
Salt And Your Waistline

The Connection Between Salt and Weight By  Matt McMillen  We know those food manufacturers put salt in everything and we thought it was just to add flavor, but is there a hidden reason behind the sodium push. If you read the labels companies even put sodium or salt in candy. What going on? They claim it's a preservative and they need it to give the food longer shelf life. But why is that so important. I read on some labels that the food is good until 2025. Is that really necessary to manufacture food that good for several years? Conventional wisdom has long held that salty foods boost our thirst and lead us to drink more  water . But can salt also lead us to eat more, as well? Researchers have begun to explore salt’s previously unknown role in  hunger  and  weight gain . Several recent studies shed light on why salt may encourage us to overeat. “Until now, we have always focused on the effect of salt on  blood pressure ,” We have to expa...

Low-Carb vs Low-Fat Diets

Trying to lose weight? If you’re a more-meat-than-potatoes kind of person, two new studies should encourage you. That’s because both concluded that a low-carbohydrate diet appears to be at least as effective as a low-fat diet, challenging the long-held notion that eating fat is what makes you fat. One  study, in the  Annals of Internal Medicine , randomly assigned 148 men and women to follow either a low-carb or low-fat diet. After a year, the people on the low-carb diet had, on average, lost nearly 8 pounds more than those on the low-fat diet. The low-carb dieters also saw more improvement in their blood cholesterol levels than the low-fat dieters. The other study,  in the  Journal of the American Medical Association , pooled the results of 48 randomized trials, involving nearly 7,300 people, of brand-name diet programs, such as  Atkins ,  Jenny Craig ,  Weight Watchers , and the Ornish diet. It found that all of the diets, whether low-carb, lo...

Food is Health; Exercise is Fitness

The way I see it is this; Food is Health, Exercise is Fitness. You need both. It's simple really. Eat good food everyday, move your body every day and health can be yours. Remember that little (yet extremely powerful) saying from Hippocrates, "Food is Thy Medicine?" Well, I've seen it first hand in my life. When I began to change my diet many years ago and eat healthy, it changed how I felt physically, my energy levels went through the roof and I was sleeping better and had more balanced moods. It is possible to prevent future health problems through eating a whole food diet, and very possibly reverse some of your current health issues.  The current health problems should be discussed now and we should learn from our current situation. A persons condition is a result of their lifestyle. "you are what you eat" is a quote that is decades old. The health of your body will depend on the food you eat and how much activity you have every day. Our bodi...

What's The Problem With Being Overweight?

Good question, several people ask this same one. So here is the facts the way I understand it. When you remember yourself as being healthy and fit you might have been in school and playing sports or training for your next sport. You were somewhere between 18 and 22 years old and probably thinner than you are now. I'm using this as an example because most people fall into this senerio.  When you are at a proper weight for your height and, you can find this out on several websites like WebMD, you might have a BMI or Body Mass Index of about 20 or a couple points higher. This is considered very good, you can ask your doctor, So what is "Body Mass"? It's the soft tissue in your body, muscle, fat, and any other soft tissue and 20 means that about 20% of this soft tissue is body fat. That's a good number, but in general as we get more involved in making money, getting married, raising a family, we start to slow down our activity level and that's a normal par...

It's Easter Sunday

We were hoping the isolation would be over by this time but in reality it might be a few more weeks. In Texas, our Governor wants to sign a bill this week to send people back to work. I don't know about that, we still don't have any test kits available for the public. On the news a few days ago doctors said that they tested 1500 people at random and that 80% of all those who test positive didn't show any symptoms. That's why the virus is spreading so fast. Eight out of ten people who have the virus don't even know they have it. I think we might be wearing our masks for several more weeks maybe months. Let's put all of that aside and remember it's Easter Sunday, a religious holiday. It's a time to come together with friends and relatives even if it's on the internet or phone. Dinner today will be a little different, a little lonely, and that's why we should spend time outside and meet up with friends and relatives even if it's at a distanc...

Why Aren't You Exercising?

If you follow the news about health and fitness these days and the constant focus on obesity, you may get the feeling that you're doing everything wrong. You sit all day at the computer -- wrong! You drive everywhere instead of walking -- wrong! You watch too much TV, don't take the stairs enough, don't exercise enough -- the list goes on and on. Sitting around, it seems, has become as dangerous as driving without a seat belt and, yet, that's how most of us spend our time. It's pretty obvious now during this virus epidemic that if you're not living a healthy lifestyle your in danger of having serious healthy problems of even the threat of death. The other day on TV I heard that 75% of those people tested positive for Coronavirus had no symptoms. Those are the ones who carry and spread the virus. That's why the government wanted these test kits available to everyone anytime they want one. Now is the time while we have more free time to do something about cha...

Lose That Belly Fat

This might be the best time because we are all staying home if we're not essential employees. Losing body fat requires a change in your diet and a little more exercise. And most of us have the extra time to devote right now. Five reasons why guys should lose weight, from a better sex life to banishing low testosterone and back pain, just to mention a few. Vanity might be enough to motivate men to lose a beer belly, but good health is the best reason to lose extra weight. According to David Katz, MD, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University School of Medicine, shedding that extra layer of belly fat can have a profound impact on how you look, feel, and perform in all areas of your life. Here are just a few ways that belly fat can mess with your health, as well as reasons why taking it off can help make your RealAge up to 3 years younger. Losing Belly Fat Can Enhance Your Sex Life That's right: Losing weight will improve your sex life. Researchers fou...