
Eating Real Food Is the "Key"

Food is Health; Exercise is Fitness The way I see it is this; Food is Health, Exercise is Fitness. You need both. It's simple really. Eat good food everyday, move your body every day and health can be yours. Remember that little (yet extremely powerful) saying from Hippocrates, "Food is Thy Medicine?" Well, I've seen it first hand in my life. When I began to change my diet many years ago and eat healthy, it changed how I felt physically, my energy levels went through the roof and I was sleeping better and had more balanced moods. It is possible to prevent future health problems through eating a whole food diet, and very possibly reverse some of your current health issues.  The current health problems should be discussed now and we should learn from our current situation. A persons condition is a result of their lifestyle. "you are what you eat" is a quote that is decades old. The health of your body will depend on the food you eat and how much

When Did We Start to Use Food to Reward Ourselves

Before that time, and I think it all began for Americans after the Great Depression, we never had the large percentage of overweight people that we have today. After the Depression and during the second World War, everyone had a job and people were making good money. The government started the boom by increasing the military and handing out government contracts to make thing the military needed. Americans were making everything from battle ship and airplanes to uniforms and helmets. We were at full employment for the first time in decades. People started to move off the farms to the cities for the jobs.  This was the beginning of a real economic boom. Workers had the money to buy all those things they never had. Single family homes started to sell like crazy. The first tract housing development start in California and people wanted cars. It wasn’t until the 1960’s that restaurants started to boom and that trend just kept going right up to today. That seemed to be the beginning o

The Flat Belly Diet

Eat fat and lose weight, that's the promise of the Flat Belly Diet. It sounds too good to be true, right? Now for the fine print: The kind of fat matters. The plan focuses on monounsaturated fats, which you get from olive oil, nuts, and other plant foods. Authors Liz Vaccariello and Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, claim that in 32 days, you can lose up to 15 pounds and drop belly fat by following their plan: Eat 400 calories per meal, four times per day (daily total: 1,600). Don’t go longer than 4 hours without eating. Eat monounsaturated fats at every meal. Does It Work? Any weight loss plan can help you whittle your waist. But no diet is proven to specifically target that area, and monounsaturated fats don't have any special effect on belly fat. It's likely that if you do lose 15 pounds in 32 days, you're mostly losing water weight, which you may regain. Losing 1-2 pounds per week will take you longer to reach your goal, but you're losing actual fat. Yes, I

Can't Lose Weight; Check Your Blood Sugar Level

Will High Blood Sugar Keep You From Losing Weight? Are you eating healthier and getting more active, but  still not  losing any weight? I’ve got great news, and it comes from an unlikely source. Diabetes researchers just uncovered a weight-loss roadblock: High blood sugar is hijacking your weight loss. It doesn’t matter how much you exercise, or how healthy you eat… “If your blood sugar is high, it’s almost  impossible  to lose weight.” Think it might be high blood sugar that’s keeping you fat? Here’s a few ways to tell: You get tired easily You’re frequently thirsty A rapid heartbeat Dry skin You have a hard time concentrating Shortness of breath. If you ever experience one or more of these symptoms, it could be high blood sugar that won’t let you lose weight. If your overweight you can't just ignore it. Don't pretend it's "no biggy", I'll lose that weight after my trip or I'll lost it during the summer, I always lose

All About Breakfast

How often have you heard that eating breakfast boosts your metabolism? It might seem logical that eating a meal first thing in the morning gets your metabolism revved up, but the fact is that there's no evidence to prove it actually does. In fact, scientists are clear about the benefits of breakfast and a boost in metabolism isn't one of them. Breakfast and Metabolism: Researchers agree that the science is inconclusive: there's no research showing a direct link between breakfast and a better metabolism. In a recent conference, members of the American Society for Nutrition met to discuss how eating frequency affects our weight. They evaluated a wide range of studies that investigated meal frequency, weight and metabolism. Their conclusion? Since eating habits are very hard to study, research hasn't been able to establish a clear link to an increased metabolism. In fact, they found no data to suggest that eating frequency, in general, has an effect on the calories we b

Losing Weight to Look Better

This post will answer a question women ask all the time. This post first appeared on WebMD and it has all the answers that my readers ask.  So, when do people start noticing the difference in your face? "How much do I have to lose?" "Women and men of average height need to gain or lose about three and a half and four kilograms, or about eight and nine pounds, respectively, for anyone to see it in their face. But they need to lose about twice as much for anyone to find them more attractive," Nicholas Rule, an associate professor and Canada Research Chair in Social Perception and Cognition at the University of Toronto, said in a university news release. " The face "is a robust indicator of one's health," said Rule. "Increased facial adiposity [fat content] is associated with a compromised immune system, poor cardiovascular function, frequent respiratory infections and mortality. So, even a small decrease can improve one's h

Will High Blood Sugar Keep You From Losing Weight?

Oh, ya If you've been trying and can't lose no matter what. It might be your blood sugar. If you haven't been going to a doctor lately, you might want to have your blood sugar checked. Your overall health is just as important to losing weight as dieting or exercise. It doesn't mean that you can't lose weight even with health problems, but you might have to change what your doing. High blood sugar is dangerous and you want to get that under control before you spend any more time or money on weight loss. No matter what your health condition don't be afraid to walk. Walking is beneficial to anyone at any age. But if you've been trying to lose weight and you can't or you stopped losing, you might think about talking to a doctor about your health and explain your problem. There might be a medical reason and a doctor can help you with that. Read the post below that I found on WebMD. Are you eating healthier and getting more active, but  still not  losin