What Is Fatty Liver Disease
I don’t often write about diseases but when you have a fatty liver the Liver will not function properly and you will continue to add fat. It’s important that if you want to lose body fat, you have to understand how your Liver works. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, or NAFLD, is on the rise in the United States thanks to a huge increase in obesity rates over the last three decades. In industrialized countries, 20 to 40 percent of the general population has some form of fatty liver disease, and the chances of its progressing increase with age. Officially recognized as a disease in the early 1980s, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease perplexed the medical community. Obese and diabetic patients had elevated liver enzymes and enlarged livers virtually identical to those typically seen in alcoholics, but most of them insisted they were not drinking excessively. Liver Function Basics The liver is your largest internal organ. It performs hundreds of functions including: processing everything y...