
Losing Weight Will Take Some Willpower

Grit. Determination. Willpower. Fortitude. Do you have what it takes to persist in the face of challenges? To pick yourself up and carry on even when it seems like you have hit a brick wall? Mental toughness is a term used in psychology to refer to the resilience and strength that people possess to soldier through struggles and succeed. Often experts find that people with a weight problem will also have other problems in their life. It is this mental toughness that gives some of the world's athletic superstars the ability to push past exhaustion, opposition, and injury to score and to win. It is the same quality that gives even weekend warriors the strength to finish that last mile and power through that final set of reps. I'm not talking about your workout, I'm talking about taking more control of your life and make the decision to eat the right foods and get healthy. It does take will power to change your lifestyle. Stop being the person you are now and decide to live

Improve Your Diet And Watch The pounds Fall Off

I know changing old, bad dietary habits is tough, and it takes a long time for new eating habits to become permanent. But don't make it too complicated. No matter how bad your diet is right now - here are five easy things you can do right now to improve the way you eat. Your diet is the only reason for your extra body fat. By eating all natural foods your body will burn that extra fat. 1 Add an Extra Vegetable to Your Next Meal Ryan/Beyer / Getty Images I don't care if your next meal is breakfast, lunch or dinner, you can improve your diet instantly by eating an extra vegetable. Pick one that's green or brightly colored for maximum nutritional benefit. Steam some broccoli to go with your sandwich at lunch, and make two vegetable sides for dinner instead of one. Or eat a bigger salad. This even works fro breakfast -- add spinach to your scrambled eggs or make a green smoothie. 2 Eat Fresh Fruit Julia Khusainova / Getty Images Next time you

The Fat-Free Food List For Weight Loss

Have you ever wondered what you can eat on a fat-free diet? I like fat-free meals for losing weight. But you need to remember that sugar doesn't have any fat. Some fat-free foods are loaded with sugar and sodium to give them flavor.  If you're truly going to lose your fat, you should eat fresh foods. And be careful what you drink. Drinks can be half of a persons daily calorie intake. If you already have a weight problem, it can be much harder to lose your fat because you might have health problems that you're unaware of like high blood pressure due to too much sodium or water retention or a slow metabolism.  Read the blog post below from and it might give you a few ideas to help your diet. I lost my body fat with a fat-free diet. I had a lot of weight to lose, but no matter how much I lost, I was still fat. It wasn't until I read about how the body burns fat that I realized that if I different eat animal fat my body would burn my body fat to create energ

Common Foods Tied To Blood Clots

A nutrient in meat and eggs may conspire with gut bacteria to make the blood more prone to clotting, a small study suggests. The nutrient is called choline. Researchers found that when they gave 18 healthy volunteers choline supplements, it boosted their production of a chemical called TMAO. That, in turn, increased their blood cells' tendency to clot. But the researchers also found that aspirin might reduce that risk. TMAO is short for trimethylamine N-oxide. It's produced when gut bacteria digest choline and certain other substances. Past studies have linked higher TMAO levels in the blood to heightened risks of blood clots,  heart  attack, and stroke, said Dr. Stanley Hazen, the senior researcher on the new study. These findings, he said, give the first direct evidence that choline revs up TMAO production in the human gut, which then makes platelets (a type of blood cell) more prone to sticking together. Choline is found in a range of foods, but it's most co

What Is "Moderate Exercise?"

You've probably heard the U.S. National Institutes of Health's recommendation for most adults to get 30 minutes of "moderate exercise" on most days to stay fit. But what exactly is moderate? And how do you know if you're working hard or hardly working? All good questions, and because "moderate exercise" is what is always suggested for losing weight, I'm reblogging something from One of the easiest ways to measure the intensity of your workout is with the "talk test." If you're working in the moderate range, you can talk without too much difficulty. But if you can sing, pick up the exercise pace, according to the American College of Cardiology. And if you're doing vigorous activity, you'll be able to say just a few words before pausing for a breath. Another way to figure out how hard you're working is to monitor your heart rate. To do this, first figure out your maximum heart rate. Subtract your

The Eating-Clean Diet Review

The Eating Clean Diet is relatively new and it's in book form if you're like to buy it. Basically, Clean-Eating is eating as close as possible to the food's original form. You want the food to look like it came straight off the bush or tree. Buy from the butcher that cuts that piece of meat right in front of your eyes. Now I know that's not easy to do today, especially if you live in the city. No frozen food, no canned food, no processed foods, or manufactured foods. You eat fresh foods as close as possible to it's natural state. This author means eating foods -- like lean protein, good-for-you carbs and fats, fresh fruits, and vegetables -- six times a day in the right amounts. Do that, drink lots of water, don't drink calories, and exercise regularly, and you’ll turn your sluggish metabolism into a fat-burning machine. I'm adding my own opinion, but this worked for me. I dropped about 15 pounds in just about 6 weeks and I wasn't overweight, I just h

Do Diets Really Work?

Image has some good articles about fitness and diet. I often read their posts and even reblog some of the material. This one is worth the read. From Men and women have struggled for years, searching endlessly for that magic diet pill to reverse all the bad diet and lifestyle decisions they’ve made in the past. Diet pills come in all shapes, sizes, and colors with different fantasies attached to each one. They range from celebrity-endorsed campaigns to more science-based programs that guarantee success. However, the major question still persists as to whether or not all this diet talk is simply a lie. Don't Fall for Diet Myths and Illusions People are sick and tired of being sick and tired. To make matters worse, a majority of the confusion about diet myths stems from the fitness and nutrition experts, who cannot seem to agree on anything diet related. And I suppose I'm one of those. I tried for decades to lose weight and I did but I still had t