into a fat-burning machine. I'm adding my own opinion, but this worked for me. I dropped about

Losing Weight On A Low-Carb Diet

People are attracted to a low-carb way of eating for a variety of reasons: blood sugar control, to lower blood pressure, and to improve many other health indicators. But there's no doubt about it: most people try cutting carbs in order to lose weight. So, is losing weight different on a low-carb diet? And what can you realistically expect when it comes to weight loss? How Is the Low-Carb Weight Loss Experience Different? Here are examples of a low-carb diet: Low-carb diet doesn't mean starvation, the carbs you see are good carbs but if it's not on the pyramid you shouldn't eat it. Stick to the foods you see on the pyramid and you will lose weight. One other very important thing is "stop drinking calories".  You may be surprised to hear that on a low-carb diet, weight loss mainly happens in the same way as on any other weight loss diet - by creating a calorie deficit(consuming fewer calories than you burn). The difference is that while a low-

The Palio Diet

The diet will work, no calories to count, no starving, but you have to follow the food plan and don't cheat. The Promise Eat like a caveman and shed pounds. That's the theory behind the Paleo Diet. If you haven't heard of this diet you might do some research online. I think it's a lot like a Mediterranian Diet except it's a low-sodium diet with lots of meat. I don't think it's for everybody but I've it does work. I would think you might have to supplement this diet with vitamins. This diet is a good option for those who like to exercise. Loren Cordain, PhD, who literally wrote the book on The Paleo Diet, claims that by eating like our prehistoric ancestors, we’ll be leaner and less likely to get diabetes,heart disease, cancer, and other health problems. Also called the Caveman Diet or the Stone Age diet, it’s basically a high-protein, high-fiber eating plan that promises you can lose weight without cutting calories. What You Can Eat and What You

Forget The Scale

Forget the scale, if you want to lose weight and look better all you need is a tape measure. You lose a couple inches of belly fat and drop a couple pant sizes and your going to feel like a million. I don't often write about something that sounded to me to be an exercise program, but as I read more I realized the article was talking about the foods we ate and how some foods will actually reduce stomach fat. As a matter of fact, a lot of foods in the grocery store will actually add belly fat quickly. Let me explain, a lot of foods we buy are ready to mix then heat and serve. Or frozen food that you just pop in the microwave, put it on a plate and serve. These foods are a combination or ingredients that the manufacturer puts in the packet or box. If you have to add anything it's just milk or water. The manufacturer wants you to like the product but they have to make a profit so they'll substitute ingredients with chemicals that taste like the real thing and it's th