
High Fructose Corn Syrup

Did you know that there are 3 letters on food labels that you MUST avoid, especially if they're at the beginning of the list of ingredients? Those letters are OSE. Let me explain. You see, spotting sugar on food labels isn't quite as easy as it once was. Yep, now that food manufacturers are aware that consumers of the current day are much more discerning than those of yesteryear, they're doing everything they can to disguise sugar on their lists of ingredients. These days, it's not likely that you'll see "sugar" at the forefront of an ingredients list, but instead you'll see these code names: fructose maltose glucose sucrose And the worst of the worst, high fructose corn syrup. If you see any of the above -ose words in the first 3 or 4 ingredients on a food label, rest assured that product is LOADED with sweetners and you should be avoiding it. Beyond that, I'll go as far to say that if a product contains high fructose corn syrup (

The Mediterranean Diet, Is This The One For You?

I’ve wrote about The Mediterranean Diet several times and I still think it’s the best way to eat. Yesterday I wrote about saturated fats and that minds are changing and that in moderation saturated fats aren’t harmful. Of course, everyone doesn’t go along with that, but most all research shows that the diet or the way people eat in the Mediterranean region of the world could be the healthiest diet. Inspite of body fat, these people have managed to avoid heart disease and any other types of coronary diseases. When your eating a Mediterranean style diet you won’t be counting calories. You’ll be swapping bad fats for good ones like olive oil instead of butter. Fish and poultry instead of red meat. Fresh fruit instead sweet desserts. You’ll be filling up on veggies and beans. You can snack on nuts instead of candy or chips.  The idea is to eat thinks that are nutritious, thinks that add value to your diet.  Stay away from processed foods. Eat real food and not manufactured food. It

Really Want To Lose Weight, Make Your Own Healthy Meal

We already know that we as a nation dine out too much and too often, and the consumption of fast food in particular has been linked to the obesity epidemic. Now researchers are discovering even more benefits of eating at home. Benefits of Eating at Home A study presented at the 2015 American Heart Association meeting in Orlando found that both women and men who prepared meals at home were less likely to gain weight. They were also less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. Specifically, the researchers, including lead author Geng Zong, PhD, research fellow at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, found that people who ate an average of 11 to 14 lunches and dinners prepared at home each week had a 13% lower risk of developing obesity and Type 2 diabetes as compared with those who ate zero to six home-prepared lunches and dinners. These results were reported at the meeting to be based on data accumulated from nearly 100,000 health professionals over 26 years.

How Long Will It Take?

This is a frequently asked question. The answer is different for everyone. If you are only 20 pounds or so over your goal weight then a 200 pound man can expect to loss about 2 pounds a week. If you're a woman who weighs about 140 and wants to lose 20 pounds then 2 pounds every week might be too much to expect. And it also depends on your age. For instance, a young woman who has had a baby recently will loss her 20 pounds faster than a woman in her late 40's who has carried the extra weight for a few years. If you have been over weight for sometime, it will take longer to lose it. So several things being considered, 20 pounds may take 2 months for a new mom to lose, or it might take a man 200 pounds age 65, one years to drop the weight. This is what you need to consider; your weight and your age, what kind of physical shape am I in? The better the condition the more exercise you'll be able to do. How motivated am I? You have to stay with it. And don't forget the diet

Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Sometimes we do, some really dumb things, that keep our diet from working. Read this post for some tips on how to keep your diet on track. Don't drink your calories.  Beverages are bottomless these days. You can't order a soft drink or iced tea at a restaurant without being provided quick, free refills, or having the freedom to get them yourself. To keep from drinking a day's worth of calories, choose herbal tea, unsweetened iced tea, flavored water, or ice water with a spritz of lemon or lime. If none of those choices suits you, allow yourself one glass of the "real thing" and drink only water thereafter. Calories from sodas and other sweetened beverages add up to mega inches on your waistline and many pounds on the scale. Eat a healthy breakfast.  Taking the time to eat may help prevent costly calorie mistakes as the day progresses. If you skip your morning meal, you might fall victim to an out-of-control afternoon appetite, oversized portions, poor

Pros And Cons Of Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers is one of the most successful and popular weight-loss programs on the market. But that doesn't mean it's for everybody. It's important that you consider all of the pros and cons of Weight Watchers and other popular weight-loss programs before you invest. Here are some important factors to consider before you decide if the diet plan is right for you. Weight Watchers Pros Does Weight Watchers really work? Many say that it does. Here are some reasons that the diet plan might be the best program to help you lose weight. First of all, Weight Watchers is like AA, yes, Alcoholics Anonymous and it does work because eating is a form of addiction. So I think it's important that before you signup you realize that you have a problem and you want to conquer the "food addiction". The Plan works something like this. No foods are forbidden.  There is no list of foods to avoid on Weight Watchers like you'll find on other diets. Instead, you count

Live And Eat Healthy to Lose Fat And Weight

Do famous-name diets really work? There are plenty of famous-name diets for weight loss, but none stands out from the pack when it comes to lasting results, a new review suggests. Looking at a dozen clinical trials, researchers found that three big-name diets -- Atkins, Weight Watchers and the Zone -- were all "modestly" effective over the course of a year. In studies that compared the plans head-to-head, people lost anywhere from 4 to 10 pounds, on average. Meanwhile, a fourth commercial diet -- South Beach -- was no better than traditional advice to eat a low-fat diet, the study authors said. And in the few trials that lasted two years -- all looking at Atkins or Weight Watchers -- people often regained some of the pounds they lost. "From our results, no weight-loss diet came across as a clear winner," said study leader Renee Atallah, a research assistant at Jewish General Hospital/McGill University in Montreal. Atallah and her colleagues report the fi