
Which Fitness Tracker is Right For Me?

Fitness trackers are all the rage. They're the next big thing and everyone wants one. So which one do you buy? Combine a highly evolved pedometer with a mini computer and a virtual coach and what do you have? A fitness tracker. These high-tech gadgets contain sensors that pick up data about your body (heart rate), activity (steps taken and calories burned), sleep, and more. This kind of insight allows you to make smart choices -- everything from ramping up the intensity of your workouts to gaining the motivation to drop extra pounds. With dozens on the market, how should you choose? Mix and match the functions based on your goals. Each device has its own combo of special features. Be on the lookout for features like these: Step counter. Most devices show you the number of steps you take and how many miles that equals. If walking or running is your main exercise, this is the feature you'll use most. Shop for devices that ask for the length of your footstep or “cadence.” T

Do I Have To Exercise To Lose Weight?

This is a question, people ask me almost everyday. The answer is "no". You can lose weight without exercise, but do you want to lose weight or lose body fat, there's a difference. You can lose weight by changing things you're doing. Changing bad habits you inherited during childhood or just bad eating habits you picked up in the school cafeteria or maybe habits you picked up from the friends your eating with. Anyway you can get serious about your weight and try to re-teach yourself the right way to eat. Eating more vegetables is the first thing. Make three vegetables at dinner not just one. If you have choices you'll eat more. Eating more vegetables will increase the vitamins and minerals in your diet and give you more energy. You'll also get more fiber. Eat a broth based soup like vegetable soup,  minestrone or Chinese wonton before your entre. It has two purposes; first it slows down our meal and it's filling. Eating fast is the easiest way to o

Why Can't I Keep Extra Pounds Off?

If your scale is stuck, if the weight you lose just bounces back, there’s a chance you’re making diet mistakes that won’t help you keep the pounds off. You can’t rely on fad diets like the grapefruit diet or the cabbage soup diet. Yes, when you cut your calories to less than 1000 a day the pounds will start to melt away, but your starving yourself and the day you go back on a normal diet, the pounds will come back. Why you ask, your training your metabolism to slow down, so when the diet is over you have a body that burns calories very slow and so when you start eating more the body can’t burn those extra calories and you put the weight back on but this time in the form of fat. When you lose the weight, your losing part muscle, part fat, about half and half, but when you gain it back it come back as fat.  Say, for instance you lost 20 pounds and 10 pounds of that was muscle, then you gain the weight back and it come back as fat. You weight the same now as you did before the diet,

Why Are We Over-Weight?

I believe you have to understand why you have a weight problem if your going to lose weight. In the U.S. we’ve been very fortunate. Since the 1950′s the economy has made big gains, we live much better. So much so that the under 50 year olds don’t remember when the average blue-collar worker made very little money, less than 100 dollars a week. They lived in cities close to the factories or buildings they worked in and lived in old apartment buildings in neighborhoods that were not very nice. Many families didn't have a car. Parts of the country have seen more trouble than others, but overall the American people have done pretty well over the last 50+ years. And it’s this prosperity that has causes us to become overindulgent. We overindulge in everything, and food is at the top of the list.   So when I say that overall the American people have done pretty well, I guess what I mean is that there’s not a lot of people skipping meals any more. Forty or fifty years ago we ate better

Change Your Life and Lose Weight

Most people don’t change their habits until they have to. And that includes eating habits. Changing your eating habits will change your life. It’s not that hard. Most important is to change your portions. If everyone kept a journal of everything they eat all day long and keep the journal for one month, I think you’d be shocked how much you consume every day. You don’t have to fill up when you eat. The idea that you only eat twice or three times a day is obsolete. When you only eat twice a day, your body gets use to it. Your body expects you to fill up so you can get to the next meal, the problem is that you don’t burn up all that food and then your body stores the excess. After a few weeks of storing the excess you’ve put on some weight. Start early with breakfast shortly after you wake up. You have to start your metabolism every morning with food. The earlier you eat in the morning the more calories you’ll burn that day. Nothing big, but something like yogurt or a bowl of cereal,

Is Your Stomach Causing You to Gain Weight?

I wrote about stomach problems being a cause of overweight a few weeks ago, but I only touched on the subject. Now I want to dig into it a little more. I wrote about how I had to do research about my weight problem, I had to learn why I was overweight before I could lose the weight and keep it off. Losing weight is in part psychological  and part physical. In other words, part of your problem maybe stomach problems, which I’ll explain later, and the other part might be  a subconscious feeling that  you can’t lose weight and by trying your only setting yourself up to fail. Some people who lost self-esteem have been rewarding themselves with food, generally comfort food which usually is high in calorie and low in nutrition. Overeating is the main cause for overweight. And overeating can be caused by many different things. It could be as simple as bad eating habits. (you eat the same way your parents ate and never saw anything wrong with it. )  Well, Corn, mashed potatoes, and frie

America's Waist Size is Still Going Up

Americans' belt size continues to inch up, and women's waistlines are widening faster than men's, according to new government research. The average waist size ballooned more than an inch -- from 37.6 inches to 38.8 inches -- between 1999 and 2012, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researchers found. Based on their waist circumference, 54 percent of Americans were abdominally obese in 2012, up from 46 percent 13 years earlier. "Waists are still expanding in the U.S., and particularly so among women," said study researcher Dr. Earl Ford, a medical officer at the CDC. While men's waists increased less than an inch -- about 0.8 of an inch on average -- women's midriffs grew about twice that, or 1.5 inches, Ford said. Waistlines larger than 35 inches for women and more than 40 inches for men are considered abdominal obesity, a risk factor for heart disease and diabetes. Waist circumference is a simple tool that reflects the amount of