
Losing Weight At Any Age Is Good For Your Heart

In order to keep body tissue alive your heart has to pump blood to all your tissue including body fat. The bigger you are the harder your heart has to work trying to supply blood to all of you. The following article is about a long term study done in the U.K.. I’ve never found a study of so many people for this long a period.  Healthy weight loss at any time in adulthood is good for your heart, a new study indicates. "Our findings suggest that losing weight at any age can result in long-term cardiovascular health benefits, and support public health strategies and lifestyle modifications that help individuals who are overweight or obese to lose weight at all ages," according to lead study author John Deanfield, of University College London. Researchers analyzed data from nearly 1,300 men and women in the United Kingdom who were followed since their birth in March 1946. The participants were classified as being either normal weight, overweight or obese when they were ch

Common Grocery Store Mistakes

Another good blog post from the HungryGirl blog. All Your weight problems start in the grocery store. I shorten the post a little but I still want to give you tips to keep you from buying the wrong things in the store. I'm still one who believes if you buy it you'll eat it. Even if you buy a pie or cookies for someone else, you'll eat part of it and everytime you cheat on your diet or go off your food plan it undoes weeks of hard work and keeps your body from burn body fat. Women have a problem buying groceries because they usually buy for several people. Yes, this is a big problem. You're watching your weight, but you're the only one and you have to buy food for everyone. The answer is not to ration food for everyone, the answer is to buy healthy food and stop buying junk. Processed foods are not good for anyone's health yet you continue to bring home chips, soda, white bread, cookies, and cake. The other people in your family or your guests will get

More Muscle Mass Leads To A Longer, Healthier Life

This is a great article, it confirms the same things I write about. Losing body fat is a big part of being healthy and doing exercise while you diet can speed up the weight loss and I've wrote about this before, exercise has a two fold purpose. Your speeding up your metabolism when you exercise and your increasing your muscle mass. Now increasing muscle mass does two things. First your body burns calories even if you do nothing. Muscle mass will burn more calories than fat. So by increasing your muscle weight and reducing the weight of your fat you actually will burn more calories just doing your normal routine. And as this article explains the more muscle and the less fat you have, the longer you'll live. HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, March 18, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- The more muscle older adults have, the lower their risk of death, according to a new study. Researchers analyzed data from more than 3,600 older adults who took part in the U.S. National Health and Nutrition

I Want To Lose Weight But How Long Will It Take?

This is a frequently asked question. The answer is different for everyone. If you are only 20 pounds or so over your goal weight then a 200 pound man can expect to loss about 2 pounds a week. If you're a woman who weighs about 140 and wants to lose 20 pounds then 2 pounds every week might be too much to expect. And it also depends on your age. For instance, a young woman who has had a baby recently will loss her 20 pounds faster than a woman in her late 40's who has carried the extra weight for a few years. If you have been over weight for sometime, it will take longer to lose it. So several things being considered, 20 pounds may take 2 months for a new mom to lose, or it might take a man 200 pounds age 65, one years to drop the weight. This is what you need to consider; your weight and your age, what kind of physical shape am I in? The better the condition the more exercise you'll be able to do. How motivated am I? You have to stay with it. And don't forget the diet

The Truth About Bread

We all know that whole grain is the best type of bread to eat. Some people think that brown bread is whole grain, but the color brown doesn’t come from the grain, it comes from molasses and other additives. The three types of whole grain bread I like are "whole wheat, whole oats and whole rye. I like rye the best because I like the taste, but rye has the real rye seeds in the bread. Don’t be misled by bread that say multi-grain, seven grain, stone-ground or 100% wheat, these are not whole grain, I don’t think they have the same nutritional value. When buying a good loaf of bread keep it on the counter. Good bakery bread will keep 1 to 3 days depending on the amount of preservatives. If you want to keep bread for a long time do not refrigerate it’s better to freeze it. It will stay fresh for 2 to 3 months. Eating bread morning, noon, and night is a load of carbs, but that’s not the only reason to watch how much bread you eat, breads of all kinds contain salt and because we alre

Do You Keep A Food Log?

If you really want to lose weight you have to keep a food log. This is probably the number one reason people don’t succeed in losing weight. And even after you lose, you want to continue to keep the log just to maintain your weight. It’s not that writing down all your calories makes you lose weight, but it’s the way to find the mistakes and correct them before they turn into a big problem. If your really serious about losing your body fat you don't want to start over. The idea is to just do this one time and don't look back. Don't ever return to your old self.  Because we can put APPS for anything we want on our smartphones, keeping a food log is easier than ever. I use MyFitnessPal or you could try UnderArmour. In fact there are dozens of APPS to help with weight loss and most are free. If you don’t have a smartphone you can download food logs on several different websites. But if you still are not into technology but are trying to lose weight, you can keep a log

How Long Do I Have To Walk To Lose Weight?

Walking continuously for 30 minutes or more is best for fat-burning. It takes that long for the body to burn enough calories that it needs to release fat from your fat cells and use it for fuel. Walk most days of the week for at least 30 minutes to burn an extra 1000 to 3000 calories per week and to improve your metabolism each day. How Far Would I Walk in 30 Minutes? If you walk at a brisk walking pace for 30 minutes, the distance you will cover would be 1.5 to 2 miles. In kilometers, that is 2.5 to 3.3 kilometers. Weight Loss Walking Workout A walking workout of 30 to 60 minutes at 50-70% of your maximum heart rate is recommended for walking for weight loss. Use the Target Heart Rate Calculator to find the right heart rate, which varies by age. Vary your speed to stay in your target heart rate. Start with walking at an easy pace for five to 10 minutes. Stop and do some stretches and flexibility exercises. Walk at a brisk pace at your target heart rate for 30-60 minutes